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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Victor Davis Hanson: Only Trump Win Can Stop ‘Cultural Revolution’

Historian Victor Davis Hanson speculated on Sunday that President Donald Trump would be reelected in November — and that only Trump’s victory could stop the “Cultural Revolution” in the country.

Dr. Hanson offered his remarks on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday with host Joel Pollak.

Pollak invited Hanson’s analysis of upcoming presidential election.

“Well, I don’t think the election is anymore about just Donald Trump or Joe Biden, or Democrat or Republican, or Trump agenda versus Biden agenda,” Hanson determined. “It’s more or less whether you like the United States more as it was before Memorial Day, or whether you would prefer what’s evolving after this Memorial Day, and by that I mean, whether you think that we didn’t have to be perfect to be good, and our institutions from the founders were necessary to incorporate change in a lawful and calm peaceful manner and then they can adjudicate any particular flaws we have in society versus we have a cancer, supposedly from our founding, and that racism has to be irradiated or cut out, and if it kills us, the host, then that’s a necessary price to pay. I think it’s that stark a choice.”



  1. IF patriots ever really have ever had enough and want to fight back, the media is the place to start. All of the lies and hipe start there. They are in charge of the narrative and the sheep.

    TV introduced the opportunity to influence the masses and lead to the beginning of the Deep State.

    Control the narrative - win the war.

    That's why our rights keep and will continue to evaporate.

    1. Democrats own everything but the White House

      Trying to fight the News is a waste of time

      Democrats been working to take over Education, News and other

      they did it

      Now it's time to really fight back

  2. If we don't elect Trump again, we are sadly doomed. A democrat in office or any position will totally ruin us. Trump is our only hope. Vote Trump in 2020!


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