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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Hard Hitting Interview: Cardi B Gets Joe Biden to Back Tax Hike to Pay for Free Health Insurance, College Tuition

Joe Biden has thrown his support behind free health insurance and college, saying in an Elle magazine interview with rap star Cardi B that “there’s no reason why we can’t have all of that.” And who will foot the bill? Taxpayers, of course, with the presidential candidate saying that “no corporation should pay less than 15 percent tax.”

Biden made his remarks in response to Cardi B’s wish list for what she wants from the winner of November’s presidential election. “I have a whole list of things that I want our next president to do for us,” the 27-year-old, anti-Trump rapper said. “What I want is free Medicare. It’s important to have free [healthcare] because look what is happening right now. Of course, I think we need free college.”



  1. I love her new video and lyrics of the song “ W.A.P” it’s great. Just dropped a few days ago. However I don’t know what it stands for.

    1. I originally read it meant: Without A Patriarchy. I thought it had something to do with resisting President Trump’s government and defunding the police.
      I should have known better. That isn’t filthy and ignorant enough for them. It means: Wet A$$ Pu$$y
      Don’t blame me. Apparently that is in the lyrics? All the gals have to try to out do the Super Bowl show JLo and Shakira put on this year. Gross.

  2. So for her college education (if any) did they not tell her nothing is free

  3. Joe is a liar just as Hillary and Berry. Will say and do anything to get your vote. Lying dog faced pony soldier.

  4. This is the most ridiculous thing I have read in a long time. What happens when the money runs out with FREE HEALTHCARE AND FREE COLLEGE??????? All I have to say better be careful what you wish for. It could leave YOU NOTHING!!

  5. What an idiot.
    One day she'll be a fat and ugly idiot.

  6. So, In New York people are leaving in droves because they are being taxed to death.
    Hiden Biden wants to promise free stuff and tax people to death to pay for it.

    These loony stupid libtards like Cuomo and Biden are just stuck on stupid and anyone who votes for these idiots is stuck on stupid too.

  7. Commenters:

    The Democrat Party understands that socialism (even communism) does not work out mathematically. Eventually the government will run out of other people's money. It is already out of money and the Fed Reserve Bank prints US Dollars out of thin air to purchase the Bonds. Then they collect interest on the Bonds.

    Communism isn't supposed to work.
    It is a trick.

    Many Americans are falling for this old trick.
    So many people do not read history.

  8. Wow great interview and some tuff questions...

  9. 5:46

    I guess that day is here. I saw a picture. Yuk!

  10. No different that many European countries. No one is filing bankruptcy because of medical bills, no one is in debt over student loans. If we can send Isreal $3 billion a year and they have universal healthcare and provide abortions with your tax dollars, why can we provide it through taxes for our own citizens? People are so worried about the next man or who is or isn't paying, if the rich paid their fair share, the burden wouldn't be felt so hard by the middle class. What don't you people get about this????

  11. typical entertainer that is out of touch with reality! Economics 101 there is no free lunch.


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