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Sunday, July 26, 2020

U.S. May Be Headed for a ‘Full-Blown’ COVID-19 Outbreak: How to Prepare

Experts have voiced concerns that the recent spike in COVID-19 cases could indicate the United States is heading toward a “full-blown” outbreak.
In some states, the number of people who are getting sick and going to the hospital has exponentially increased.
A number of hospitals in some counties are at, or near, ICU capacity, meaning they can’t admit additional patients.
Experts say maintaining good hygiene, physical distancing, and wearing face masks are the best way to help stop the spread of COVID-19.

More than 130,000 people in the United States have died from COVID-19, and more than 3 million people have had an infection, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center, which tracks the virus worldwide.

Hot spots in the South and West have helped the United States maintain its global COVID-19 lead, with confirmed cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continuing to rise even as other countries see their numbers dropping.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on Monday that the coronavirus situation in the United States is “really not good,” and more work is needed to slow the spread of the virus.

Florida and Texas both broke single-day records over the weekend, according to NPR. Florida reported 11,443 new cases and Texas 8,258 new cases on Saturday.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott warned on Monday of “greater fatalities” due to COVID-19 in coming weeks.

Other hot spots have seen weeks-long spikes, with California reporting 5,410 new cases and Arizona 3,536 new cases on Sunday, says NPR.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner pushed back on President Donald Trump’s assertion over the weekend that 99 percent of coronavirus cases are “totally harmless.” Trump didn’t provide any evidence to back up this claim.

“The number of people who are getting sick and going to the hospitals has exponentially increased,” Turner told CBS. “The number of people in our ICU beds has exponentially increased. In fact, if we don’t get our hands around this virus quickly, in about two weeks our hospital system could be in serious, serious trouble.”

Many experts are similarly worried about what the coming weeks will bring in America’s runaway COVID-19 pandemic. Some have voiced concerns that the United States could be heading toward a “full-blown” outbreak.

Although the South and West are seeing the sharpest surges, infections are rising in most states, according to data compiled by the volunteer COVID Tracking Project.

“We are in free fall,” Dr. Rochelle Walensky, chief of infectious diseases at Massachusetts General Hospital, told CNN.

And we have yet to see the impact of the holiday weekend, when many Americans crowded together without masks to celebrate.

It can take up to 14 daysTrusted Source for people exposed to the new coronavirus to show symptoms. Similarly, there’s a lag between newly confirmed infections and hospitalizations, and between hospitalizations and deaths.

Many hospitals at or near ICU capacity

As we saw in New York City and Italy, there are limits to what the healthcare system can handle. Some hospitals in the United States are quickly reaching that line.

Hospitals in at least two counties in South Texas were at full capacity before the weekend. Judges in those counties urged residents to shelter in place, although this wasn’t a mandatory order.

The Texas government stopped releasing information about hospital capacity, but the Texas Tribune reports that many areas of the state — including Austin, Dallas, and Houston — are near their limit.

Likewise, Florida has seen spikes in COVID-19 hospitalizations, as well as patients in intensive care units (ICUs) or on ventilators. As of Monday, 44 Florida hospitals had reached their ICU capacity.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said last week that the state is “not going back” on reopening, saying younger people were driving the rise in cases and that they are less at risk from COVID-19.

But as Sweden discovered with outbreaks in its long-term care homes, it’s difficult to keep the virus from spreading from lower risk to higher risk groups. Especially since people without symptoms can easily infect others.



  1. This article lacks context. What is the per capita rate compared to other countries? What is the number of people hospitalized for COVID? What is the testing rate and how many non-symptomatic positives? How many negatives? Are there trends related to large employers or specific gatherings? How many have recovered, etc.

  2. 130k since it started and 60 percent were in nursing homes. 30 percent are fake numbers. 45k people died that were not in hospice or nursing homes but they had underlining conditions. 340 million people in the US.

  3. Even more proof this shit is fake, and I do mean fake!!!! How is it that all of the other countries are opened back up "YES I HAVE PHYSICALLY TALKED TO PEOPLE IN OTHER COUNTRIES" and since they are open how come their numbers are going down????

    Interesting how this defies logic isn't slaves!!!

    1. Spot on. 139,000 Americans can’t be right. See you at your favorite OC bar.

  4. No wonder, we have idiots who won't even put a mask on.

  5. Oh here we go with responses...good/bad/indifferent.

    Stay safe all.

  6. Donald says this is just going to ‘go away’. Relax. Go to your favorite bar in OC and enjoy a drink among strangers-none of whom will be wearing masks or socially distancing. Don’t worry. Rickie and his enablers say there’s no danger. Spend freely. Enjoy your stay and top it off with a stay at AGH or PRMC on a ventilator.

  7. Vanillabillabean is 3 ft tall invisible species from the 5th dimension, won't save us but won't kill us too

  8. What is the endgame/exit strategy?

    Cuz once all is said/done about COVID 19 - bills will need to be paid and big time. $3Trillion here and maybe another $1TRILLION there. Not even discussing a federal budget (which is due) for 2021.

