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Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Black driver yells at Black Lives Matter protesters blocking Texas highway

A black motorist is going viral after flipping out at Black Lives Matter protesters who blocked a Texas highway — getting them to let him through after screaming, “I gotta go to work!”

The unidentified motorist was filmed getting out of his pickup after a group of mostly white protesters blocked Austin’s I-35 late Saturday.

“Hey look, I understand the cause, I appreciate it — but I gotta go to work!” he told the group after getting out on the highway.

“I’m black — I gotta go to work! I got bills. I got kids. Get the f–k out my way!” he yelled as one of the protest leaders approached him.

The protesters — who moments earlier had been chanting, “Whose streets? Our streets!” — quickly parted, with several shouting to make sure the motorist was allowed through.

Other cars were still blocked, however, as a line of protesters was seen reforming and stretching across the highway.



  1. Run their a$$ over!! They'll move!

  2. I mostly see white people at these BLM protests. It is truly perplexing.

  3. Have you ever noticed that the people that jump to the front of the line at amusement parks are never white???? Just me....

  4. I don't believe these people are smart enough to realize it is blacks against blacks. More blacks kill blacks than cops. Even children. Where is the justice. All lives matter. red , yellow, black and white they are precious in his sight. Sunday school hymn.

  5. It's always been like that practically my whole life. Ever when there were not riots, minorities have always felt like they "own the streets," and when you see one or more in the street, they will not get out of the way, or allow you to pass without going around. And I have noticed they will not stop for a pedestrian in a crosswalk. Try using the crosswalk at WalMart when a black driver is coming towards you. They most often will look right at you and not stop. Racism is racism, no matter what color you are. The street thing is something Ive always credited to lack of private ownership of private assets (poverty and fiscal irresponsibility) by minorities, such as actual ownership the residences they reside in. Many are what used to be called "wards of the state." So public ownership is all they have, public housing, public economic assistance, and public health. So the streets are public, so they think and treat them as their "private property" to control, like their government cell phones, housing, and other things the government provides to them. Even when the country has provided them with the means to escape poverty and actually own the things they have, the street mentality is embedded in their minds by the government. 157 years, and government continues to make it worse, just to retain corrupt political power. Nothing the liberals have done, givaways, "free" money, cell phones, housing, "hate" laws, welfare, equal opportunity laws, or anything else the liberals have done over the last 6 decades have made a difference. Minorities are complaining more than ever, and streets are more unsafe than ever. And many of the same people are in congress that were there 30-50 years ago, Wonder why things don't change? It because our elected leaders in congress, the ones responsible for the laws that give our country direction, seldom change. It takes death to pry their grip on power from the cold dead hands. Too bad term limits weren't seen as needed when the constitution was written. It's one area our forefather's failed to address.


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