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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Democrats Fume As DHS Tackles Portland Anarchy While Trump Plans To Send Feds To Major Cities

As Portland slips further into chaos amid the seventh week of nightly protests, local and state officials have slammed the Trump administration for sending Homeland Security agents to perform crowd control and arrest what DHS Secretary Chad Wolf described last week as "lawless anarchists."

In response to the DHS presence, Oregon's Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum sued DHS and the Marshals Service in federal courtover unidentified federal agents grabbing people off the streets of Portland "without warning or explanation, without a warrant, and without providing any way to determine who is directing this action."

Militarized Federal Agents from a patchwork of outside agencies have begun policing Portland (in rented minivans vans) without the explicit approval of the mayor, the state, or local municipalities. This is what that looks like in practice: pic.twitter.com/losap4SsgI— The Sparrow Project (@sparrowmedia) July 15, 2020

The state seeks a temporary restraining order to "immediately stop federal authorities from unlawfully detaining Oregonians."



  1. Sending those federal “vote getters” to the cities would be a great idea. The only problem is they seem to be getting votes for the Democrats!

  2. Stay out of those cities and let them self destruct. When the mayors and governors come crawling on their knees begging for funds from our tax money to rebuild, then show them the door. They want to be on their own, then let them.

  3. Someone needs to change the kitty litter!

  4. All you have to do is bring out the sheriff if you have one in your area, they have full power and authority to remove any federal agent from the state!!!!!

    1. 10:10
      Bring out the Sheriff?

      From where is the Sheriff?

    2. Not so but dream onπŸ˜‚

  5. Why not call them what they are? Secret police. Federal insurgents.

  6. The governor’s may say they don’t need any help because chaos is part of their playbook. How about business owners and law abiding residents who are fearful for their lives and property. Local governments aren’t protecting them. Look what happened to Michelle Mulkin in Denver at a rally to support LEOs. We have domestic terrorists busy at work in cities like Portland. 175 Federal LEOs isn’t that many. I pray for their safety and that of our president. I am very ashamed of what Members my political party have allowed to happen in these cities. It’s time for accountability.

  7. I thought we were supposed to protest against federal overreach?

    1. 10:49
      “We” aren’t supposed to do anything.
      We are free to do something or do nothing.

      Don’t do something because of peer pressure.

      You won’t be a teenager forever.
      Learn to think for yourself

    2. Dream onπŸ˜‚

  8. 9:32 democrats would love nothing more than for Trump to stay out of their cities. DA's and mayors are saying just that. You give a fat kid some power and this is the kind of thing he does. He calls himself a war time president even though he dodged the draft. He's a coward who hid in a bunker.

    1. You are speaking of Biden hiding in his basement πŸ˜‚

  9. The Portland mayor Ted Wheeler clearly needs help protecting the tax payers of his city. That is criminal. Literally.
    He is impotent as are most male Democrats, obviously he is not very street savvy.
    Moreover he is a marxist.
    He should be brought up on charges and spend 10 years re-educating in Guantanamo which is similar to punishments his party is
    Recommending for American Patriots that have NOT committed any crimes or social extortion.

    1. 10:54
      Does the Mayor need help or should he go to prison for an un-named crime?

      Which is it?

  10. No more public covid information. No more states rights. When do we overthrow an overreaching federal government? This is how the reich was established in Germany.

    1. If you don't think these antifa Trump haters are not trying to overthrow the Government than you are rely cluseless. I am being kind.

  11. Am I the only one who can tell the same communist poster in this topic? ...nah. States rights? L you dont care about anyones rights...what about all the innocent lives in those cities...wheres there right to safety? You dear communist just want the chaos, violence, destruction and fear to continue. If the communist in charge of those areas wont uphold the laws then who's going to stop it? They could deputize civilian patriots...but then youd have the same thing...deputized federal employees. You dont want it to stop do you, I bet if the violence comes threw your front door you'll wish someone would stop it.

    1. 11:58
      Very confusing manner of writing.
      Try again using the 3rd person

    2. 11:58- yeah, I could tell too. States right to let chaos reign, 11:22? The states are taking our rights. Trump wants us to keep them. You're backwards.

  12. Trump sending Federal Forces to Chicago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Thank you, President Trump!

  14. Lock up the Traitor politicians who dare get in the way !!!


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