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Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Democrats Sure Love A Funeral

Political rallies are a thing of the past, at least this year. Conventions are not happening, not in any recognizable way at least. But this reality hasn’t stopped Democrats from having a slice of both, only it comes with a side of death. More accurately, death comes with an opportunity to have a rally or a convention-esque speech. It’s pretty sick, actually.

There are states that have allowed their entire population fewer funerals with fewer attendees than either George Floyd or John Lewis had. Nothing against either man. I’m sure their families miss them dearly, but there are bodies in refrigerator trucks that can’t be claimed by family members because of state-imposed restrictions. Their families miss them dearly too, and would love, and need, to memorialize them as well. It’s an important part of the grieving process.

Yet, they can’t, or at least can’t have more than a few people. Who wants to be the person to tell family members they didn’t make the cut for attending grandma’s funeral because a governor said there could only be 10 people there?

Meanwhile, Floyd and Lewis were taken on tour, with Floyd receiving three services and Lewis six. While they were allegedly subject to some restrictions, you’d be hard-pressed to spot them from the pictures and videos.

Again, it’s not their fault. Each man likely had ideas of what they’d like their memorials to be (Lewis more than Floyd), but why did they get exemptions?



  1. You have to read the whole article. Really will show the ones not paying attention how evil liberals are..smh..mho

  2. Look how many are being killed??

  3. For some, it's just for the buffet after the services.

  4. Gonna be another holiday....ha ha ha the news clip shows people shoulder to shoulder, half will get COVID-19 and die and President Trump will be blamed for allowing them to assemble!


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