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Monday, August 24, 2020

Could It Be True, Dr. Rene Desmarais Is Considering Walking Away From County Executive Appointment

The word on the street is that Dr. Rene Desmarais is considering walking away from the opportunity to become the next Wicomico County Executive as rumors have been spreading about an alleged affair. 

The idea that  he was not going to give up his practice AND the fact that the Council even considered him PROVES these Council Members are an absolute joke.

The even bigger joke is the Greater Salisbury Committee acting like a bunch of crybabies over the Council's decision not to vote in Carl Anderton. You've got to see this video.


  1. Zero to do with 1992. Your a fake, a traitor, a liar and clearly now an emotional basket case/failed actor. I'm sure you think those qualifications make you a great politician, but those types of persons are no longer acceptable. Youve only succeeded in politics in your own imagination, youve seriously failed everyone that voted for you. Just walk away like you did in 1992.

  2. He has done nothing for us in this area. He just wants a title and another place to pick up some retirement funds. If you elect him you might as well let Jake Day have the position. They are one in the same.

  3. Please send Carl some tissues. He can't buy tissues on the 50K delegate salary. He really needed that bump in salary. He is crying dollar bills lost.

  4. Are there any monkeys in the zoo that we can use to challenge his intellect? Darn! I think Jake had them all killed with the geese.
    This guy is such a clown!


  5. Watched the whole video. MD chooses to award those who pass the GED (General Equivalency Diploma) with a HS Diploma. Most states don't. There is a real world recognition that taking a test in several basic areas on two successive days is really not the same as 4 years of successful work across a much wider array of topics and subjects.

    I used to prep students so they could attempt the GED. There are many reasons why a student leaves school short of their HS diploma; some are better reasons than others. So this is not a knock on him for choosing to take the GED. He probably made the attempt at the best possible moment for him since he'd been in school and was probably being forced to be in class in order to play sports. So he was as fresh and current as possible. Most GED students have been away from school longer, and many really had very little academic success or study skills.

    With his diploma in hand, how did his interest in the Air Force pan out? Not addressed. What else has he accomplished before being elected in Delmar? Not addressed.

    The well founded concerns about his fitness for the County Executive position are led immense credibility by his actions as a Delegate. No need to elaborate.

    And what's with his mobile recording studio choice? Half the time it looks creepy as he keeps looking around to see if people are noticing. He should concentrate on upping his game as Delegate.

    1. As a former educator in public schools and community programming and as a former administrator in higher education, your GED angle is a sad, desperate reach. If you’re taking the low-road, please load your meat wagon with something we can chew on.

    2. 226 you asked about his accomplishments. The answer is very little. He prefers to hang out more with his buddy who refused to pay back child support. They like the travel and eat fine meals on the state's dime. Basically he and his buddy are having a great time

    3. Well I think he may have briefly worked at a record store at the mall. He may have counted money there? Does that help his resume any? đŸ˜‚

  6. He’s the idiot! I’m sure proud the County Council made the right decision, Anderton the joke!!! Wasted those minutes of my life watching this video!

  7. If I were being attacked like that, and accused of being unfaithful to my spouse, I'd consider walking away too. I have known this man for decades and the amount of corrupt and mean spirited people in our community is disgraceful. I know he would probably walk away than to put his family through a living hell. You so called leaders of our community should be ashamed of yourselves.

  8. You did not graduate. You were given a participation trophy. You lied on your application. We don't need a liar handling our tax dollars! Do you know the difference between a Maryland High School diploma and taking a test to get what ever you have. To get a diploma in 1992 all you had to do is show up for 12 years.

  9. First time caller, long time listener 202.

    Can you elaborate what failure you allude to? Really - some of us aren't as "in-tune" as you and would like to know.

    We are in a world of transparency and facts help with decisions and discussions.

    I will turn down my radio and listen for your response.

    (snicker snicker)

    1. This is not 2:02 and I’ll not spent time explaining the answer to your inquiries. I voted for this loser and can say I am disappointed. You do the research if you are a long time listener but not “in-tune. Oh, I do agree with 2:02.

    2. 2:53 Watching Carl’s video should tell you everything you need to know.
      Snicker snicker

  10. What a joke Anderton is. You are a State Delegate who has 2 more years on your term. A lot of people would say that is a higher position, but that isn't good enough for you? You are going to cry??? Finish out your term. You can run for County Executive in 2 years, not that you are qualified for either.

  11. and I thought the democrats were drama queens - bottom line if the doctor cannot serve full time which is a requirement than he needs to step down - once again Joe you called it - I am being to think Michele Ennis was the best choice, however smart (CPA) and beautiful was too intimidating to the council!

  12. What did I tell you people about the rumors between the lovely Nicole and the “Good” Doctor.

    This is just absolutely Bull CRAP! I’ve heard it all now. Here lies the very reason why people are so fed up with politics and the scum of the earth people that make up our elected officials.

    A bunch of perverts, sex addicts, thieves, lying bastards and criminals. All of them.

  13. Only 30 percent of graduating seniors can pass the GED test

    1. That because the GED is completely different from actually putting in the time in a classroom. It's of a simple design in which the people who will be taking it basically study specifically for it. If a highschool graduate took the GED course then obviously they would pass the test. Duh!

    2. 2:58 It's fair to say that most GED recipients can't earn a regular high school diploma

  14. The guy is a complete flake.

    1. Whatever happened to that cute little intern he was always seen running around with?

  15. YEAH!!! Julie call AZA, we want our zoo creatures back!!!

  16. Doctor, please don’t withdraw. We need a non-politician and you fit that description. Rumors? Well that’s why they are labeled rumors. Did the late executive have clean hands? Did Bill Clinton or any other politician have clean hands. I don’t give a chit what you do in your life. That’s why it’s “your” life. I guess you are concerned with the talk on here, doubt there are many clean hands here. Mine included. Don’t let them get you. As Trump says you gotta fight back.

  17. @226 You're lucky most teachers aren't mandated to take an IQ test or you'd find yourselves out of work.

