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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

US to withdraw 12,000 troops from Germany

Troops will return to United States or be repositioned elsewhere in Europe.

The United States is removing nearly 12,000 American troops fromGermany and will move the headquarters of U.S. European Command from Germany to Belgium in a major repositioning of forces intended to increase the deterrence of Russia by rotating troops to other NATO countries in Europe.

Returning to the United States will be 6,400 of troops while another 5,400 will be moved to other locations in Europe that already house American troops, and troops from the U.S. will rotate into locations in southeastern Europe -- strengthening NATO's presence in that part of the region.

"The alliance will be all the better and stronger," Defense Secretary Mark Esper said in announcing the changes at a Pentagon news conference on Wednesday.

Esper announced that 11,900 U.S. military personnel will leave Germany, reducing the number of American troops from 36,000 to 24,000.

"Nearly 5,600 service members will be repositioned within NATO countries and approximately 6,400 will return to the United States, though many of these or similar units will begin conducting rotational deployments," said Esper.



  1. and Putin rejoices...

  2. “The trouble with Americans is they’re overpaid, oversexed, and over here...”(Quote originated with the British, circa WW2 and repeated by all the people we saved from destruction).. They like our money, though.

  3. Great!

    My wife has worked for the Army as a civilian (Aberdeen proving ground) for 30 years and this IS well known.

    Deployment to Germany has always been long sought after for not only enlisted but mostly by the "higher ranking" and is at the top of the list. It is given out to suck ups as a reward.

    The ones that get there never want to leave.

    It's a constant vacation that doesn't cost THEM a dime and they are all able to save every penny of their pay.

    It's country club that should be shut down.

    THANK YOU Mr President!!!

  4. It's been a vacation spot for over 65 years, I was an army draftee and spent 18 months there. Lucky enough no to have been sent to Korea. Germany is going to miss them financially.

  5. None of this matters and is all theatre of the absurd.
    If the US Military's purpose were to protect the US Citizens (it is not) then an invasion of China would have occurred in March 2020.

    The US is either under attack by China, or the citizens are under attack by the US government.

    What say the commenters?

  6. What are those poor German girls gonna do now? No free ticket to the US , the land of milk and honey?

  7. President Trump does it again! Common sense leadership at its finest. Of course the ‘experts’ will say this can’t be done. Watch and learn!

  8. Ditto 106pm.

    German Potato Salad!

  9. This is great news. Germany is nothing more than a Muslim country. The military have been having problems thanks to the Muslim Free loaders. Germany expected our military babysit these PEDOPHILES.

  10. Let Merkel worry about it. Oh buy the way Angela, how's that Russian natural gas working out for ya?

    1. What’s Megan Markell have to do with this?

  11. 2:21 I know right, they are gonna cry themselves to sleep when they can't come to the worlds leading country for covid infections.

  12. Considering all out military action already in Ukraine/Crimea and continued Russian agrgession across the European Eastern Front, sure this makes sense.......Even worse its all based on yet another bogus claim by the doofus in chief

  13. Nice place to visit, but wouldn't want to live there. Way too many pushy, non German-speaking, welfare-grabbing immigrants and a weak domestic policy that's going to make the country ready for the NWO.

  14. They could be sent to Portland or Seattle - I know it’s not legal but wouldn’t that be fun!

  15. Northwest Woodsman: It is about time that European countries take total responsibly for their own security. Germany was known to be a great duty assignment but the cold war has been over for some time now and our presence should not be necessary. We have been the worlds policeman for way too long. Those troops returning could be utilized to modernize and repair our failing infrastructure as well as providing border security and many other domestic tasks that need to be attended to. Many people think of the military as strictly combat/infantry units when in reality, there are medical units, engineering units, and others that would have an application to the civilian world here at home. If the capabilities of the military services were mobilized for the civilian world requirements, they, with the exception of combat units, would continue their training in actual practice like repairing roads and bridges, augmenting hospitals, improving waterways, assisting what remains of the law enforcement community, etc. Notwithstanding the positive financial effect on local communities when masses of troops return to minimally populated military bases which is currently the case. Could be a very positive move on the part of the president.


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