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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Portland mayor responds to Trump: 'Stay away, please'

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler (D) fired back at President Trump after he suggested sending the National Guard to Oregon's largest city to deal with protests, pleading with him to “stay away, please.”
“Yet again, you said you offered to aid Portland by sending in federal law enforcement to our city. On behalf of the City of Portland: No thanks,” Wheeler wrote in a fiery letter to the president Friday.
“We don’t need your politics of division and demagoguery. Portlanders are onto you. We have already seen your reckless disregard for human life in your bumbling response to the COVID pandemic. And we know you’ve reached the conclusion that images of violence or vandalism are your only ticket to reelection,” he added.The letter comes as Portland grapples with lingering protests over systemic racism and police brutality that were sparked by the May killing of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis.


  1. Take it all to the ground and do away with the name. Must be afraid to have a republican clean up their mess.

  2. Wants to be the fool all by himself.

  3. What is wrong with these people (Democrat’s)? How can they be so ignorant to what is taking place? How can this man refuse help from President Trump and watch his city destroy itself with these “peaceful protests”? There is seriously something mentally wrong with democrats.

  4. Floyd ingested lethal dose of opioids that stopped his heart. His neck, windpipe and artery was not damaged from knee or back. Video of police camera show no evidence of anything racist.
    This can ONLY mean he died by police brutality and racist cops. Nothing to do with drugs.

  5. Lock up the Mayor & show WHO is BOSS !!! (Federal GOVT !!)

  6. Ted Wheeler should be dragged through the streets

  7. ONLY a democrat could accuse someone promoting violence while CONDONING violence, destruction, arson, murder, vandalism, and terror.
    What about the taxpayers who PAY HIM to keep the peace, provide a secure environment for the citizens, and enforce the law?
    Apparently, in Portland, CRIMINALS get all the consideration and regular law-abiding taxpayers are left to their own devices.
    And so, we keep buying more "devices".
    The unwinding is in full swing.
    Be ready or be a victim. Your leaders don't give a rat's ace about your safety or your life.
    And they PROVE every day.

    Keep cheering.

  8. Stay away Mr President. But later when he begs for assistance. Tell him F**KOFF!!

  9. Mr. President, please stay away and let the anarchists burn Portland to the ground.

    Don't care!

  10. Commenters,
    The author seems to mistakenly believe the US Government will be allowed to continue to print US Dollars and hand them out?
    It will not be allowed to do so much longer.

    The Bankers are about to pull the rug out and the US economy will collapse like a folding chair.
    Trump will be blamed
    The Fed Bankers will avoid blame by throwing him under the bus
    He will oblige, playing the clown in the charade that has become the economic collapse of America

    Mr Trump is a tool of the bankers

    1. Wrong place for your BULLSHIT theory, that it somewhere else 6:24. Get off the crack pipe, out off your fetel position and open your blinds. You are so paranoid.

  11. I say, Let Portland Oregon rot into another POS Democrat controlled city. I don’t care.

  12. Feds CAN & WILL lock up whoever gets in the way !!! Right after the
    election is over !!!

  13. The only conclusion you can draw is that Portland's Mayor is totally in favor of the demolition of the city by these domestic terrorists.

  14. Wheeler is making every Portland citizen a staunch Republican. Don't mess this up, please!

  15. It's crazy the protesters don't even like him

  16. Let the same thing happen to Portland that happened to Ferguson after the riots they had no stores and a burned out community then crying for assistance. I hope it becomes a ghost town all these towns and cities that allow this to happen and don't want police involvement they should never recover.

  17. burn baby burn. maybe chicago should annex portland


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