  18. Anderton will be a shill for the downtown crowd. The only real pick should be Michelle Ennis. However, given the Council's ridiculous fight with Culver over her appointment and the fact they "terminated" her, they probably think they can't pick her. If they were thinking about the good of the county, they'd pick her because she is the best choice and perhaps it would keep her from winning a HUGE lawsuit against them and the county for wrongful termination among other things. The council is a ship of fools in more ways than one. And..don't get me started on Dunn - what a joke he is!

  19. Great to know all the "powers that be" in the downtown orbit are endorsing the most uneducated, disrespected person to be Executive. He is considered a clown in Annapolis.

    What is wrong with you people? Oh, I get it - you can control him and get your way. How noble of you for doing what is best for yourselves rather than the greater good! (Sarcasm!!!)

  20. Um, Carl seems very un stable. I am very concerned from this video. If this doesn't give Michele Ennis the money ticket, don't know if anything else will. This guy's seems unstable. It is concerning. I think the Dr. is a good choice considering. If not, Michele Ennis all the way.

  21. This guy Carl Anderton becoming county executive is about as crazy as when Ireton and Day had the idiot Tom Stevenson filling in as city administrator. Jake Day thinks he has carte blanche in Salisbury/wicomico county just because his daddy is acting CEO at Perdue farms. People like these two Jake Day butt buddies have NO business in top city/county government. The ONLY reason they have been given such opportunities is because like Dunn, Anderton and Stevenson are ass biters and have their heads so far up day's ass they can tell you what he had for breakfast. Anderton/Stevenson/Dunn neither of you are qualified to hold such positions in government. It's an embarrassment to all of us that live in the area

  22. We cannot let Carl get this position! Email your county council and tell them not to select him! Do it now!

    As far as the doc having an affair - who cares?

    1. It's so funny cause if it was Anderton or Day or one of the other people you don't support having an affair you would CRUCIFY them! HIPOCRITE!!

    2. Look into the character of Anderton's travel buddy

    3. Yeah 2:33 he couldn't get a passport to fly with Anderton because he owed child support and Anderton tried to get the ex to sign off on it smh

  23. I heard the alleged affair was someone and Jim Rapp at the zoo.

  24. It was absolutely sickening to watch McCain and Hastings immediately call for a do over before the deadline of the 13th. It was outright comical to watch McCain praise anderton for his packaged material he made available for his presentation. McCain it was obvious you prepared or helped prepare the garbage anderton was spewing. It was all you could do to not take credit for it yourself. His presentation was bordering on all the recent presentations and statistics you've bored everyone with lately at SU and county council meetings

  25. That whole damn bunch of idiots down town this morning, looked as bad and desperate as the Democrats over Trump. I am a Republican but was very discussed with the ignorant political display by them this morningđŸ˜¡

  26. Mary Ashanti should be ashamed of herself. Rene Desmarais is the only Cardiologist in Salisbury that's an advocate for African American patients at PRMC, soon to be Tidal Health.

    What did the good ole boys promise her in return, 40 pieces of silver or a highway named after Black Lives Matter?

    1. Tidal Health...soon to be layoff central. Get ready. That's the next exciting installment of our runaway leadership's master plan.

  27. I heard the affair involved Carl, Shawn Bradley and a prostitute.

    1. Now it’s finally getting interesting! This is way better than being a high school dropout.

  28. First of all, I want to apologize to Mr. Norman Conway. Secondly, can cornbread give me my vote back? WTH... are you crying from rejection or is it your nerves shot. You can shave and put a tie on and still don’t have any business in Annapolis. I’m not going to do like you and ramble on and will not say it on here again..... embarrassment. Go Dr. D !!

  29. To the best of my knowledge Anderton voted FOR the red flag laws so he is NOT a proponent of our 2nd Amendment rights. He apparently believes sexual abuse of an ANIMAL is okay since he voted against such legislation. It's a GED, if that...so say so. Commencements are held in the months of May and June - not October.

    That being said - he's a JAKE DAY CLONE, a RINO, publicly supported Day and is WORSE than bad news for Wicomico County. All you little crybabies suck it up...the Council voted! If there is a 'reconsideration' it should be for Michelle Ennis...she's nobody's dummy, is very qualified but the Council FEARS her...that's pitiful and enlightening. I hope John Cannon and Josh Hastings have had their last turn at sitting on the County Council. Hastings is just an argumentative whiny pain. Cannon being such a large rental owner should be exempt from voting. I'd say quite a conflict of interest for what he would stand to gain by Anderton stepping in and playing the Day role ... you know, selling off valuable property for pennies on the dollar in backroom deals.

    Let Dr Demarais take the seat and share his ideas to grow Salisbury and our economy with something besides bike lanes, roundabouts, costly 'festivals', more damned bars and restaurants! We've seen 6 years first hand of how this Council can be resistant to the ideas/ways of the County Executive.

    I've seen comments about doing away with the job of County Executive...if that's the case, we don't need the County Council either!

  30. This is nothing more than a non educated moron who knows nothing about our country , he's an idiot who deserves nothing . I think he must be on drugs or his mind is gone. Who voted for this a$$? Is he related to Biden ? Sleepy Carl
    is the word .

  31. I used to live in Wicomico County but sure as hell glad I moved to Worcester County where there is civility. The Gal that worked for Bob Culver has really great credentials but just like most on the left it is not about talent but who they can control with the good ole' boy's. The only good one was Bob Culver as he truly had always put the citizens first. Who in the hell put up a cardiologist up for and then elect him to fill the position. The dumb just get dumber.

  32. Sounds like he needs to return to school. He says a lot of the filler with um and ah.

  33. anderton would be bad very very bad....he did not graduate, took him for ever to get a ged..... got kicked off of several committees in Annapolis.... this County would go to hell .... if he becomes the next executive ........ tax tax tax spend spend spend, business / jobs would decline .... we could become the next Baltimore as far as piss poor schools and high crime.....he is an EXTREME LIBERAL only republican on paper ..... he bold faces lies to the media about other governmental ppl and departments and to committees in Annapolis. I rather have Michelle ..... the Council Needs to see this .... UGH UGH UGH.... hold on to your paychecks because he will bankrupt wicomico county.... ppl that support him will want special favors... he will keep the good ole boys alive and do backdoor deals .... he is dishonest as long as the year is

  34. Dr. D., you do not need this crap. Please withdrawal your name. The people of this county do not deserve a decent leader.

