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Thursday, August 27, 2020

'This is indoctrination': Leaked documents reveal disturbing lessons our schools are planning to teach

'I believe in understanding other people, but that's NOT what this is'

On the radio program Tuesday, Glenn Beck discussed the details of just one of the 800 leaked documents that reveal some truly disturbing lessons that schools all across America are planning to teach our kids.

"This is the Black Panthers' Ten-Point Program," Glenn said of the document. "This particular school assignment is to memorize the Black Panthers' Ten-Point program."

Glenn read the content of the Ten-Point Program, which includes demands for guaranteed income, guaranteed housing, reparations, free health care, and release from incarceration for "black and oppressed people."

"So your kids have to study all of this. And then ... students will be given a worksheet to make sure they retain the information," Glenn explained. "This is obscene. And this is one document — they get muchworse than this. This is one of the documents that we will be exposing, that are building floated and put into action in schools across the country.



  1. Once again it must be said- ALL public school is child abuse. To quote Micheal Malice- "public schools are literal prisons for children and the only time many people will ever encounter physical violence in their lives"

    This about it- don't sugar coat it- how much were you bullied (or were the bully) in public school? How many fights did you witness, or how many friends did you see picked on? How about that ugly fat girl that everyone made fun of?

    1. But there is never any bullying in private schools huh? I went to a private school for a few years and a girl who was there on a reduced rate because her parents worked there in the cafeteria and and janitorial staff got bullied really bad. The first fight I ever got into was for giving the queen bee a taste of her own medicine both physically and psychologically. My prim and proper grandma who wanted me to get a better education was very disappointed in my unladylike behavior. My mom took me shopping for standing up for someone else while I was suspended.
      Bullying can happen anywhere and at any time. It can happen in the workplace just as easily as the schools. It can also happen in the neighborhood where you live. Don't put all the blame on the schools alone. Bullying starts in the home! Most of the a-hole bullies I've met learned from their a-hole parents!

    2. And some kid probably learned picked it up from watching you 4:57. Everyone thinks bullying and racism start at home. How about a kid or anyone for that matter observing obnoxious behavior and forming an opinion for themselves?

  2. Creating Tomorrow's Left while trying to eliminate all vestiges of Conservatism. We need to talk and act.

  3. The teachers should be speaking out

  4. The answer is to Homeschool.

  5. The entire curriculum should be open for inspection 365 days a year, with periodic open discussions with teachers and administrators. These are the People's schools, the ones so grandly failing us. No longer should the full extent of public participation be the PTSA and one-directional meetings with school officials.

  6. Yes. The school's want to control your kids. They are disgusting for what they are teaching our kids. Public schools are terrible.liberal bias anti American agenda..If you can home school do it!! Or private schools/ school vouchers for less fortunate

  7. Lets just teach all History like the illustrated Bibles in the Doctor Offices of our youth next to Norman Rockwell and NC Wyeth .

  8. How can anyone be shocked?? Our EDUCATION system is ran by Communist leaning Traitors. They can't even teach the basics. Math, English, and History. But hate AMERICA. Social justice. WHITE'S our bad. Gay and transgender is normal. This epidemic came at the right time. Time to defund and DESTROY the libutard elites EDUCATION experiment.

  9. I think you are all Over Reacting. Kids do not remember anything but what they are into out side your gaze. They are being indoctrinated in your own homes with the devices you give them.

    1. Thank you 422!👍
      I am always amazed out how many years students learn about the American Revolution but can't remember simple things like why July 4,1776 is important, who the US fought against (common responses have been the Indians, China, Muslims 🤯)
      But they can remember when Jay z started his music career, how many kids Kim Cardassian has and what she wore during different celebrity parties, or other such BS nonsense. Speaking of celebrities, if they make a political statement online it is gospel, but to actually turn on the news or read something....boring 😴 If they don't agree with something or it goes against what their favorite celeb says...FAKE!
      The indoctrination is definitely coming from their devices and in the home. They are not learning how to not think for themselves in school because they are not paying attention.
      Here's a thought...why not hire all celebrities especially those on "reality" shows to teach since that is what they respond to. Wouldn't you all just love to have your children taught the art of creative writing by Bieber? How about film studies by Kim Kardashian? And lets not forget Miley Cyrus as their PE teacher so they can learn the cardio benefits of twerking!

    2. Yeah right. This is what they said 25 years ago. That's how we got here in the first place. By not reacting. We are NOW.

  10. Is this being done in any of the Delmarva school systems?

  11. @422 You haven't seen overreacting yet. Save that label for the purge to come.

  12. 4:22
    You are naive.
    The indoctrination is the PURPOSE of public education and it has always been the goal. It was the Rockefeller Family (Foundation) along with influence from the DuPont Family to steer public education towards producing obedient workers.

    It was to create the workforce needed by the elites. Then came “globalization of the economy” (communism). And American students no longer were needed as workers. They were needed to transform the society into a communist society.

    Thus we are where we are.
    In a bad shape.
    Uneducated as a whole, and mind controlled.

    Nothing good can come from this.

  13. if we teachers have to put up with racist scumbag cops in our halls harrassing us and our kids, we should have the FREEDOM to teach the real history of the BPP and other freedom fighters...you'll never get rid of us, crackkaa!!!!

    1. 6:55- Cut the act. You are not a teacher but a dumb a** baiter. If you are a teacher then you REALLY need to quit or go back to school. You have bad capitalization, spelling, and grammar that is well beyond a simple typo or two. So cut the crap and stop throwing fuel on the fire.

    2. Wow, so you are a racists. Glad to know.

  14. What Glenn Beck reported is all happening right here in Wicomico. Two articles you'll want to read published by the Delmarva Parent Teacher Coalition:



  15. Public Schools will be out of control, no Law Enforcement Officers roaming the halls, only social workers and nurses! Nurses and ambulances will be in high demand! HOMESCHOOL


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