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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Restaurants closing can double within next 3 months, Investment CEO Warn

It's a 'bleak, bleak situation' for independent restaurants, said Charter Holdings CEO Ray Washburne

The number of restaurants closing permanently could double in the next 60 to 90 days due to the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns, Ray Washburne, Charter Holdings CEO, said Thursday.

Washburne, whose company has investments in real estate and restaurants, told "Mornings with Maria" that he predicts more closures after the Payroll Protection Plan money ran out at the end of July, calling it a "bleak, bleak situation" for independent restaurants.

Yelp reports 15,770 restaurants have permanently closed as of July 22.


  1. The ones that weren't very good to begin with. Opening a restaurant is risky at anytime. Only the strong survive. Look around SALISBURY?? Look around DELMARVA?? Most aren't worth a Damn. They act like they are doing you a favor for being open. Well now you know you were wrong. Nobody is going to pay for crappy food and service from BULLSHIT entitled employees.

    1. Yep yep..that why locals know which to frequent during season and get rewarded during off season. Those that don't play well with locals...well end up going POOF. Sorry that is a well know fact that will never change. Look at the bar scene that used to be a highlight....those that pretend...17th Street comes to mind...well POOF soon enough. Others that don't need to be named...on the island AND West OC...thrive all year long...and we are very thankful

  2. You think the dumbocrats and the rino horrible hogan care?

  3. The demand for restaurants will go down quickly once Fed Helicopter money runs out.
    The government is evil.
    It will get people (especially low IQ) to become dependent on the government.
    Then it will pull the rug out.

    The elites enjoy this sort of thing
    It is like the current debasement of the US Dollar
    Since the elites are internationalists, they don't care about the US Dollar
    It is being sacrificed right now on the global stage
    Most Americans are too busy waving the flag to notice.
    Or care.

  4. I worked in the restaurant business 30 years ago, I don’t miss it, but I know it requires good people, good food, and good patrons. Salisbury and other communities near us lack the options other areas have in terms of good local restaurants and choices. We have few. This makes Salisbury a disappointment. I am not busting on Salisbury, I am busting on what’s happening in our country right now. Let businesses come back to life. Please vote for Trump. If you can’t see what Democrats are doing to destroy everything good about our country and the advances we’ve made, you are choosing negative over positive. We had a black president. We are not racist. Even those of us with conservative values can appreciate how non-identifying we are as a country and our ability to respect a person based on their views and not their color, gender. or any other ‘identifying’ factor. It insults me on so many levels to be judged by my
    political choices when so many don’t bother to read or understand what is happening. As for restaurants and ‘Covid’, please STOP. Innocent People are losing businesses, jobs, their livelihoods. Seriously, how many people do you know have had Covid? Did they survive? If they didn’t, could any other factor be contributed to their situation? Please, I beg you to think. To listen. To see other points of view. We are not evil because we believe in responsibility for self. Please see what is happening to our country. If for one minute any of this makes sense to you then you are not thinking for yourself.

  5. 5:48. Obviously you have never worked for a private business. You know zero. A successful business can go under during this nonsense.


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