  35. I would hope Brewer gets it before either of the two left from original trio!! Mike Lewis should run for it!! Guarantee he would have support....just not from the criminals of Wicomico County! Lot of people talk about him through their keyboards in the basement, not one of them go to Naylor Mill Road to confront him!

  36. Defund the executives office period!

  37. Jake day absolutely thought Carl Anderton was a lock. He posted a a so called letter of respect when Culver passed away " rest in peace WE will carry on the torch". He just knew Anderton was bought and paid for as county executive and took a classless shot at Culver posthumously

    1. Wow, what a jerk to do that. I guess we already know that he is one.

  38. The only thing Anderton ranted on about during his interview were ALL the so called projects Jake Day has dreamed up( downtown, the so called riverport development, the airport development etc etc.)
    Day needs his hands on the county tax base as well to fulfill his progressive liberal agenda. You'd better wake up people and start getting involved in local politics. Salisbury is just a smaller version of what's going on nationally. I've heard rumors that Jake Day participated in some of the ANTIFA riots prior to his so called deployment

  39. It's absolutely ridiculous their garbage worked the good doctor declined to take the executive position

  40. I don't know Carl so I have no measure to compare his ability or lack thereof. If he truly believes in his ability and qualifications he would publicly release his resume so the citizens of Wicomico county can make an educated decision on supporting him or others for the job.

  41. Anonymous said...
    That whole damn bunch of idiots down town this morning, looked as bad and desperate as the Democrats over Trump. I am a Republican but was very discussed with the ignorant political display by them this morningđŸ˜¡

    August 24, 2020 at 3:58 PM

    They weren't Republicans this morning. It was a shitshow ran by Liberal Turdburglar Mike Dunn.

    It's time for the members of the Greater Salisbury Committee to fire Mike Dunn and yesterday wouldn't be fast enough.

    If anyone can post the list of businesses who are members of the GSC we can all start boycotting them.

  42. He walked. The Dispatch has the letter.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Please send Carl some tissues. He can't buy tissues on the 50K delegate salary. He really needed that bump in salary. He is crying dollar bills lost.

    August 24, 2020 at 2:21 PM

    I know, right! What a F'n CANDYASS Carl is and to brag about playing football with the ghetto boys at Washington High School.

  44. @3:57 I hear you! LMAO

  45. So this is how dirty politics are played in Wicomico County? Mike Dunn, John Cannon, Bill McCain and Josh Hastings demand the council vote over and over again until they get their way?

    I have a suggestion for the 4 or you.... F*** Off!

  46. Anonymous said...
    Mary Ashanti should be ashamed of herself. Rene Desmarais is the only Cardiologist in Salisbury that's an advocate for African American patients at PRMC, soon to be Tidal Health.

    What did the good ole boys promise her in return, 40 pieces of silver or a highway named after Black Lives Matter?

    August 24, 2020 at 3:58 PM

    You know darn well Carl, Mike Dunn, John Cannon and Bill McCain called on Mary Ashanti to pretend that she was speaking on behalf of all members of the NAACP just like Mike Dunn pretends to be speaking on behalf of all members of the GSC. Guess what, they are lying!

  47. Ok I watched maybe a minute and couldn’t stomach it any longer.
    Dear Carl you are a whiny little RINO and I now understand why you get along so well with the “greater Salisbury Committee” dim wits. You are not nor will you ever be qualified for the county executive. You’re only where you are today because everyone was sick of ole Norm Conway sucking off the govt tit. Stop crying. Pick your big boy pants up and move on. That video just showed everyone how whiny and pathetic you really are.

  48. As a very rational, reasonable Republican that can put people before partisan politics (for example: it’s actually ok to respect Jake Day’s enthusiasm for making Salisbury better. We may not agree on 100% of the issues but it’s not ok to hate on the guy just because he’s left of center ....besides it’s not like he’s mad Maxine waters left of center) I am embarrassed by the state of our local Republican Party and many of the comments on this blog.

    You make us all look bad. You make us look like backwards country red necks. Come on people, let’s get this thing together and actually work to make this place we love better.

  49. I saw Carl Anderton’s video attempting to clear up his record. Nobody is criticizing Carl Anderton's level of education, and the citizens of Wicomico can identify with this. However, the people are simply questioning his counterfeit document that he provided. Whether he has his GED, diploma, PhD, or library card, all he has to do is be honest. However, the time to have come clean was before this point. Submission of a counterfeit document that you buy off the Internet is not a substitute for the real deal. This story about a garage fire that happened long, long, ago and ghosts of his youth's past is irrelevant. Who on earth keeps their diploma in a garage? He has had plenty of time to obtain a new, certified copy from the Maryland State Department of Education before he opted for a counterfeit template off the Internet using his credit card. Whipping up a few tears, playing the victim card, and turning it around on us citizens won't cut it. The story that a genuine diploma is on its way is not enough to justify the seat at this time. If anyone is going to provide a false document in order to get a major Executive position in the County, then any elected official or the citizens of Wicomico shouldn't trust that person for anything. That position requires integrity. I hope that the County Council begins the process again, looking for completely new people to fill this seat. Carl Anderton is disqualified, and he can thank himself.

    1. I don't know where my high school diploma is...do you?

    2. Yes I do. Sounds like confusion need to organize life lol

  50. In order to prevent civil litigation or a criminal investigation about crimes consisting of physical threats, extortion, and other harmful acts which have forced a nominated political appointee to withdraw as Wicomico County Executive, the only course of action now is to have a special election. Let the people of Wicomico County decide. The Wicomico County GOP Central Committee is attempting to fruadulenty overthrow a selection made under the County Charter. Nate Sampson and the rest of the Committee members should resign. When the Republican National Committee (NRC) is made aware of this situation,heads will roll. Even the NAACP, and The Greater Salisbury Committee are involved in overthrowing this political appointment. The local GOP, local DNC, NAACP, Greater Salisbury Committee and the Political Bosses of Salisbury have forced Rene Desmairs to forcibly withdraw his nomination.

