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Monday, August 24, 2020

Interim chief: 3 Prince George's County police officers shot 'were ambushed'

Alsobrooks: 'All three of these officers are nothing short of heroes'

LANDOVER, Md. — Three Prince George's County police officers were shot within seconds of arriving at a home invasion call, the interim police chief said.

County police said officers were called at 6:35 p.m. Sunday to the 1300 block of Capital View Terrace.

Interim Police Chief Hector Velez said there was a legitimate call for service, a home invasion, but that the officers came under fire within seconds after arriving at the scene.

"They were ambushed," Velez said.

Police said officers returned fire, and two men are in custody. They were not struck.

"This evening, I received a call that three of my officers were shot. My heart sank," Velez said.

"This is the call you hope you never get, and we were just so shaken tonight to have gotten the call that three of our officers had been shot," Prince George's County Executive Angela Alsobrooks said. "All three of these officers are nothing short of heroes."

The officers were taken to the hospital for treatment.

"They're going to be fine ... They are in good spirits. They are concerned about each other. They expressed concern for the person that they were responding to for the call for service," Velez said. "At this point, they suffered various degrees of injuries, and fortunately, we were able to apprehend two individuals."

The chief said the officers provided care to each other.



  1. This is their way of defunding (dismantling) the police all over the country. Trump will clean this up after reelection.

  2. Blue Lives Matter.

  3. Cops have to have awareness. Especially in a libutard FOREIGNERS run county like this.

  4. They should’ve never made it to jail

  5. God Bless all our officers.

  6. 1300 block of Capital View Terrace, PG County MD

    Thats all one needs to know of the PERPs.

    The mentality of stupid never ever stops for anything.


  7. This is open warfare. The left talks about gun control but radical left wing dissidents openly carry assault rifles and aim at police...but that is permissible today. A black felon with an extensive record who struggles against arrest for fear of another stint is "sainted"; so upside down.

  8. 12:26 if you'd read more than a headline you'd know that the movement to defund the police just means expanding services provided by other experts so a cop with a bachelors degree in history isn't responsible for issues a social worker is much more qualified to handle.

    1. 914 youbare wasting your time. These clowns neither read or comprehend too well

  9. 914 wow but true.

    Sad though, most marching and yelling think money taken away from LEOs is a good thing.

    The great uneducated leading the way with violence. They know nothing else!

  10. Just wait until they are tasked with providing escorts for the plandemic vaccines enforcement teams and the rest of the evils they intend to bring forth.


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