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Monday, August 31, 2020

USDA extends free school lunch program for rest of year

WASHINGTON (NEXSTAR) — The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Monday it will extend free school meals to all children through the end of 2020.
“It’s for everyone, all kids regardless of economic abilities,” U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue explained. “All the kids everywhere — those who are attending school in person, those who are attending virtually.”
“This is a big deal,” said Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry.
She has been calling on perdue for months to extend the program.
“When they initially said they were not going to continue that flexibility … I was very concerned,” Stabenow said.
Flexibility standards created by Congress to help families during the coronavirus pandemic were set to expire in September.
“It’s good news that they listened and that we’ll have this flexibility for children to have access to healthy meals at least till the end of the year,” Stabenow said.


  1. A bright light of good....for those who are honest.

    Colleges could learn a thing or two with on campus students getting meals.

    Talk about the positive pub that could generate. Too bad greed always beats out anything positive.

    1. How is this good? Keep the poor poor. Many jobs out here but when the system pays you to sit home what's the point of working. Nothing is free and it shouldn't be.

  2. Feeding other peoples children needs to come to an end. Now!

    If the lowlife scumbag parent(s) can't feed the children they create then they should be taken away from them.

    1. 5:21
      Are you going to take them away so you can feed them?

      If so why not leave them where they are, but feed them.

      I don’t get it?

  3. No such thing as a free lunch
    That's what my father aways told me

  4. You mean White kids will get to eat too?

  5. Cut the parent or parents SNAP by the amount to feed their brats!

  6. How about kids that are homeschooled?

  7. I have never understood why parents who don't work get state and federal checks, free healthcare and housing cant feed their own children! We are paying these morons to breed and overtake us !

  8. Feed them as children then continue to feed them as inmates

  9. As a young child free lunch seemed to be a new program at the Baltimore County school I attended. Why aren't you paying was a question I was ask often by classmates. I know that I could never let my child be in that situation and I didn't. These programs are a blessing to the child but not supposed to be used because you are to lazy to make lunch after you got food stamps. Are we bringing up our children wrong that such a large group needs a school lunch program?


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