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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

North Korea Reports First COVID Case

North Korea reported its first coronavirus case, the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday. The case occurred in the city of Kaesong—about 100 miles south of Pyongyang—and forced dictator Kim Jong Un to enact maximum emergency protocol in the country.

"Everyone needs to face up to the reality of emergency," Kim said.

North Korean state media alleged the infected person was an escapee to South Korea who left three years ago. The person reportedly displayed symptoms of COVID-19 after crossing the border back into North Korea.

The emergence of COVID-19 occurs at a troubling time for North Korea. The United Nations recently condemned Pyongyang’s violation of oil sanctions. Weeks before, the Kim regime refused to meet with American diplomats, while cutting off diplomatic communications with South Korea.



  1. This country has done very good containing the virus.

    Kim is a born leader just like Hillary Clinton, and just as honest too!

  2. I can only imagine what happens to you in North Korea if you come down with the virus. Not a pretty picture.

  3. Wonder how......No way in, no way out.


    (snicker snicker)

  4. 1:28
    Excellent point.
    How did they get it?

    Maybe like the fishermen who went to sea for 35 days and came back with the virus.

  5. Escaped bake in to North Korea?

    Nobody escapes back to North Korea, that's like escaping back to a prison cell.

  6. 12:40 is right. Kim is a great leader but could win a Pinocchio Award.

  7. I highly doubt this is their first case....just the first we are hearing about.

  8. It had been reported that when it first started, any positive person in North Korea would simply be shot.

  9. And I highly doubt that is Kim. He is dead, that is his double.


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