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Sunday, August 09, 2020

Oprah Hosts White Guilt Session: ‘Whiteness Gives You an Advantage No Matter What’

Billionaire media mogul Oprah Winfrey declared in an episode of her eponymous series, The Oprah Conversation that “whiteness” and “white privilege” afford unspecified benefits to white people in the “caste system” of America.

In an episode entitled “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man: Part 1” — featuring former NFL linebacker Emmanuel Acho and drawing its name from Acho’s YouTube series of the same name — Oprah Winfrey invited several white people to discuss “racism,” “white privilege,” and “whiteness.” Oprah praised her white guests for accusing themselves of being “racist.”



  1. Her comments are true until you give up those advantages by being a Trump/Biden supporter.

  2. Baggy eyed Oprie......Sharpton mentor imagine her hosting something like that, just couldn’t figure that.....ha ha ha ha ha LOL

  3. Her comments are true except:

    1. I watched many people passed over for well deserved promotions because of affirmative action and a much less able person get promoted (who eventually failed).

    2. My daughter couldn't qualify for any student loans because she is the wrong color.

    3. I had an uninsured driver (Person of color) crash in to my car. I had to pay the insurance deductible and he walked away uncharged and scott free.

    4. When I was in college, I saw many minorities routinely skip classes and get pushed through, while I was held to a higher standard.

    5. It is near impossible to get a government job unless you are a minority. Whites need not apply.

    I could go on and on. This so called white privilege crap is the opposite of true. There is a very strong black privilege.

    1. Ding, Ding, Ding, we have a winner. You sir are exactly correct. Look at all the government agencies?? Unemployment. Healthcare. Social services. DMV. VA. VITAL STATISTICS. Post office. Court's. Etc.

      ALL BLACK. That's why they are screws up.

      The post office on 30th Street in Philadelphia closed years ago. ALL BLACK. You would walk in and NEVER get waited on. Especially if you were White. They would sit there and just stare a you.

    2. 5:19 Look no further than Delmarva Power. Job testing standards have been lowered and poc do the hiring.

  4. White women made you a billionaire, you gorilla(or whatever Frank Perdue called her in response to saying he looked like a chicken)!

  5. Oprah is a loathsome, detestable, racist, spoiled, egomaniacal, intellectually retarded, morally reprehensible, hideous, worm-like, ungrateful, petulant, slime-dripping, overfed, overspoiled, overpampered, overprivileged, overindulged, vindictive, self-absorbed, phony, malicious, sniveling, vomitous, pathologically lying, melodramatic, carrion-stinking, nightcrawling, parasitic, pompous, arrogant, miserable, odious, sneering, piece of filth, bumbling, bullying, immature, grotesque, fecal-minded ABOMINATION! That fat blubbery thing (who looks like that giant brain-bug from Starship Troopers) is a waste of carbon compounds who exercises EVERY execrable quality known to man and even discovered a few new ones! As she basks in the urine-colored glow of her own ego!

  6. Just like her black face got her?? Don't think so. Oprah is irrelevant just like ALL sports will be. For over 20 years Oprah relished her mostly white women audience. Her white audience bought anything she was selling. Then OBAMA came out. Then she showed her black RACIST ass against her WHITE audience. She's pretty much just a footnote. Just like the professional sports will find out just as she did.


  7. Her comments make me racist. Sick of the crybabies.


  8. Humans across time and geography have been and still are tribal. We're more comfortable with those we share links with. Can be family, nationality, race, gender, religion, old school tie, hobby, on down the line. Just a fact.

    Getting people to venture from the safe to the unknown is a challenge, and there must be some benefit associated with making the outreach. Absent that, not gonna fly.

    Oprah made her money getting the stay-at-home crowd to tune in. Most apparently were white women. When she started banging the drum for Obama hers numbers dropped; don't think they've recovered, even with a huge number of people forced to be near their TVs during the day. Folding her magazine is another clue; tough sell to illiterates.

  9. Getting to be just another race hustler.. I would like to know how much the “white” “guests” were paid.

  10. Oprah just sucking up to the white liberals

  11. I must admit it too.
    Caucasian People are more intelligent than black people.
    I am racist.

  12. Oprah and her "friends" are hoping for a "Race War" to deflect from their evil goings on. These elites want us to be be divided. Divided we are weak and "they" stay in charge. Don't fall for this ploy. We are stronger together!

  13. Is her husband not white? Is that why she married him?

  14. I thought her fat azz was leaving the USA in 2016 when MY President Trump was elected

    I can only imagine fat girl in 2020 when MY President Trump is elected once more

    lol fat girl

  15. Her comments are BS , the blacks have chosen their destiny , crime , racism , and hatred. If they can't get it free then they kill even each other.

  16. Even oprah can't bring herself to not lie. It's in the black DNA. They are liars who if were real Christians would be ashamed of themselves.

  17. 4:31 PM - Could you explain that statement, please?

  18. Does this racist pos think that she would be as rich as she is if she were white. No way. Her being black is what got her where she is and she still plays the race card. What a joke

    1. Amen!!! Boycott OWN Network. That's another cash cow for her as well as Weight Watchers. BOYCOTT everything Oprah.

  19. The fat hippo needs to discuss why she can't push herself away from the dinner table.

    1. She is Hogan's sister from another mother

  20. She's nothing but a lucky , fat black woman who hates whites but has to "be nice" to them in public, since they helped make her the wealthy fat A$$ she is today.