    1. I have called Jerry Nadler in to investigate. He said he would bring pencil neck with him. I know it’s certainly not a laughing matter, but they are a f’n joke. I am so sorry to see a good man withdraw. Nothing left at the present.

  51. Carl Anderton is a fraud!

  52. Cannon was on channel 47 saying about starting over with 45 days---I am just a carpenter not a lawyer but the new Doctor was not sworn in so the vacancy still occurred at the death of Mr. Culver. Get to work council as Sept 9 is coming quick. Thought it somewhat questionable the resolution they passed did not start for the Doctor until Sept 2---why not Sept 1 or Aug 31 or immediately....sounds like the council wanted to be able to do something at the Sept 1 meeting without a new exec

  53. Mattyboh Thomas Gordon You see, THIS right here is why people don't want to run for office. They dont want their lives and reputation DESTROYED. They were calling PRMC to harass him and more. It was absolutely disgusting.

  54. Very well said 7:58. I couldn't agree more.


  55. Well said. 7:58

    If Carl lies about his diploma, he can NOT be trusted with our tax dollars
    Lets keep looking for the right person.

  56. Anonymous said...
    I saw Carl Anderton’s video attempting to clear up his record. Nobody is criticizing Carl Anderton's level of education, and the citizens of Wicomico can identify with this. However, the people are simply questioning his counterfeit document that he provided. Whether he has his GED, diploma, PhD, or library card, all he has to do is be honest. However, the time to have come clean was before this point. Submission of a counterfeit document that you buy off the Internet is not a substitute for the real deal. This story about a garage fire that happened long, long, ago and ghosts of his youth's past is irrelevant. Who on earth keeps their diploma in a garage? He has had plenty of time to obtain a new, certified copy from the Maryland State Department of Education before he opted for a counterfeit template off the Internet using his credit card. Whipping up a few tears, playing the victim card, and turning it around on us citizens won't cut it. The story that a genuine diploma is on its way is not enough to justify the seat at this time. If anyone is going to provide a false document in order to get a major Executive position in the County, then any elected official or the citizens of Wicomico shouldn't trust that person for anything. That position requires integrity. I hope that the County Council begins the process again, looking for completely new people to fill this seat. Carl Anderton is disqualified, and he can thank himself.

    August 24, 2020 at 7:58 PM

    With most elected positions, there are no qualifications that requires you to have to have a diploma, GED or degree. Its nice to have either of those, but its not a requirement. They can start the process all over, however it all must be complete and a person selected for that position within what the Charter calls for. 45 days. That deadline is right around the corner.

  57. Carl Anderton is a joke. And when you as a Council seat him, you are a joke. How do you intelligence challenged people look at yourself in your self serving sselfies? Wicomico just can't survive itself and its pathetic leadership. That is a direct and specific reference to yPius John Cannon and Larry Dodd. Really thought the two of you had the benefit of a good education and a life of developed judgement. Thank goodness there are only two of you so ill prepared to lead

  58. so who is doing all the Bo Hoing now? More of those tears will come in November. Just remember when it comes, don't try to play the victim, you brought this on yourself. We will be out in full force to Get Alex Scott elected! so get those soccer moms ready, your'e going to need them.

  59. Anderton is a joke

  60. As you can clearly see the County Executive Office attracts nothing more than Grossly Incompetent candidates and pure GREED!! This is now a Dead office if you know what I mean and it needs to be abolished!! A 3 million dollar a year county expediture that needs it's funds reallocated to the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office for a new building. The new Sheriff's building would have been built by now if it was not for the wasted taxpayer's dollars on a defunct office! The year 2022 cannot get here fast enough to place the Wicomico County Executive's Office on the ballot to be voted out for good!!! Power to the People!

    1. The people want the office to keep the power out of the incompetent council, Joe Holloway excluded. He should be the executive. The reason they wanted to take away power from council was so they couldn’t throw funds at the sheriff department. Between them and BOE there is no end. Like throwing money in a hole of a body of water.

  61. The Dr. saw the storm brewing ahead and bowed out at the right time! Good for him!

  62. Please watch for the Remove Larry Dodd From Office community organization coming soon. This buffoon is more interested in his survival and back room deals than our community. He must go.

  63. Smart move Dr. Demarais, turning the appointment down. This position will be eliminated in the upcoming county election in 2022! You would not have a county job anyways after that.

  64. Nope nope nope. Notice he never mentions what he actually accomplished while in Washington? You know if he did something he would be throwing it out there. Michele Ennis seems to be the better choice. We don't need to throw someone into such a position with no knowledge of how it all works. This isn't a learn as you go/on the job training type position.

  65. Yes, 5:57. I am sick about the doctor declining and I am disgusted with Anderton, Day, Dunn and all the garbage in this city and county. I am really disappointed about Dr. Desmarais declining and again I am sick by the bunch of them. God I'm angry and sick.

  66. Anonymous said...
    Cannon was on channel 47 saying about starting over with 45 days---I am just a carpenter not a lawyer but the new Doctor was not sworn in so the vacancy still occurred at the death of Mr. Culver. Get to work council as Sept 9 is coming quick. Thought it somewhat questionable the resolution they passed did not start for the Doctor until Sept 2---why not Sept 1 or Aug 31 or immediately....sounds like the council wanted to be able to do something at the Sept 1 meeting without a new exec

    August 24, 2020 at 8:37 PM

    I'm not a lawyer either but isn't Sept. 1st the next meeting night? Didn't it occur to you that the meeting night was when the swearing-in ceremony would be so that it would be televised on PAC 14? I think they met the obligation of the charter already. You don't seem like you are very intelligent!

  67. Anonymous said...
    He’s the idiot! I’m sure proud the County Council made the right decision, Anderton the joke!!! Wasted those minutes of my life watching this video!

    August 24, 2020 at 2:45 PM

    Amen to that! I can't understand why Joe can't see that and why he is always attacking the most intelligent council members. Sounds like Liberal Joe is in bed with the Democrats Bill McCain, Josh Hastings and John Cannon.

  68. Anonymous said...
    Yes, 5:57. I am sick about the doctor declining and I am disgusted with Anderton, Day, Dunn and all the garbage in this city and county. I am really disappointed about Dr. Desmarais declining and again I am sick by the bunch of them. God I'm angry and sick.

