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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Wicomico County Fair Canceled

SALISBURY, Md. - Wicomico County Fair organizers have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2020 event, originally scheduled for Aug. 21-23.

The decision to cancel amid the COVID-19 pandemic was made after careful consideration by the Wicomico Farm & Home Show and Wicomico County, in coordination with the Wicomico County Health Department and Department of Emergency Services.

“Canceling the event was not a decision we made lightly,” said James Simmons, Wicomico County recreation superintendent. “We know the Fair is a beloved tradition, but we had to prioritize the health and safety of fair attendees and participants.”

Fair organizers will shift their focus to the 2021 event.

“As event organizers, we are dedicated to making the best of these unfortunate circumstances,” said Zach Evans, Wicomico County Fair chair. “We can spend this extra time exploring new programming and activities to further engage members of our community.”

The University of Maryland Extension - Wicomico County 4-H will host a virtual fair for 4-H members. Updates on their virtual fair will be posted to their Facebook page.

The Wicomico County Fair is scheduled to return to WinterPlace Park in Salisbury from Aug. 20-22, 2021.

“Our team is looking forward to bringing an even bigger and better event to Wicomico County next summer,” Evans said. “Stay safe and stay tuned.”

For more information, visit www.WicomicoFair.com.


  1. More stupidity. Everyone will be exposed. There is no stopping it.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Did you slaves hear in the news, NOW THERE MIGHT BE AN N1H1 Pandemic, as a NEW VIRUS was found from the N1H1 strand!!!! I told you another pandemic was coming, you can;t make this fake shit up!!!! See now it is a fake virus for a false flag instead of school shooting!!! Funny how all of those shootings have stopped though isn't it???

    1. Kinda hard to have school shootings when no one is in school. Not the point though. They can't shove mail in voting down your throat via school shootings. The Democrats are focused on the election right now. After they lose in November and they are back on gun control expect an uptick in the "mass" shootings.

    2. @10:55 if you could ever say anything without projecting hatred people would probably listen more.

  4. A little late aren’t they?

  5. Hopefully next year.

  6. 1055 - we aren't slaves. We are AMERICANS!

    1. 100%. And as Americans we stand together.

  7. Close economy for two years and cut SS immediately. See how it works out

  8. Amen 11:43 1055 if you do like America get the f*** out. Can somebody please tell me why Whoopi Goldturd is still here wasn't she leaving America if Trump won ?

  9. Sad that people are allowed to Protest, people are allowed to RIOT, but people are not allowed to do any fun activities with other people! Sad, sad world we are living in right now!

  10. Trump 2020 2024 2028July 1, 2020 at 2:38 PM

    We need to band together Deplorables

    4 months till Election

    the left wants you to believe their garbage with the Virus and Hiden Biden to be President....

    Pray and pass the Ammunition in case of Melenial uprising

  11. You will all be slaves if the democrats win the election. The only answer is vote for Trump or you will be soo sorry for so long.

  12. The cowards need to step aside and let the brave men,women,and children among us have a life.

  13. Aaw, too bad! The grandkids love going to the county fair.

  14. Ohhhh, but not Ocean City!

  15. To tell you how wrong the numbers are. Daughter tested negative, called to make sure I heard the phone call. A few days
    later the Health Dept. called to ask where she had been to be positive. Now mind you, we did a screen shot, state’s negative and spoke with a PCC who confirmed and then boom it was reported as positive. These numbers are not correct and we are falling for it. Sad we can’t see past the lies we are told.


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