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Saturday, August 29, 2020

BLM Whines After Getting Their Butts Kicked By Patriots As Cops Stand By and Watch

BLM is whining in Portland after getting their butts kicked by some patriots as the police stood by and did nothing. Perhaps this was because  a stand down order works both ways, though we are only postulating that one was issued.
I didn’t see anyone jump into the fray like they do when they have a helpless victim. While watching these videos note that some BLM and Antifa are actually questioning, with a straight face, why the police won’t get involved and help them.


  1. It is about time someone took the BLMs and Antifa to task. Maybe now they will quit or ask for a raise from George Soros. Looks like the violence will continue. Game on!!!!!!!!!

  2. I want to kick some ass I hope Salisbury University punks start back with their bull

    1. @7:44 You sound like a real tough guy threatening to beat up some 18 year olds. Definitely not a loser keyboard warrior at all.

    2. Psst he's a tough girl....

  3. We need to just get this election over so we can go back to life again.

  4. I actually like blm. It shows us who the garbage is in our midst. And possibly who the imbeciles are. I mean who in their right mind would ever support this terrorist group? They go into mostly black neighborhoods and cause massive destruction. That destruction always without fail leads to an explosion of black on black murders. God punishing an evil people maybe? But whatever the reason that is the prize blacks get for supporting blm. Their own blowing each others brains out and killing black children also. But if they are too dumb and so many so evil that they support a group that has caused more destruction and more black deaths then the police and the kkk combined then they deserve nothing else but to live in the filthy war zones and to be burying their youth and their children. I think God sent blm so He could see how immoral the black race has sunk in their lives and He could punish them accordingly while they are still alive. Giving them a chance at redemption maybe. It's too bad so many even lie about being christian otherwise they would see what is going on

  5. They better get use to it.
    Karma is awesome isn’t it

  6. Here is Ground Zero of your most anticipated Civil War. Won't be the shot heard around the world but will appease your fantasies.

  7. Don't even go near BLM supporters They are bad luck jinx people to begin with and that bad luck will jump to you. They all have thugs in their own bloodline some even murderers in prison. They are all forever experiencing health issues including many had Covid. They all have untimely and unexpected "accidents" in their lives that take the life of their children. This bad luck will be on you if you allow them in your space. In anyway including social media. Unfriend them whatever for your own good.

  8. The Trumper's backed the antifa's azz's up.

  9. @ August 30, 2020 at 1:07 PM. Then how about he beats your azz then?

  10. The hippocrites are out huh. Wish all the gang bangers were present and shooting back. They would just been defending themselves. And so what if you killed em. Better u than us


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