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Monday, August 17, 2020

Hashtag #wrongtrump trends on Twitter after death of president's brother

The hashtag was shared by those who claim the president should have died

Following the death of President Trump's brother Robert Trump, critics of the president have been tweeting the hashtag #wrongtrump, as if to say that it should have been the president to die instead.
As of Sunday morning, the hashtag was the second highest trending on Twitter, with more than 77,600 tweets, including a journalist and an NAACP leader.

"Dear Grim Reaper, You took the #wrongtrump," tweeted Bishop Talbert Swan, who is a pastor, radio host, and president of the Springfield, Mass., branch of the NAACP.



  1. Learn the lesson Sam Hyde taught us- "Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s funny."

    When someone tell you who they are, believe them.

  2. And yet twitter alows a threat against a sitting PRESIDENT

  3. Despicable to say the least. One may not care for Trump but to attack in this fashion is so insensitive and callous.

  4. I do not call someone a pastor who would spew hate like that.

  5. That's just down right mean. I can't believe the Democrats and NAACP would stoop so low but I was wrong. What's wrong with these organizations?

  6. This is not a violation of the twitter community? All inclusive safe community sharing non harmful, violent ideas?

  7. The divide in this country may be irreversible...I may have disagreed with Obama, but never wished the guy dead or the country to fail because of it. It’s amazing how the left has treated their president and this country all because they lost the election. If Biden wins, covid will go away...if trump wins, cities are going to burn.

  8. We keep going down this path of hatred, hurt feelings and opinions, no one will ever be happy or agree. Dems win anything, Fox slams, CONgress never agrees or compromises; Repubs win, CNN MSNBC CBS ABC NBC slams, CONgress never agrees or Compromises.

    This is not how it's supposed to be yet we all have fallen into the hatred hole.

    Based on history hatred leads fear then war. No reason for it at all. Hatred, fear or war.

    Sad indeed.

  9. Replies
    1. In your dreams 10:47, don't waste your money on champagne

  10. Not caring about Robert’s death or the 160000 Americans that have died as a result of CV 19 is classless.

  11. The grim reaper knew better then to take Donald trump

  12. They are so sick. No hope for them. Disgusting 🖕

  13. Just mean, no merit to comments.

  14. Shame, for shame!

  15. Hmmmm Pastor? What Christian would say that much less a pastor? What Church in Hades is he a pastor of? It really pisses me off whenever I see some activist calling himself the Reverend this or Bishop that.

  16. More ghetto lyrics.

  17. These liberal reprobates' characters STINK SO BAD, it would overwhelm the stench of an overflowing dumpster, behind a pork abbatoire, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. These walking testaments to everything human DNA has done wrong, are creatures who live underneath rocks with the worms and that's an insult to worms.



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