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Monday, August 17, 2020

Joe Biden Alienated Black Voters by Picking Kamala Harris

When presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden chose Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) as his running mate, he may have known he was alienating conservatives and moderates, but he likely didn’t anticipate alienating black voters. According to a groundbreaking poll from Rasmussen Reports, Biden’s VP pick has given black voters second thoughts about supporting the Democratic ticket in November.

The latest Rasmussen poll found that a third of black likely voters said they are “less likely” to vote for Biden after the Harris pick, while a third said they were “more likely” to do so, and another third either said the VP pick will have no impact or their votes or that they weren’t sure what impact it will have.

About a quarter (24 percent) of all likely voters said Biden’s VP pick would make them more likely to vote for the Democrats in November, while another quarter (24 percent) said it will make them less likely to vote for Biden. Half (50 percent) said Harris would make no impact on their vote.

The vast majority of likely Democratic voters (76 percent) said they had a favorable opinion of Harris, with 48 percent calling their opinion of her “very favorable.” Only 18 percent had an unfavorable view.



  1. She’s not even black ... another Elizabeth Warren

  2. Over 50 people shot this weekend in Liberal run New York the media stays silent

  3. As the fat one says “what difference does it make”? The failed ole boy doesn’t have any voters to alienate. He never was anything and never will be. You can do a poll or fact check on that.

  4. Bottom Line-If you are a democrat you are a racist. There are NO if's and's or but's about it-Democrats are racists. You may not realize you are a racist because the democrat voters are not the brightest bulbs in the pack.
    The democrat party looks at blacks as even below 2nd class citizens. They go more ballistic over animals living in horrid conditions then blacks.
    One good example are the inner cities. The schools all of which in minority areas perform dismally. Many are unsafe. The democrats who are always in control of these areas allow the black schools to be horrid. The democrats in charge would never allow white schools to get so bad but since it's only the black schools that are bad oh well. To democrats black children aren't worthy of good and safe schools.
    Now the democrat party has sent out foot soldiers in the form of blm and antifa. Blacks best shut their mouths up about the kkk and white supremacy. The truth is blm and anitfa has done more damage to black communities and has caused the deaths of more blacks then the kkk and white supremacy ever has ever will and if you are an honest person you will not only repeat this but you will publicly repeat this.
    Blacks including a record number of innocent black children some barely out of infancy are being gunned down now just about every hour in this country. This because the democrats in control of the areas where this is happening (and it is ALL democrats) Baltimore, NYC, Atlanta, etc want blacks to die. They want the chaos and the black blood shed in the cites. They were running scared because of all the successes in the cities Thanks to President Trump, his admin and the Republican party. The democrat do NOT want businesses opening in the cities and the democrats do NOT want to see black business owners. But democrats do want to see blacks killing each other and they want to see black children getting gunned down. This because all the violence will prevent revitalization. Democrats are evil. They are worse then Hitler. At least everyone knew where Hitler stood. The democrats try and hide their real intentions A vote for biden is a vote for true evil. The democrat party does the devil's work on earth.

  5. Many blacks are into the proverb it takes a village but as usual like they do with Christianity talk a good game but are failures when it comes to actually walking that walk.
    School Choice! biden/harris are very against it. This because they are in part controlled by the teachers union. This union is more important to them then the children. This is a fact and if anyone denies this they are a liar.
    If you actually believe it takes a village then you would vote for candidates that are for school choice. Every single one of the public schools in this country that is mostly minority performs badly and most are unsafe. If parents had a choice this would create competition.
    In the more affluent areas the schools are great many excellent. This because they face the competition of the affluent parents pulling their children out and sending them to a private school Inner city blacks do not have this choice. They are stuck sending their children to the bad schools. There needs to be a lot of competition in the area of schools and that will only happen with School Choice.

  6. Probably not. black democrat voters stand for nothing. Not a thing. They are a people without not only principles but morals They will $itch and complain about blacks being locked up disproportionately and then go and vote for harris who indeed did make sure blacks were locked up disproportionately.
    This is why their youth are out of control and are gunning each other down. They are an extremely dysfunctional race-the most dysfunctional on the face of the earht--- who constantly and consistently give their youth mixed messages. Racism is not their problem. It is them and their lack of standing for nothing.

  7. I also think it has to do with something Hillary said in 2016;
    "Black people will vote for anything labeled Democrat they are that stupid".

    The the DNC memo was leaked showing by picking a Black woman it would insure a huge Black voter turnout. They are playing up to the black voters but have never ever done anything to improve their lives. Record employment only under Trump, not once in 150 years under Democrats!

  8. Democrats are dipping into the Presidential and VP black nomination process by skin shade, starting with very light skinned people of color. You'll notice that the TV side of the MSM has been stuck there for at least 30 years.

  9. True but he gained Indian voters.

  10. I've noticed they are using Rose tinted lights on her to make her even lighter. Look at older photo's of her in Calif. and the new ones now as a VP choice.

  11. Democrats are stupid! They say they hate old rich white people and law enforcement. Then look who they pick! An old rich white guy and a 1/3 Jamaican who they’re trying to pass off as African American who laughed about smoking pot and then locking up a whole lot of black people! I swear you can’t make this stuff up! Crazy!

  12. Good > keep up the good work so Trump WINS 2020 in Landslide !!!!

  13. Maybe the Democrats Alienate Black Voters because they were the KKK , and the Smart Blacks know some History !!!


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