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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Verizon, AT&T , T-Mobile shut down Trump Campaign Texting Program

Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile temporarily shut down President Donald Trump’s campaign texting program, which serves as a cornerstone of the president’s digital platform.

Politico reported on Monday that Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T flagged “potential regulatory problems” with the Trump campaign’s messaging operation. Within “Trump’s orbit,” many continue to speculate that big tech companies “are looking to influence the election” against the president.

Trump recently accused Twitter and Facebook of censoring conservatives, and Donald Trump Jr., Trump’s son, contended that Google’s Gmail platform is sending Trump campaign emails to voters’ spam folders.

Republican operatives have said that email and text messaging lists are some of the most vital parts of a campaign apparatus.

Eric Wilson, a GOP digital strategist who worked for the Marco Rubio 2016 presidential campaign, said, “A campaign’s email and text messaging list are some of the most important assets they have in 2020.”

He added that it was “really very concerning to see that such a significant issue happened and to see that it wasn’t resolved in a timely manner.”



  1. Everyone pray and rebuke the devil in our saviors name for the president and we will be victorious.

  2. Proof the Liberal Socialist Democrats are very nervous in losing the elections. Thank the Big Tech, Democrats, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, CAIR and the radical ISLAM to start with. They are paying these ANARCHIST.

    Democrats know they have lost the elections and all their control to turn the US into a SOCIALIST COMMUNIST government.

  3. Twitter banned 170,000 accounts last night associated with conservatives and Qanon. Hows that for silencing and ending free speech.

  4. I thought the right wanted businesses to have free speech?

  5. They are on;y sealing their own graves!!! Soon, and I hope, they will push through that bill that says its illegal to censor and then its f'ing game on, on all of these tech companies!!!!

  6. From an economic level - mess with this Bull and you will get the horns.

    Any of these companies better not get a handout anytime soon!

  7. wrong for sprint/t mobile to censor potus Trump! you will lose my business unless you restore potus Trump

  8. The more they do to hinder his campaign, the more people realize how corrupt they are. They can keep on with their shady moves, all its doing is exposing them for what they are.
    Trump is a man of action we don't have to hear the words, its the results we read. Blah, Blah, promise, promise but no delivery is what the democrats do. That is why they are in office spewing their lies for so long and nothing changes.
    They won't stop him, just watch!

  9. Not surprised. All I can say - Trump won't forget their actions. Pay backs are hell.

  10. 1:18,they are allowing all speech but conservative.

  11. It's a business not a free speech town square. They can articulate their Brand anyway they see fit. Get and tin can and string and go tell it on the mountain.

  12. Those “potential regulatory problems” are what?


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