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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

“Whether He Knows it or Not, He Will Be Leaving” – Pelosi Says Trump May Have to be “Fumigated” Out of the White House (VIDEO)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) on Sunday said President Trump may have to be “fumigated” out of the White House.

The Democrat-media complex exploded this weekend after President Trump refused to commit to the election results if he loses in November.

“I have to see. Look … I have to see,” Trump told Fox News anchor Chris Wallace during an interview on ”Fox News Sunday.” “No, I’m not going to just say yes. I’m not going to say no, and I didn’t last time either.” The Biden campaign responded: “The American people will decide this election. And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.”

Pelosi slammed President Trump during an appearance on MSNBC.



  1. TDS has completely consumed Pelosi.

  2. There has never been a more optimistic POTUS while under harsh circumstances.

  3. He will be leaving in 2024 .. Pelosi is a bi**ch.. alcoholic

  4. This woman has some serious health issues.

  5. Hey Nancy....He will leave the White House in 2024....The Better Question is When do you plan on leaving this planet? Soon I Hope! You are a Disgrace!

  6. Not your choice to make, Nancy!

  7. Russia Russia Russia, recount votes, electoral college say no, nazis, Hollywood, late night, big tech and msm 24/7 threats to electoral college? Remember the democrats after trump won? Matter of fact they are still blaming Russia and Russia turned out to be Obama Biden fbi cia.

  8. Fumigated . . . aka . . . JFK’d

    Don’t go to Dallas in November
    And stay away from hypotenuse triangles!

  9. She is an absolute bitch!!!!!

  10. The only near human that needs "fumigation" is Nancy Pelosi, what would she ever do in life without pandering to the media and another 15 minutes of attention. A disgrace as speaker and a loose cannon and still can't accept just like Hillary that the 2016 election was won by Trump!! When she dies her obituary ought to say she was a foot note in our history as an agitator and race baiter.

  11. Throwing those stones in your glass house again Nancy?

    Keep hanging low!

  12. Remember how Melina wouldn't come to the Whitehouse for months, well it was because she wanted it fumigated and the stink out of there too!

    1. So true 10:13, a lot of funk can accumulate in 8 years

  13. Says the Pelosi which is a virus worse than the Wuhan

  14. Joe blow is right for a change. The people will decide and hopefully we won’t here anymore out of him until four more years of the Trump administration. I can’t stand the Old Lube Woman, but give her credit. That was funny to fumigate the good president out of our house. Lol She has one on her team that can do it, breaks wind on the air and when working. No virus will hang around that crowd.

  15. We the people decided that not you!

  16. Pelosi will be leaving and the House will need to be totally fumigated from the BS she has spread.

  17. Can all of you just imagine the digital dump that will be returned on Pelosi when Trump wins again? Seriously, the woman is totally off the cart, but what happens when she is deluged with all of her remarks against the President all coming at the same time. I don’t think I have a big enough popcorn bucket!

  18. I pray that Trump is reelected just so we can all fumigate Nancy right out of DC and her office. My opinion - the election will be nothing but fraud by Democrats who will fight even if Trump wins again. Democrats will not accept his victory so there will be more demonstrations. More burning of buildings. That is the Democrat way.

  19. She knows the Democraps are planning on voter fraud working with the mail in voting. It's a Sham and she is part of it. Oh, and so is fatty Lockdown Larry.

  20. Pelosi is too stupid to realize that it is SHE that will be LEAVING !! 2020


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