  21. Actually I think she is a very smart and talented lady. Seriously. Where she went astray was she could be a tremendous role model to young black women but refuses to shuck her racism.

  22. Poor Baby Oprah is a Billionaire Thanks to the Whites in America !!! Woo


  23. 6:35 Don't think she's ever been hitched.

    IIRC she lived with composer/TV guy John Tesch when they were employed in the Mid-South; before she hit the really big time.

    And she's got this Steadman guy for a while; haven't kept up with their current set-up. But nobody's put a ring on it.

  24. 10:02

    There used to be a saying.

    Who has more black loafers than Kenny Shoes?

    The U.S. post office.

  25. Oprah & pal Gayle King go pound sand you have become a huge racist who got most of your popularity while in Baltimore on People Are Talking with Richard Sher which you left behind in the dust. Then you made billions pretending to not be racist and now your true colors show. Can't stand to see your face let alone hear that mouth.

  26. She's no longer relevant to anyone and we ALL should ignore her.

  27. Northwest Woodsman: Whiteness is definitely an advantage. With thousands of years of civilization behind us and a much higher IQ, on average, Caucasians are by nature, given an advantage. Take a look at what Caucasians accomplished, let’s say for example, back in the 1300s. Art, music, architecture, even medicine, reached levels that are unreachable in Africa even today. Generally, Africans are unable to create or sustain any complex levels of civilization. Sorry, but the truth does not always agree with your agenda. If you want to see something funny and enlightening at the same time, go on YouTube and look up African aerospace. It might clarify things for you.

  28. Says the black billionaire who was raped on a daily basis by her uncle and other family members. Maybe she should talk about that.

  29. Ask her about her relationship and meetings with Epstein.

  30. Where does she live? Not in the inner city with blacks.

    Look at the preferences given to minority owned businesses when it comes to government contracts

    Look at racial preferences and quotas in hiring

    Look no further than your hometown university for blatant examples of lesser qualified individuals of color getting paid “the skin color premium “ and getting paid more than white people with more skills and experience

    Shall I continue?

  32. We don't hear much anymore about the discrimination within the U.S. black population against those with dark skin tones vs. those with lighter skin tones.
    Start with fashion mags and Hollywood movie, television and recording industries for examples.

    Is this then "Light Privilege?"
    Is it another cause for supposed White Guilt, a preference modeled on black perceived white behavior?


  33. Oprah is correct.
    This explains why those of us who are Caucasian feel so much more smart compared to black people.
    We really are smarter by birth.

    Thanks Oprah!

  34. White women made her a multimillionaire and now that hating whites is in, she jumps on board! What a pig!

  35. oprah is a very very dishonest person. She has always been. It's not white privileged it's that so many blacks are lazy and if they were an honest race they would admit this. I know many hispanics/latinos who work in the hospitality industry. Every single one of the without fail has many stories about the blacks the employers try to hire. Many just walk off the job with no notice. Don't show up. Just like black on black murder the failure of the black work ethic is epidemic. And again if they were a moral and an honest race they would admit this. So many also lie about being Christian. Today is the Lord's day and many will attend their phony "churches." They need to get back to God and in a real way and not the dishonest way many do. They can start today by trying to be honesty and admit the failures of the black race and how it is not racism but their own lack of morals.

  36. No Oprah, being intellectually deficient, unmotivated and anti social gives you a disadvantage in life. It has nothing to do with color.
    Your success has proved that.

  37. Hmmm a country built by white males in a time where women and black men were not even seen as human beings...now why would they make it advantageous to groups they didn't/don't even see as human beings?

  38. Says the richest women in the world who was given the chance by white people. Can never be happy or satisfied.

  39. Love the comments on here. Proves what Oprah and others say is true. White people ARE racists, believe they are superior, are entitled and ignorant to the facts. So many lies in these comments. No one is denied a student loan because of their race. Blacks make up a mere 13% of the population so I seriously doubt they are stealing a bunch of jobs whites are qualified for. White people for decades have gotten ahead not because they are smarter or work harder, but because of privileges their skin color has afforded them. Money, last name and social status have all benefited whites for jobs, colleges and loans. More white people are on welfare though they make up a larger portion of the population, they suck up more foodstamps, medical assistance, section 8 and TCA. So when welfare stops, it will hurt poor whites more than it will blacks. Since blacks are so dumb, they were smart enough to raise your kids and cook your food because you couldn't. Egypt is also the oldest African civilized nation...Northwest Woodsman, so there's a black fact for you. You've been in the woods so long you forgot you came from a cave and didn't know how to cook your food. You also failed to mention all the diseases white people have brought to any country they raped and stole. You are the original savages. Christianity is a joke. No one in the bible is white, not even Jesus, they were black and brown people. A religion whitewashed by Europeans to justify slavery. Keep up the hate though, you see how it's working out for whites in South Africa.

    1. EVERYONE is racist, believe it or not.

  40. Post/comment of the year candidate... Thank you...

  41. It’s about divide and conquer... people like Oprah made their money in the capitalist system now want to pull the ladder up behind them denying the rest of us a chance

  42. All the GUILT is HER'S !!! She is a Racist who got Rich from the White
    people she hates !!! FACT

  43. She is a Hate Monger from the Racist Baltimore Maryland !!!!
    Ungrateful to all the Whites WHO made her RIch !!!

  44. Somebody tell her that Blackness gives her kind an Advantage & it
    is called Affirmative Action (Reverse Discrimination) & NAACP !!!!

    Whites have Nothing !!! FACT

  45. And just where would she be without all this so called whiteness?


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