    Yeah brains out there - exit strategy/solution.

    I can eat burgers and $2 Natural Lights for only so long!

    (snicker snicker)

  9. 10:49 I'm so, very glad you asked why other countries are opened up. They listened to their doctors and scientists. Their citizens stayed inside and wore masks. Essentially, they did the opposite of what you did and took it seriously. Every day I go into work and I have PHYSICALLY wheeled the bodies of dead Covid patients off the unit. You are an idiot and quite frankly a disgrace.

    1. Sweden didn't do that, and they made out just fine

  10. People like 10:49 should have their voting rights stripped. You are literally too stupid.

    1. 10:49 is the smartest person in their trailer park. So smart they can sing Dixie backwards!

  11. The number of cases are increasing because the number of tests are increasing. Also a lot of these tests are giving false positives. Plus the fact if you are tested positive and quarantine then test a second time positive you are count as two separate cases. So double the number of positives. However the number of death's are decreasing. Just trying to drag it out till the election. All political and trying to instill fear in everyone so they can control you.

  12. 10:49....idiot China slave....must be a Dumbocrat trying to spread virus through America by blowing the theory of a hoax!! Tell the people what to put on your headstone......wait I know....”Here Lies A Dumba$$”!!

  13. Here comes the fear porn right on que. All the ranking communist are speaking and posing, including the communist sympathizers like 1056am

    1. C’mon over to OC to drink and socialize with folks that think and act like you. Leave the mask at home. Plenty of ventilators at PRMC and AGH. With any luck maybe you can even share one with a friend.

  14. 10:49 there is a simple answer to your question. The reason is people like you.

  15. If you are an anti masker you should be denied medical treatment if you get covid.

    1. This is ALL BULLSHIT if Biden gets in Nov it will ALL SUDDENLY DISAPPEAR on CUE keep being a SHEEP to the lib traitors.

  16. 10:56 they don't think for themselves. They only believe President Trump and call everyone else a sheep/slave. The irony is palpable.

    1. I know you can’t think for yourself but just think about this. How come you idiot liberals can protest by the thousands, not social distance yourself and not wear a mask but that’s ok? Then it’s trumps fault that covid is back on the rise. All of you liberals need a serious mental evaluation. The whole thing is a political hack to demise the progress that trump has made in last 3.5 years and to steal the upcoming election. But the funny thing is trump will win even bigger then before then there will be a new issue going on. Can’t wait!!!

  17. Here we go again. Here comes the doomsday narrative crowd. When will the healthcare workers start their hyperventilating again?? Remember how they were All going to die. LMAO

  18. when Salmon tests positive for COVID all of us have a major problem...Don't believe ANY of this crap reporting anymore. Period!!! Patriots KNOW we're being played and will continue to RESIST.

  19. Would be better suited for preparing for all out Civil War

  20. Washington REDSKINS is a bigger topic to be discussing!

    (snicker snicker)

  21. How hard is it to understand that it's the percent positive that shows how serious the spread is? Out of 100 tests, if 5 are positive, that's less of a spread than if 20 are positive. You can give a.million tests, if a small percentage is positive, you have no crisis. It is not the number of tests unless you believe that if we give no tests we won't have any Covid cases.

  22. All because President Trump's re-election numbers are rising and the riots and protests are being squashed.

  23. More fake news and propaganda to try to lock this nation down before the election.
    Funny how no one is getting the flu, or the common cold anymore!
    They are attributing most death's to Covid-19.

    I rather just take my chances and live my life without fear or big brother government telling me what I can or cannot do or how to think.

  24. Throw Democrats OUT of office > Best way to Prepare !!! 2020

  25. 1101 I’ll see you at Walmart

  26. Lies - all of it.
    I believe nothing the US government tells us

  27. It’s all an overblown hoax ... Democrat Governor’s are using it to force in communism ... this is it this is how they do it the virus will never go away

  28. Keep listening to the luciferian BS. Its all full of lies and deception! As we can see the Hypocrites, The ignorant, progressive & democrats are easily manipulated and easily controlled. Appears you are all gullible wimps and ready for the next step.
    So all You leftards better hurry up and get your mark on your forehead before they run out!

  29. Northwest Woodsman: To those mask enthusiasts who are so timid and fearful, I have a solution. Take a sturdy plastic bag, making sure there are no holes in it, place it over your head and with some duct tape, seal the area around your neck tightly so that no outside air that could possibly be contaminated can not enter. You will be 100% safe from the Whu Flu virus.

  30. Democrats are getting really nervous. Got to keep this virus thing going to try and hurt Trump. I think they are going to use it as an excuse to cancel the debate between President Trump and Biden. Because they know President Trump will wipe the floor with him. Things are going to get worse, the closer we get to November. Watch and see.

  31. FIRST > Buy plenty of Toilet paper !!!! Priority ONE !!!!!


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