    August 24, 2020 at 11:34 PM

    Me too! And don't forget about the RINO's on the Republican Central Committee that attacked the conservative republican over the Liberal Anderton! Very disgusting.

    1. This is the next generation of "leaders" emerging from the cancerous social media generation. Makes me want to vomit. All sense of civility and decorum is lost.

  69. Anonymous said...
    Smart move Dr. Demarais, turning the appointment down. This position will be eliminated in the upcoming county election in 2022! You would not have a county job anyways after that.

    August 24, 2020 at 10:22 PM

    I hate to break the bad news to you but the people put the County Executive position in place and the people will have to take it away.

    It might be too late to get it on the 2020 ballot so you are very clueless. Unless you get out and secure enough signatures it isn't going to happen.

  70. The Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce and Dorchester Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals present

    Lunch & Conversation:
    A Local Look at COVID19

    Wednesday, August 26, 2020
    12:00-1:00 PM

    Via Zoom
    Join the Dorchester Young Professionals and the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce (SACC) Young Professionals virtually as we discuss the most relevant issues related to COVID-19.

    Special guests will be Julia Glanz, Interim City of Salisbury Mayor, and Victoria Jackson-Stanley, Mayor of Cambridge.


    Oh Boy, I can't wait! Julia Glanz?? If that is the best that Bill Chambers can come up with then the members of the SACC need to send Billy Boi packing back to Southern Maryland. Who brought that d!ckhead here anyway??

  71. ******Well, I did a little Google Search on Anderton after I saw him crying on the FB video. He talks about the GED but he forgot that he told the Daily Times that he "graduated from Washington High School" and clearly there is no mention of a GED. What else is Anderton hiding?

    So clearly, Carl Anderton lied to the citizens of Wicomico County, the County Council and the Daily Times. So Carl Anderton, how in the Hell do you explain this lie about graduating from Washington High School?? This is enough to disqualify Anderton from the County Executive appointment.

    I hope you post this and the link to prove that Anderton has been lying to us all along.

    "Anderton — who calls Delmar "the most incredible place to call home" — moved there 11
    years ago with his wife, Sara, a town native, a their two sons, Carl III and Colin. Born in Salisbury, he grew up in rural Kingston in Somerset County, home to his mother's family, and graduated from Washington High School in Princess Anne."

    Anderton on upset 38B Delegate win: 'It's surreal'

  72. I’m still praying the good doctor stays as County Executive we need someone with a desire to do good things for the county and balance the Salisbury City Council which is a real mess.. Anderton’s video made me extremely glad he lost. The fact that he was so smug to have team in place
    He was so sure he was a shoe in and said the things he did about the doctor makes him an incredible screw up. He is definately a part of this entitled breed of people who things the whole world revolves about him IT’S ABOUT THE JOB not your ego. Your whole video was about you not what you could do for the county & this area and the people. What an over inflated ego you have do us a favor and change careers!

  73. The GOP Central Committee is charged with one duty and that is to help get Republicans elected. Shame on Nathaniel Sansom, the President of the Central Committee. I call for his fast and swift resignation, step down from that position before you are thrown out of it. Do yourself a favor and leave now.

    1. Do you even know who Nate Sansom is. He’s a 21 year old, inexperienced little boy.

  74. Say NO to Anderton. Get Michelle in there.

  75. So more of the BS that the council has done! I personally do not know any of them. However, what I do know is that the good old boys network and the worthless likes of the Mike Dunn's and the three that voted against him are the pits of humanity in my opinion and should all be voted out. So why not put this on the ballot and to be decided by the people that reside in Wicomico County. I bet it would NOT be Anderton. He's accompolished nothing and frankly I can't wait to see him out of politics. He does nothing and will do nothing for the citizens of this county if he is appointed. What he will do is rubber stamp whatever the liberals want just like some of the others on that council. Folks when election time comes, vote at least the 3 that voted against Desmeris out of office. Actually, Michelle Ennis is the most qualified but no, she wasn't considered because of a tiff she had with them even though she knows the job and is the most qualified.

  76. 8:46 you don’t know Day what about his affairs? Cheated on wife no 1, yep again wife no2, and both sexes makes no difference. Before 2nd wife’s school scandal and still awaiting trial. They were already living in separate homes. Our Mayor is a joke and so is Anderton a male Hillary always wanting another 15 min of attention. The Doc is the choice and our hope for change.

  77. At August 24, 2020 at 2:56 PM, The good doctor and Nicole Acle had an affair? Sheriff Gloryhound has been having affairs his entire careers which he still ran for office and made it! Even though the rumors were all true!! I am just saying...

  78. Let us look at Carl objectively. He says he is self-taught. Nothing wrong with that. President Lincoln is a good example. I can identify with Carl to a certain degree. My story is similar. I lost interest in school, dropped out and went into the military. I took the GED test and passed prior to my class graduating. However, the Maryland Department of Education would not issue the Maryland High School Equivalency Certificate until after my class graduated. I still have it today as a part of my personal papers.

    This document allowed me to enroll in college courses. In the end, I am self-educated and In conjunction, took mostly college courses, i.e., accounting, auditing, English, tax preparation, psychology American History, and math that I considered to be essential. The point is, look at the person’s record and accompaniments. In Carl’s case, he seems to be a responsive, compassionate and committed pubic servant,
    He seems to always respond in a timely fashion to inquiries and concerns brought to his attention.

    He seems to have demonstrated his desire for self-improvement. As far as the legitimacy of his High School Equivalence Certificate goes; a simple FOIA request to the Maryland Department of Education should suffice in verification, if it that important.

  79. It was quite clear that the county did NOT want Anderton...they still don't!

  80. This is what is commonly referred to as MOB RULE starting with Dunn, Randy Day, Carrie Todd, NAACP, Blair Carey, and of course Anderton. This is a sad time in Wicomico County’s history. Glad I had moved.

  81. Is this how Carl acts when he don’t get his way? Unprofessional and not a leader of any organization. Annapolis finds “brother man” a joke.

  82. Today its all about feelings, self explanation to events and smiley faces.

    No substance whatsoever.
    Belch. Damn snowflakes.

