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Friday, August 21, 2020

“Democrats Have Ruined Their Cities. Don’t Let Them Destroy America” – Trump Campaign Unveils Devastating Ad Against Biden and Kamala (VIDEO)

The Trump campaign on Wednesday rolled out a devastating ad against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

Democrats have ruined their cities.

Don’t let them destroy America.

The Trump campaign wisely took footage of the rioting, violence and lawlessness taking place in Democrat-run cities across the country and used it against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.



  1. Funny not a peep about democrats releasing criminals out of prisons on to the streets.

  2. Great and powerful ad! TRUTH!

  3. Not a peep about the fake impeachment either after the show the democrats put on to fool their ignoramus voters.

  4. We REAL Americans WON'T let Enemys / Traitors Ruin OUR Country

    We are just giving them enough ROPE to Hang Themselves 2020 !!!!

  5. Wow. Brings back those scary couple of weeks. I remember waking up a couple times a night to check the headlines. Police headquarters surrounded. Police cruisers set on fire. Statues and monuments vandalized. Looting. Arson. Chaos and violence. Let’s not forget in November. Let’s not forget.

  6. We REAL Americans NOT afraid , Bring it on 2020 !!! We kick ass !!!

    Time to take OUT all the Terrorist Groups in America 2020 , Get it Done

    Starting with the Democrat Party > Party is OVER !!!!

  7. Have you guys taken a drive through small town USA. Drugs, no jobs, trash housing, crime, hos walking the main blvd. Salisbury, cambridge, elkton. The list goes on. Tell me again how this is a one party issue

  8. The GOOD people will ALWAYS WIN !!! The BAD people just don't
    believe it yet !!!
    We WON WW2 & we will keep on & on & on !!! Never Surrender !!!


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