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Thursday, August 27, 2020

Hogan Administration Helps Drive More Than 11,000 Marylanders to Sign Up To Be Election Judges

Governor Hogan Urges Local Boards to Contact and Train Judges For Upcoming ElectionAdministration Has Conducted Aggressive Outreach to 65,000 State Employees, Made 167,000 Contacts Through Universities and Colleges
ANNAPOLIS, MD—In recent weeks, the Hogan administration’s aggressive recruiting efforts have already helped drive more than 11,000 Marylanders to sign up to be election judges. Amid increasing reports that interested judges are not being contacted or are being turned away, Governor Larry Hogan wrote to local election officials today to urge them to move quickly to secure and train judges for the upcoming election. Read the governor’s letter.
“As of today, based mainly on our administration’s aggressive recruiting efforts, more than 11,000 Marylanders have expressed interest in serving as election judges for the upcoming general election,” writes Governor Hogan. “However, there are increasing reports that local boards of election have failed to contact, or even turned away, interested election judges. This is unacceptable, and hurts our ability to safely conduct the November election.”
In his letter, the governor details the steps that he has directed the administration to take to recruit judges, which “have already put the state on track to exceed the number of judges needed to staff the polls”:
  • Multiple notices encouraging approximately 65,000 state employees to sign up and serve as election judges, doubling the incentive of previous elections by offering 16 hours of administrative leave for each day of service.
  • Collaboration with our colleges and universities to make 167,000 contacts encouraging staff and students to serve as election judges.
  • A dedicated digital media campaign for state agencies to regularly and actively promote the need for election judges on their homepages and social platforms.
“It is absolutely critical to ensure that the November election is conducted safely and effectively during the COVID-19 pandemic,” writes the governor. “You must stress to local boards the importance of responding to and training election judges immediately. There is no time to waste.”
In keeping with CDC guidelines that call for giving voters a wide variety of options, the Hogan administration continues to strongly encourage voting by mail, early voting, and voting on election day at off-peak times as safe and efficient options.
Visit the State Board of Elections website for more information on becoming an election judge: elections.maryand.gov.



  2. Why ? Maryland never votes for a Republican President that’s why the state sucks

  3. Hogan would never had put this out unless 99% were Socialist Democrats to agree with his anti-Trump stance. WHAT A WAY TO RIG ELECTINS.

  4. Governor Hogan, if the part about COVID is true, why doesn’t the Wicomico Co BOE provide a local polling place for residents of the NE as they are doing for the much smaller community of Mardella? Forcing NE residents to choose between driving to Salisbury or vote by mail is just another form of voter suppression.

  5. It didn't do any good in Cecil county executive Election. The canidate who won got caught harvesting votes. Yet Andy Harris got her off. The entire STATE of Maryland is corrupt.

  6. STATE WORKERS?????? Really, when unions control state workers and they donate completely to Democrats!!! My lord this is no set up by our Rino Governor!!!!

    1. State employees have no choice about unions. They are either forced to join or pay a service fee equal to the cost of membership dues. The election to go unionhad a ballot that if not returned was counted as a yes vote. Done during the omally administration.

  7. Were they illegal’s harbored in the sanctuary area?

  8. Hazard County / Boss Hog / Daisy Dukes / General Lee / Rosco !!!

  9. any election area that allows cops to patrol will simply be used to kill or ignore anti trump voters...its part of his plan..he literally admitted it...BLUE LIVES MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Democrats are the Problem all 50 states !!! Take them ALL from Power

  11. Must be one requirement. That you be a democrat. Wouldn't it be great if they opened a bunch of democrat ballots and they were for Trump? I can hear them now, "Excuse me, this democrat ballot is for Trump, What do I do with it?" Answer. "Put in the trash with Republican ballots."


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