  83. One more reason Anderton should not become the County executive. He and his liberal left supporters are acting like babies and bulling so that Anderton will get appointed. Well isn't bullying the way of the liberals, acting like spoiled little children when they don't get their way. Isn't that what is currently going on in the democrat party..... if Someone has to act like this, it is a Big Ole Red Flag that this person does not belong in Office..... When they have to get Jakey's daddy evolved, how sad is that ... Jakey's daddy needs to worry about chickens and his plants. Take a Good Look Around where has a democratic leader ever do any thing good for their community.... I am telling Anderton is a liberal democrat his views line with the liberals his actions a line with liberals....I am not sure what the County had against Michelle.... but they need to think long and hard.... the liberal young in this town are are clueless .... they do not understand government and taxes.... they do not understand you CAN NOT TAX yourself into prosperity

  84. Sorry Mr. Anderton but some positions require a 4 year degree. In addition - after watching this video it is quite apparent that you are not the person to lead the county.

  85. Republicans didn't even turn out for the city mayor election. They just gave the position away. Republicans on this article need to practice what they preach. How many of you have had the courage to put your name in for any public office? -0-.

    1. Republicans didn’t turn out for the mayoral election because the republican candidate was FLAT OUT EMBARRASSING! I actually felt sorry for him during the debate at SU. If it wasn’t so sad it would have been comical but the Republican candidate was so embarrassing I actually felt sorry for him. Oh and that “protest video “ with the cardboard sign at the site of the traffic circle? That was so over the top pathetic that I thought we were being punked when I saw it

  86. Sounds like the video taken straight
    from Manipulation 101 does not appear to be working. I hope he doesn't release some kind of virus or killer bees next! LMAO

  87. 8/25 - 9:54am Dunn is a washed up has been still trying to make people think he is important. Karri Todd needs to pack it in as she was there representing the Chamber & I am a member of the Chamber but I don't share her views. The best was Brian Carey. Don't let him fool you. He just moved out of Wicomico County into Worchester County. Anderson is a train wreck. Or should I say Cornbread?

  88. Anonymous said...
    Is this how Carl acts when he don’t get his way? Unprofessional and not a leader of any organization. Annapolis finds “brother man” a joke.

    August 25, 2020 at 10:22 AM

    Yes, he is a freaking crybaby!

  89. Over 100 comments not in favor of Carl Anderton and some idiot thinks this is about removing one of the 4 council members from office because they are butthurt. Do you need a safe space to go cry in peace, Snowflake?

  90. Anonymous said...
    Sorry Mr. Anderton but some positions require a 4 year degree. In addition - after watching this video it is quite apparent that you are not the person to lead the county.

    August 25, 2020 at 11:36 AM

    He was hoping the pitty party would give him the sympathy vote.

  91. Who cares, not any of you clowns so why are you all always jaw jacking about this crap but you won't fix it??????? Your slaves so shut the hell up and at like it or shut the hell up and do something about what it is you don't like... or just shut the hell up, we are tired of hearing your jaw jacking about the very shit that you help create and refuse to fix it...


  92. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    ******Well, I did a little Google Search on Anderton after I saw him crying on the FB video. He talks about the GED but he forgot that he told the Daily Times that he "graduated from Washington High School" and clearly there is no mention of a GED. What else is Anderton hiding?

    So clearly, Carl Anderton lied to the citizens of Wicomico County, the County Council and the Daily Times. So Carl Anderton, how in the Hell do you explain this lie about graduating from Washington High School?? This is enough to disqualify Anderton from the County Executive appointment.

    I hope you post this and the link to prove that Anderton has been lying to us all along.

    "Anderton — who calls Delmar "the most incredible place to call home" — moved there 11
    years ago with his wife, Sara, a town native, a their two sons, Carl III and Colin. Born in Salisbury, he grew up in rural Kingston in Somerset County, home to his mother's family, and graduated from Washington High School in Princess Anne."

    Anderton on upset 38B Delegate win: 'It's surreal'

    August 25, 2020 at 3:49 AM

    Wow! I forgot about this. Carl Anderton lied to the press stating he was a graduate of Washington High School and then comes out 6 years later on video stating he has a GED or something. Poor Carl can't keep his lies straight, a deceptive liar is not who we need running our county as a County Executive. Thank God our 4 council members voted against him.

  93. In 2018 Carl Anderton ran for re-election unopposed and the Democrats refused to put anyone up against him.

    The Democrats don't leave seats unopposed. What does that tell you?

    It tells me that Carl Anderton was their Democrat! Speaks volumes!

  94. Anonymous said...
    You did not graduate. You were given a participation trophy. You lied on your application. We don't need a liar handling our tax dollars! Do you know the difference between a Maryland High School diploma and taking a test to get what ever you have. To get a diploma in 1992 all you had to do is show up for 12 years.
    August 24, 2020 at 2:48 PM

    That's exactly what it amounts to, a participation trophy, if indeed he got one.

  95. Anonymous said...
    The GOP Central Committee is charged with one duty and that is to help get Republicans elected. Shame on Nathaniel Sansom, the President of the Central Committee. I call for his fast and swift resignation, step down from that position before you are thrown out of it. Do yourself a favor and leave now.

    August 25, 2020 at 6:42 AM

    He was crying because Anderton promised him a good job in the County.

  96. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Let us look at Carl objectively. He says he is self-taught. Nothing wrong with that. President Lincoln is a good example. I can identify with Carl to a certain degree. My story is similar. I lost interest in school, dropped out and went into the military. I took the GED test and passed prior to my class graduating. However, the Maryland Department of Education would not issue the Maryland High School Equivalency Certificate until after my class graduated. I still have it today as a part of my personal papers.

    This document allowed me to enroll in college courses. In the end, I am self-educated and In conjunction, took mostly college courses, i.e., accounting, auditing, English, tax preparation, psychology American History, and math that I considered to be essential. The point is, look at the person’s record and accompaniments. In Carl’s case, he seems to be a responsive, compassionate and committed pubic servant,
    He seems to always respond in a timely fashion to inquiries and concerns brought to his attention.

