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Monday, August 31, 2020

Election 2020: All you need to know about cannabis legalization on the ballot

A total of 35 states now allow medical marijuana. Of those, 11 states plus Washington, D.C. have also legalized cannabis for adults 21 and older. Here’s our map of which states are legal, featured in Leafy’s 2020 Jobs Count.

Quick facts:

When is the election?

The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020.
How do I vote?
Use Headcount’s Cannabis Voter Project to help you register to vote.
Voter registration deadlines vary by state, and voting method. Do not delay.

What am I voting on?

The next president of the United States. Also drug legalization measures in 7 states; 33 US Senate seats; all 435 seats in the House of Representatives; 11 state governors; thousands of state senators and representatives; and many local city and county council races.
Which 8 states are voting on marijuana legalization on Nov. 3?


  1. Besides making "brownies"...this election is very very important...to include voting out the sludge in OC City Hall

  2. Any presidential candidate could win november with this issue. If one said they would legalize it they would win 2020 no doubt


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