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Sunday, August 09, 2020

Multiple People Shot at NFL Player’s Beverly Hills Party

Three people were shot and one person was killed at a Beverly Hills mansion on Monday, after hundreds turned out for a party in honor of a thus far unidentified NFL player.

The Los Angeles Police Department responded to calls about the massive party at around 7:30 PM on Monday. But the party continued, and four hours later, shots rang out.

A partygoer’s social media post noted that up to 20 shots were fired in two distinct groupings causing people to scurry in all directions, CBS Los Angeles reported.

“A bunch of gangsters came in and robbed everybody and started shooting everybody. A lot of people with money and guns and gangsters got crazy I ran for my life it was crazy,” gabrieldaactor323 wrote along with a video.



  1. How can you tell the gangsters apart from the NFL players?

    1. 8:12 You can’t. They are one in the same.

    2. Agreed....love it!

    3. By whose wearing the MAGA and GAKA hats?

  2. Oh they were just having a little fun.

    Boys will be boys.

  3. Parties have certainly become more interesting and exciting.
    I remember getting seriously "raided" by the cops at weekend parties in the woods because we had two or three cases of Natty Boh.
    Never because of a shootout.
    Then again, I'm old.

  4. No family gatherings unless you are an elite.

  5. Looked staged to me. Holding guns calmly with no face mask. Drivers in cars as if trying to decide if they wanted to purchase. I could be dead wrong but I smell something fishy 😂

  6. THUGS, THUGS, and more THUGS. All got millions and still don't know how to act. So glad I'm done watching RACIST THUGS disrespecting our country and it's WHITE citizens.

  7. Oh well. When you teach your youth that black lives only matter if the killer is white or a police then you have this. Serves them right for teaching such an uncivilized way of thinking All lives matter is the way of thinking of normal civilized human beings. Even animals raise their young with more civility.

  8. Social distancing? Mask? Kneeling? Gangsters white? I demand answers

  9. I said it before. They're coming for you rich, gated community a$$holes who think their $h!+ don't stink. They see thru your virtue bull$hit.

  10. black on black , ain't it great!

  11. When you defy socially acceptable safeguards for health and safety for your own personal and selfish benefit, you get what comes with it. Sorry for the woman who died for this worthless party, but I am sure they do not care. To them only "bling" whatever that is, counts along with being a bad ass. Limited intelligence and arrogance of the law and society. They have a long way to go to get respect. I feel sad for them not having a role model to show them what is really expected of them to gain the respect of others. Prayers to all.

  12. Watched the video. Thought I was watching a Fast/Furious movie in "Hollywood Hills". All in the vid won't live long or still have "Bling" as they get older.

    Sad indeed and truly not reality.

    Saw the Mayor in Hollywood on cable news this morning. Said they are thinking about turning off power to big parties in the future.

    Is that really worth it? Really?

  13. I thought they were so oppressed. Lamborghini Bentley rolls Royce's diamond watches. Trash everywhere just like a bunch of animals. But let's keep taxing hard working people so they can get reparations and free government hand outs and have parties while everyone else has to lockdown. Crying Defund the police till you need them because yo boys just got robbed and shot. Wake up people!!

  14. If I were a mere member of the National Felony League I wouldn’t want to live in that hood. I would stay where I was raised. That goes for the gangsters too. They have to arrive with caution. Doubt that area has defunded pole-lice yet.

  15. Culture of heathens.


  16. From what I saw elsewhere the 'player' in question has yet to play a down; a draftee from one of the LA football factories. Cart before horse.

  17. NFL gangster ,overpaid uneducated millionaires.. blm supporters They are a domestic terrorist organization that wants to split up family’s, they are communist/ socialist anti - American racists...
    That’s what football is nowadays...embarrassing.. Pete Rosell is rolling in his grave at how Roger Goodall has ruined football...

  18. Whu UNIDENTIFIED NFL player??!!

  19. Guess no one told them black lives matter.

  20. Anonymous said...
    THUGS, THUGS, and more THUGS. All got millions and still don't know how to act. So glad I'm done watching RACIST THUGS disrespecting our country and it's WHITE citizens.

    August 6, 2020 at 8:29 AM

    I'm done with it myself. I didn't watch that $hit last season and I won't be this year. I quit watching baseball as well because of their stupidity!

    1. Agreed. I didn't watch last year either. I saved myself 4200 dollars for the season. Between beer, food, NFL TICKET, attending a couple of games, and memorabilia. I bought a couple of guns/ ammo. Still have 2500 dollars left. That was just football.

  21. It wasn’t an NFL players party, they determined that story to have been a ruse , it was a gang associated gathering.

  22. African Americans, no doubt!

  23. Has anyone else noticed that the gun problem in this country is because of the A.A.'s? Since we have been giving them an inch in society they have taken a mile.

    The gun problem is their problem but law-abiding white Americans are being penalized.

  24. AA's,alcohol and guns. Simple equation with a very predictable outcome.

  25. "Ramirez added that officers were unable to enter the premises because they did not have a warrant."


  26. One cop said it looked like a "Planet of the Apes" reunion!

  27. The security guard said that it was an Airbnb rental. The guy doing the video kept repeating where he was and what was there, so maybe his "friends" decided to come rob the place.

  28. You can take the ganstas out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the ganstas.

  29. Just look around this is typical. They are shooting police almost daily in this country, In the last week many black police officers have died at the hands of other black's. Time to end this crap. You can take the thug off the streets but you can never take the streets out of the thug.

  30. If Black violence would end America would not be viewed as a violent nation.

  31. You can take them out of the hood, but you can't take the hood out of them. They have NO place in society today. They just do not fit in.


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