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Friday, August 21, 2020

Brawl breaks out on American Airlines plane when passenger refuses to follow face-covering policy

'So much for social distancing,' a passengers says

Throwing punches is certainly not social distancing.

Footage appeared online that shows a fight breaking out between passengers on anAmerican Airlines flight as it was waiting to depart. According to reports, the incident was sparked when one traveler refused to comply with the airline’s face-covering policy.


  1. You idiots out there that think wearing your communist stamp mask is going to save you from Whu Flu need to do some very BASIC critical thinking skills.

    If you can smell a fart through the mask, it's NOT protecting you!

    If you can smell cigarette smoke through the mask, it's NOT protecting you.

    They claim that the mask is to protect others from you. So they are penalizing millions of non sick Americans on this weak claim?
    How does it protect others? Answer, the mask only makes you sick because you can't breath and it harvests bacteria.

    1. 5:38
      I agree 100%

    2. You may be 100% correct. But speaking of thinking skills. Is it also correct to get into fist - T - cuffs over such a thing? I don’t like them and who does. But if there is a policy on the plane you go by it or go home.

  2. I got tested I’m negative but I was told I couldn’t enter the store with out A mask on. I don’t understand what the point is.

    1. The nerve of that store not knowing you are negative. Smh. Lol you could be positive by now smart as you are.

  3. I’m so surprised by the people involved. Just can’t believe it

  4. Excellent. Start resisting them, or alternatively break out the mask of the insurgent.

  5. Remove the stupid ass for Not complying > Simple FIX !!!
    Not to be Tolerated !!!!

  6. Did the prep get on without a mask?

  7. You lot can walk into slavery but the rest of us aren't. So we won't be going along to get along because YOU want peace and security. Prepare for the chaos to come.

  8. Just Wear The Dang Mask ! Gezzz !

  9. @142 Sure will. It'll be the mask of the insurgent as we target communists for elimination, starting with the mouthpieces who want to publically espouse the rhetoric leading to our countries downfall and the peoples enslavement. We'll die for our cause, no fear in bleeding for it. Be sure you feel the same way because if you espouse the message publically you will live and die by your words when it pops off. You won't get a chance to switch sides after. Make sure as you support these leftist causes you fully understand the consequences that you will live with when the casus belli has been reached. Our side has no prisons for POWs so understand what that means.


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