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Monday, August 24, 2020

“Asian People Stealing Black Culture Again!” – Black Muslim Woman Berates Asian Boba Tea Store Owner For Not Being “Black-Owned” (VIDEO)

A black Muslim woman berated an Asian Boba tea store owner in Aurora, Colorado on Friday for not being “black owned.”

The black Muslima accused the Asians of “stealing black culture” and then turned her ire toward a black customer who was defending the store owners and called him a “coon.”

“This establishment is not black-owned, but you’re stealing black culture,” the Muslima said. “Is this not black culture? Trap Tea…”

“No! You’re thieves! Asian people stealing black culture once again! Once again!” she said. “It’s okay, you’ll be exposed though! You’re not black-owned! You’re stealing black culture!”



  1. What the hell would a black muslim know about running a tea shop? Who knows tea better than an Asian?

    1. Maybe. They did learn from the Asians after all

  2. Is anyone else getting sick of the chit everyday?

  3. Shes stealing air dont hear me complaing. But Hey what do you expect from a luciferian satanic devil worshiping peace of crap They deceive they cheat they steal, Envious jealous shallow creeps !! why are they hear again?

  4. The Arab Muslims look down on the black ones

    1. That's because the black ones are fake. They only do it to find an identity andhand justify their violent tendencies. TheAThe Muslims only recruit them for carrying out their agendas, kind of like the democrats

  5. Very very sick of all this crap. Live and let live and stfu!!

  6. All the different factions of the Democrat party are about bullying intimidation and threats and of course violence

  7. I am confused...so the only way to fight this so called systemic racism is for only one particular race to be allowed to own businesses and be allowed to advance at all in life and everyone else who does advance must be a racist because they are either preventing or stealing from this one race's potential for advancement? And here I always thought the way to fight racism was to try to live by the golden rule!

  8. Bubble (Boba) tea was invented in Taiwan in the 1980.

  9. The ignorance of self entitlement is simply amazing and shows on so many levels lack of sense.

    I see no one from that side of the house ever chiming in? Wonder why that is? Could use a perspective as to why this mindset continues. The video's, the constant domestic fighting on video, the destruction on video, the berating of other nationalities on video. It only diminishes everyone's view of that mentality.

    And at the end of the day, we hear - "I want mine".


  10. And white people are racists!!!!!!!!

  11. 12:16- you don't even realize your comment is in fact.....RACIST. smh

    1. Racism begets racism 8:38. Look who started it

    2. 12:16 you are so INEPT. I guess you're a LOVE IS LOVE BULLSHIT person. You're obviously white. Lived in a Rich community where you were taught blacks are fine. Because you didn't have ANY interaction with them. Well snowflake you're in for a big surprise. Take a walk down Isabela street my non RACIST friend. Watch how fast your beliefs change.

    3. 12:20 is there a tea shop on Isabella Street? Lol

    4. 5:45 Thank you. That was funny. I needed that. Keep the Faith!!

  12. The irony is that if it were a black owned boba tea shop, they would be stealing Asian culture...

  13. She's upset about the name of the store (Trap Tea). She isn't claiming that boba tea is black culture.

  14. "Trap Tea has since released a statement clarifying that their name was inspired by Japanese anime Dragon Ball Z.

    “The name came from the appreciation of black southern culture and the grind, hustle, and drive that we put into the brand and the friends and family we have collaborated with to make that possible,” Trap Tea stated on Instagram.

    “The logo is a flip on the dragon ball z kame house from the popular anime show.”"

  15. Northwest Woodsman: I cringe at the word “ black culture” but then I realize that culture is a word that describes the collective behavior and development of an ethnic group. So, I suppose, blacks do have a culture but it is significantly different from those of us whose ancestors founded this country. If you wish to talk about cultural appropriation, negros have then appropriated and used almost every facet of Caucasian culture. I find it difficult to come up with anything related to their lives that originate from Africa. What significant developments, inventions, agriculture, communications, etc., have the negro race contributed to the world. They wear western civilization clothes, drive automobiles, use cell phones, microwaves, play our musical instruments, and eat our food. They have some nerve complaining about cultural appropriation but then again, unreasonable and outrageous demands are par for the course when it comes to negros. Truth is sometimes difficult to accept, however, it is also difficult to refute my comment.

  16. Black Muslim?? Just say BLACK. That's who they are. They are playing the Muslim card now. New SCAM to get government handouts. They are always looking for the next hustle.

  17. I too wish society could find a place for the low IQ people from Africa. We are all God’s people, even if Jews are His favorite. Jesus Christ said, the Jew First, but then Greek (goy) also!

  18. 11:35...yes, let's look at who started racism...in THIS country. When you make comments that stereotype a whole group of people, it's racist. Like it or not.

    1. Ummm no 1:20! Looks like the black muslim did. Stick with the story

  19. Good Lord people. All 12:16 was saying is that Asians know tea! Good God Almighty!


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