    He seems to have demonstrated his desire for self-improvement. As far as the legitimacy of his High School Equivalence Certificate goes; a simple FOIA request to the Maryland Department of Education should suffice in verification, if it that important.

    August 25, 2020 at 9:39 AM

    Sounds like you are defending Carl and supporting him? Thankfully you are in the minority. What's it feel like to get a participation trophy?


  97. Anonymous said...
    What a joke Anderton is. You are a State Delegate who has 2 more years on your term. A lot of people would say that is a higher position, but that isn't good enough for you? You are going to cry??? Finish out your term. You can run for County Executive in 2 years, not that you are qualified for either.

    August 24, 2020 at 2:54 PM

    Exactly! Smartest comment of the day

  98. I looked at the video of Mike Dumb's protest in the name of the Greater Salisbury Committee. It wasn't much of a turnout. An embarrassment for the GSC and they should fire Mike Dunn for throwing the good members under the bus.

  99. Carl supports the tax differential, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Carl sponsored House Bill 1319 which sought to repeal the county licensing board's jurisdiction within city limits, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Now you know why the council rejected him and the city lords through a fit.

    It's as simple as that $$$$$$$$.

  100. If you read Section 402 of the Municipal Code...there is quite a bit of financial accounting, BUDGETING and report preparation. There is but ONE of the 3...now 2 remaining candidates that qualify and that is MICHELLE ENNIS. FYI for those wondering, no - I do NOT know her.

    Here's the code link for your reading pleasure:

  101. 1:30 pm "If you read Section 402 of the Municipal Code >>>blah blah blah " What the hell does that have to do with the county?

  102. Anonymous said...

    1:30 pm "If you read Section 402 of the Municipal Code >>>blah blah blah " What the hell does that have to do with the county?

    August 25, 2020 at 2:05 PM

    Wow...you must be an Anderton follower LMAO...
    READ IT MORON and you'll LEARN what it has to do with the County...SPECIFICALLY, the COUNTY EXECUTIVE position, you know - the one this POST is discussing ;)

    Let me help get you started...keep reading and you MIGHT just learn something!

    Section 401
    The executive branch of the county government shall consist of the County Executive and all officers, agents, and employees under his supervision and authority.

  103. The dolts on the Republican Central Committee could just taste their new jobs they were getting from Anderton. BAH HA HA HA HA

  104. There are lots of disappointing issues surrounding this deal. For me one of the worse is Randy Day speaking about Anderton calling him an agricultural warrior. Nothing is farther from the truth. He was there to advocate for his son Mayor Day not Anderton. He knows his son has Anderton in his pocket. Mr. Day, it’s apparent who taught your son to lie. Very very sad.

  105. 3:09 pm I think where the confusion is there is NO Municipal Code for Wicomico County. A Municipal Code refers to a municipality not a county. Wicomico County is governed under a Charter, so the post from 1:30pm should be written as Section 402 of the Charter of Wicomico County.

  106. Hello pots meet kettles or is it kettles meet pots. You stupid hillbillys are on here whining and complaining and crying about whining and complaining and crying Hello. Nobody is doing any more whining and complaining and crying then what i'm seeing in these comments. a bunch of whining, complaining crybaby Stupid hillbillys.

  107. Dr. Desmarais you sir are a Pu***!! If you haven't done anything wrong why would you continue to bow down to the childish actions of these punks in Salisbury?? You got punked by one of the most feminine ass kissers around, MIKE DUNN!! The guy can't even take care of the fire that's burning at home he's got to swallow any pride he has left and call in the cavalry to keep his wife satisfied

  108. Anonymous said...
    The dolts on the Republican Central Committee could just taste their new jobs they were getting from Anderton. BAH HA HA HA HA

    August 25, 2020 at 4:13 PM


  109. Now that someone has already mentioned the jobs promised by Mr. Anderton, let's lay it out there.

    Jobs promised by Carl Anderton once he was appointed:

    Rene Desmarais - County Health Commissioner
    Bunky Luffman - Chief of Staff
    Nate Sansom - IT Director
    Jackie Welfonder Davis - Local Management Board Director
    Kendal Krach - Executive Office Associate

    Feel free to add to the list if more are known.

    1. That’s what it’s all about. Callin’ it like ya heard it.

  110. Anonymous said...
    Carl supports the tax differential, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Carl sponsored House Bill 1319 which sought to repeal the county licensing board's jurisdiction within city limits, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Now you know why the council rejected him and the city lords through a fit.

    It's as simple as that $$$$$$$$.

    August 25, 2020 at 1:10 PM

    You left out Mike Dunn's main project, removing the Revenue Cap.

    You also forgot his multiple votes on the Red Flag Laws against the Second Amendment. The only reason he ended up voting against it, in the end, is because he and the Eastern Shore Delegation (with the exception of Delegate Otto) were getting their a$$es handed to them by the residents of Wicomico County. Anderton is Anti-second amendment!

  111. Anonymous said...
    Only 30 percent of graduating seniors can pass the GED test

    August 24, 2020 at 2:58 PM

    Are you trying to say that Anderton passed the GED test as if he is in the top 30%? I don't think he even took it!

  112. Anonymous said...
    Great to know all the "powers that be" in the downtown orbit are endorsing the most uneducated, disrespected person to be Executive. He is considered a clown in Annapolis.

    What is wrong with you people? Oh, I get it - you can control him and get your way. How noble of you for doing what is best for yourselves rather than the greater good! (Sarcasm!!!)

    August 24, 2020 at 3:22 PM

    That is exactly what is happening here. Mike Dunn and Bill Chambers are playing the members of the Greater Salisbury Committee and the Chamber of Commerce paying members as fools and they are too stupid to see what is happening. They are the IDIOTS!

  113. at 5:17 PM you are correct...my apologies and thank you! I SHOULD have said CHARTER! Sorry to 3:09 too but you should have READ it instead of coming off as a smartass ;)

  114. Nobody is knocking a GED or the educational achievement of Mr. Anderton. The video that Carl Anderton created above is a bit deceiving and all about himself. As far as the "digital version" of a Maryland High School Diploma, the State of Maryland does not usually mess up that badly. The State is pretty consistent with its alignment and formatting of official documents. If you Google search "Maryland High School Diplomas" you will find companies that sell fake Maryland diplomas and Harvard degrees for around $70 bucks. This diploma that he shown in his video looks to be one of these knock-offs. Mr. Anderton has some further explaining to do, such as where he acquired his "digital copy" diploma. The people look forward to seeing the real deal that's on its way. Until then, the citizens can see the difference between a traditional Maryland High School Diploma and the diploma he presented in his video:


  115. Anonymous said...
    Now that someone has already mentioned the jobs promised by Mr. Anderton, let's lay it out there.

