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Monday, August 24, 2020

Kamala Harris: 'I will take executive action' on gun control if I am elected president

WASHINGTON – Sen. Kamala Harris vowed Monday to sign executive orders on gun control if she wins the Democratic nomination and defeats President Donald Trump in 2020.

"Upon being elected, I will give the United States Congress 100 days to get their act together and have the courage to pass reasonable gun safety laws. And if they fail to do it, then I will take executive action," said the California senator when asked about school shootings during a CNN town hall event.

Harris said "conversations take place every night between students and their parents" about why school shootings keep happening.

She said the answer is that politicians failed "to reject a false choice which suggests you're either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone's guns away."



  1. She won't have to worry about it !!! She will NEVER be there !!! LOL

  2. 1:45
    How do you know!!!

    The elites might want here “there”!!!

  3. It wouldn't be her first mistake, but it would certainly be her last.

  4. kamala is not running for president, she is dragging behind o'biden as his vice president. She needs to be notified of this immediately before it too late.

    1. C’mon, Man! She already knows if he’s elected she’ll have to complete his term. She isn’t supposed to yap about it, though.

  5. She's talking like Joe Biden doesn't exist...and that she will be the President!

    If there are not enough reasons to re-elect President Trump...here's more!

  6. blah blah blah. Won't happen anyway - even if that ticket wins, congress won't pass crap regarding guns. Way too much coin in that particular game.

    At the end of the day, guns, knives, bats - take them all away and bad guys WILL still kill. Exterminate the rodents and civility could..could take place. I wouldn't count on that either.

    Its a human nature/intellect issue - indeed!

  7. I'm not voting for the Ho-Pedo ticket!

  8. Sorry Kemela, you aren't running for President, and you cannot eliminate the constitution with an executive order.

    But she knows that and is counting on the morons that vote dumbocrat to not know that.

  9. Sounds like she has the presidency in the bag. Has the fat failed candidate promised to send a body bag over to DE? She seems to forget in order for her to step into joeys ole socks, he has to defeat the good president. Lol Ain’t happening

  10. damn will Joe make it for six months if elected.......doesnt seem so will he get a pension if he gets voted in

  11. Didn't realize she's running for president...ref to..."...if I'm elected."
    (and yet we know she is.)

  12. The safety is typically installed in every firearm. The thugs, drug dealers, crips, bloods, ms13 etc choose to not use it. Those people don't change their ways and giving them second, third, fourth chances is akin to killing those individuals victims yourselves with your pie in the sky fantasy of making the world a better place. Suck it up, keep those people off the streets and out of society and gun control will no longer be a hot button issue.

  13. It is very possible that liberal Kamala Harris could be President. If Biden where to win which I doubt. It could only be a few months before Biden steps down or is forced out because of his health or dementia. This would make her President. Trump 2020.

  14. That's the Democrats plan! Get Joey boy elected then 6 months to a year in they will have sleepy Joe declared mentally incompetent to be president and she will become president with her declaring Pelosi as vice president. She says these things because the DNC has informed her of their plans!!

  15. What she means is she will shove her hand up dementia joe's butt and get him to do her bidding and if he don't do it he will be claimed as racist by her or her group of traitors like aoc and booker and the rest of the democrat clowns.

  16. I love how many people say they will never take my guns, BS, look around, they stopped work, schools, businesses, cost small businesses millions. We have to wear mask to go out and do anything, The government shut us down, so don’t think they can’t take your guns or you will go to jail! You better hope democrats don’t get elected to takeover the senate and congress, and presidency!


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