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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Families Say Online Learning Makes Education Difficult, Stressful

The first week of school has begun for a majority of students around the country. Students living in areas that have eased coronavirus restrictions will be allowed to learn in classrooms, while others will need computers in order to participate in online learning.

While online learning can keep students socially distant, some parents have expressed concerns over the real effectiveness of the practice.

One parent from Georgia shared a photo of her kindergartner on his first day of remote learning. In the photo, which went viral on Facebook, he appeared beyond frustrated while trying to learn online.

“I just took that picture because I wanted people to see reality. Then he came over, we hugged, and I was crying right along with him. Getting 5,000 emails a day from all their teachers, trying to keep up different apps, different codes, different platforms. Some links don’t work. You’re running from one laptop to another.”– Jana Coombs, parent



  1. There is no law that states kids must be "schooled".I'm taking my 10 year old son bar hopping every single day everyone else's kids are being home schooled.Maybe some day eventually school will re start,but until then he'll learn the ins and outs of the club scene.

  2. Awe. Poor babies. Have to do your job and you don't like it. Well your job is forever. You can't be fired. So if you can't handle the pressure?? QUIT.

  3. You all whined about parents not being involved enough. Well now they are. Yet you still whine. Pathetic.

  4. This will prove to be yet another "progressive" liberal disaster.

  5. It’s great you don’t have to come in contact with hood rats that just want to disrupt the class

  6. The only ones whining are minorities.

    1. Tru dat home slice

      (snicker snicker)


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