    Jobs promised by Carl Anderton once he was appointed:

    Rene Desmarais - County Health Commissioner
    Bunky Luffman - Chief of Staff
    Nate Sansom - IT Director
    Jackie Welfonder Davis - Local Management Board Director
    Kendal Krach - Executive Office Associate

    Feel free to add to the list if more are known.

    August 25, 2020 at 7:29 PM

    I'm glad you don't have a job in having to hit precise locations, because you missed your mark.

  116. Carl supports the tax differential, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Carl sponsored House Bill 1319 which sought to repeal the county licensing board's jurisdiction within city limits, which would cost the county tax payers millions out of their pockets, and given it to the city of Salisbury.

    Now you know why the council rejected him and the city lords through a fit.

    It's as simple as that $$$$$$$$.

    August 25, 2020 at 1:10 PM

    You left out Mike Dunn's main project, removing the Revenue Cap.

    You also forgot his multiple votes on the Red Flag Laws against the Second Amendment. The only reason he ended up voting against it, in the end, is because he and the Eastern Shore Delegation (with the exception of Delegate Otto) were getting their a$$es handed to them by the residents of Wicomico County. Anderton is Anti-second amendment!


    You forgot any fracking vote Anderton made for Western Maryland.

  117. The current council has demonstrated their further failure, they lie, scratch each other’s backs, have personal gains because of their position. They are totally out of date with what this county needs. The county executive needs to be voted on by special election. Again the council has reared its ugly corrupt head and decided what they want. Do the right thing and let the people decide, that’s how it is supposed to be here in America.

  118. We have an infestation of the Deep State right here in Salisbury! They can not accept election results, want to change the rules of the game after they lose, and make threats and spread slander on the winner that isn't in their back pocket. I am embarrassed for how much they have spread their cancer in our own community! Always the same party...Pushing for the most "vulnerable" person to fill the Republican spot so they can control him. Pathetic individuals! Guess what. You guys are exposed!

  119. Watched the special county council meeting today 8/28/2020 at 5:30. McCain, Cannon, and Hastings cried like little pansy brats in attempt to get their pick. They need to realize that Carl Anderton will not be voted in. They are beating a dead horse. Out of the meeting, Ernie Davis was the hero to tell it like it is. Turns out, there is only a few people with integrity on the council. This is a non-partisan issue that comes down to ethics and integrity. For those who desire their puppet, enjoy your time, because the swamp will be drained.


  120. True Republican said...
    We have an infestation of the Deep State right here in Salisbury! They can not accept election results, want to change the rules of the game after they lose, and make threats and spread slander on the winner that isn't in their back pocket. I am embarrassed for how much they have spread their cancer in our own community! Always the same party...Pushing for the most "vulnerable" person to fill the Republican spot so they can control him. Pathetic individuals! Guess what. You guys are exposed!

    August 28, 2020 at 1:06 PM

    Amen!! John Cannon should be run out of the Republican Party in Wicomico County for taking sides with the Democrats.

    The council is doing their part and following the charter. The votes should come from the Republicans and not the Democrats.

    John Cannon is following the lead of Democrats Mike Dunn from the Greater Salisbury Committee and Bill Chambers of the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce.

    By the way did you all know that the Chamber of Commerce is no longer the Salisbury Area? They have Dorchester County and Worcester County members. It's all about those membership fees. The Chamber no longer looks out for the best interest of our city and county.

  121. Carl Anderton Supports Tax Relief For Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury Taxpayers!

    Part II

    Does SbyNews no that Carl Anderton is related to that fat blogger who terrorizes people like Joe, his family and his friends. Come on now, wake up!!

    No wonder Carl Anderton is Facebook Friends with Jim Ireton and many of Jim Iretons gay and Democrat Friends in Salisbury. He fooled you voters, didn't he! Those same friends hate Republicans. Those same friends hate anyone conservative. Those same friends Hate Andy Harris! Those same friends stormed an Andy Harris event wearing chicken costumes and disrupted it with threats and violence. If conservatives did that to Frank Kratovil today it would have made national news and the conservatives would have been put in jail as domestic terrorists. This is what Carl Anderton is supporting? There are more against this bill that Carl Anderton co-sponsors than live in Delmar and Salisbury! Carl Anderton is obviously didn't use his brain with this bill because he thinks it's a feel good measure because he was a small-town mayor. I will surmise that you sir made a fatal political mistake. This Sir, is pretty stupid. We now know why you were Jimbeau's and Jake's friend and spend a lot of time downtown with your bunky Bunky Luffman during all the Third Friday events.

    Does Carl Anderton realize there were more Republicans on the County Council that supported his election than Democrat on the City Council? You can bet the Democrats voted for Norm Conway and not Carl Anderton! You can bet that Jim Ireton and Jake Day voted for Norm Conway and not Carl Anderton!

    The best thing that could happen is the municipalities dissolve their charters and let there be only one government under Wicomico County.

  122. Slumlord Michael Weisner said... I cannot believe Carl was not selected as our next county executive. He is clearly the most qualified for that position of those that applied.


    So, Mikey!! Please tell us what makes Cornbread "clearly the most qualified?" We'll wait!

  123. Kathleen McLain said... If you missed the live stream this morning (SBY Independent), you can catch it on the Independent's website. The business community has seriously critiqued the process that led to the decision and asked the Council to reconsider. I fully support that.


    "The business community has seriously critiqued the process that led to the decision and asked the Council to reconsider."
    Uh... What business community?? You mean Mike Dunn and Bill Chambers and their few dummies that can't think for themselves?? It's obvious you can't think for yourself either, Karen. Time to stay out of politics since you are totally clueless.

    Bye Karen!


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