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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Virginia urges Slavery Lessons for Kindergarteners

Parents, educators take issue with new curriculum

Virginia kindergarten students will learn about institutional racism alongside the alphabet, according to new curriculum recommendations created for the upcoming school year.

Loudoun County is adding "social justice" to the mission of teaching elementary school students reading, writing, and arithmetic. The Washington, D.C., suburb—the richest county in the country—has teamed up with the Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) education arm Teaching Tolerance to develop its new curriculum. The proposed lesson plan recommends restructuring history and social studies classes to emphasize slavery as fundamental to American society for students from kindergarten to the fifth grade.

"Sugarcoating or ignoring slavery until later grades makes students more upset by or even resistant to true stories about American history," the documents say. "Long before we teach algebra, we teach its component parts. We should structure history instruction the same way."

Following parent complaints, a district spokesman told the Washington Free Beacon on Monday that the changes are optional.*

"The Teaching Tolerance resources are optional," spokesman Rob Doolittle said. "Parents who have queried LCPS about those resources have been informed that they are optional.

Not every Loudoun County educator is on board with the administration's direction. A longtime elementary school teacher, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution, said that the school system had always taught students about the reality of slavery—lessons that typically begin in the fourth grade. She said the administrative focus to push racial politics on students who do not yet know how to read is motivated by politics, rather than education.

"I teach lower grades in elementary school.… [Never before] did I have to teach about slavery," the teacher said. "Our standards were always [to] teach about famous Americans, George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., people like that. But, it was all very general and the bigger picture, we highlighted their accomplishments."



  1. Hope they teach that the black folks in Africa sold their own black people as slaves.

  2. The left teaching hate.
    Slavery is irrelevant in 2020.

  3. Picture of the governors med school year book will be in front of the class room During the lesson. State law.

  4. DOES that include the first slave's?? Like the Irish. Or still the same Black's we've never stop hearing about??

  5. Great! Instill White Guilt as soon as possible in our children. Why not mandate it in daycare, too, or in the delivery room!?

  6. Who said anything about white guilt?

    I thought it was about the prevailing tendency of one race to become slaves to other races. They should learn the truth about race and intelligence, so on.

  7. Racism at the KINDERGARTEN (5 year old) level???

    Wow, how things have really changed in 3 months.

  8. I’m sure the stories will not include the organized slave trade in Africa where blacks sold other blacks. Also, slavery exists to this day in parts of Africa.
    Finally, the fact that the vast, vast majority of Americans never owned slaves. Blacks kill many thousands of other blacks in this country every year.

  9. Too funny. In one breadth you whine about "snowflakes" who are too soft. Then the next you whine because educators want to teach actual history which might be too harsh. bwahaha

    1. I thought you couldn't breathe??

  10. Let's teach our children history of this country and not just about blacks.

  11. Oh, good. Grade school Thanksgiving plays will now feature a person in paper chains doing the serving at dinner. They will be the last people shown in the last act, clearing the tables, doing the dishes and thanking God they were no longer starving in their homelands.

  12. Why teach History now? Democrats are tearing down statues, rewriting History books, changing sports team names, NOW they what to Teach about Slavery.
    Make up your dam mind.

    1. Because perhaps if clowns like you learned real history, you would realize it looks pretty stupid to have confederate monuments on public spaces

  13. No wonder our kids are growing up to be adult idiots.

  14. Soon the children in public schools will reason that they, too, are slaves, and the cat will be out of the bag.

  15. Don't forget to teach that one of the first slave owners was right here in Eastern Shore and guess what?? He was black. I know Joe doesn't doesn't always like to post Links so just Google "Anthony Johnson, black slave owner" for your reading pleasure.

    Anthony Johnson

    One of the first black Africans to legally own a slave in America. The most prominent early colonial black to acquire freedom and wealth.

    Anthony Johnson (b. c. 1600 – d. 1670) was a black Angolan known for achieving wealth in the early 17th-century Colony of Virginia. He was one of the first African American property owners and had his right to legally own a slave recognized by the Virginia courts. Held as an indentured servant in 1621, he earned his freedom after several years, and was granted land by the colony.

    He later became a successful tobacco farmer in Maryland. He attained great wealth after completing his term as an indentured servant, and has been referred to as "'the black patriarch' of the first community of Negro property owners in America".

    By the 1650s, Anthony and Mary Johnson were farming 250 acres in Northampton County while their two sons owned a total of 550 acres.

  16. Yes, teach them that the Real Story is that there were Many More
    White & other slaves than there were Black as far back as History goes !

    Also that there is still Black on Black slavery to this day & back in
    history in Africa !!

    Also that Today in America there are NOONE here that were even Alive
    in the slave days , Nor were a slave , or slave owner !!! Period

    Therefore, NO Whites or anyone else owe Blacks Anything TODAY !!!!

  17. Teach them about Anthony Johnson, Virginia's first slave owner. Anthony Johnson was a black man. Yep

  18. Guarantee they will not teach them the truth about it either. Like who the first slave owner was. A black man was. Who sold the blacks to the slavers. Other blacks did. And just who freed them from slavery. The whites.


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