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Sunday, July 26, 2020

A Viewer Asks...

Will all the school zone speed cameras be turned off if school is virtual this fall?


  1. No, they are nothing but money makers anyway. They are not for safety, but for $$$.

  2. I drove by the one in pittsville on Sunday night at 10 and the one on old ocean city road was on. Its not about safety its about squeezing people out of money.

    1. I went by there too last Saturday night, drunk on my ass. So glad the cop lets the speed camera handle the ticketing process

  3. nope, it means everywhere is a school zone, or possible school zone now

  4. Bwahahahahahahahahah...will the state balk at GREAT BURGERS and $2 iced cold Natural Lights at a certain "hotspot"?

    (snicker snicker)

  5. Not in Fruitland!

  6. They’ll never turn off the tax machine

  7. They will remain active to keep motorist alert and aware of the presents of these zones. And tickets will continue to be mailed out least yee forget! Come on people, just thank the state and local authorities for thinking for you.

  8. Oh, how times have changed. Way back when I was growing up, we were taught how to watch for traffic before crossing a street. Parents took responsibility for their children's safety. I know someone on here is going to say there weren't as many vehicles, which is true. Whether one vehicle or more, the children were taught safety.

    1. On the other hand. Grown adults where taught not to text and drive? People are much more distracted with everything and nothing that needs to get done these days. People also were taught to follow the law and respect an officer. It’s different times that’s for sure.

      People are more distracted than ever on the road. Adults had more respect for authority and the law.

  9. 12:36 totally! I love when people speed near schools where children walk! Lets encourage it!

    1. On sunday night, roll on

    2. There are a lot of children crossing the street at 10pm on a Sunday night in the middle of July. Maybe we can close all roads near schools just to make sure they are safe.

  10. Hell no, once on, they will never be turned off. It's all about $$$ anyway.

  11. Damn right not in Fruitland. They really don’t need a speed camera, they got a dude there that don’t play. Come through Fruitland speeding and I guarantee you will meet him. Dude is like 6 foot 6 and all business

  12. You can thank Norman Conway for the enaction of enabling legislslation for mandating the thievery machines. And because of these devices - we helped to put him to pasture.

  13. fruitland cops have been trained by nazis, and they have no problem with shaking down every citizen. remember when fruitland had only 1 cop? cops in small towns are money makers.

  14. You'll get a virtual ticket. You can pay the fine with virtual money, then go on with your virtual day.

  15. 4:59 you must be from Delaware bc all the money generated from tickets go back to the State, not the town.

    1. Not speed cameras
      Salisbury brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars
      Pittsvile funds the entire police of barney fife Harris with their 💰

  16. 1. Fruitland cops don't shake down every citizen.
    2. The speed cameras are never turned off in summer when school is closed or at night, so why would they be if it's virtual?

    1. They always used the "there might be kids around for summer school" excuse for leaving them on in the summer.

    2. There is a speed camera on St Lukes road in Fruitland for NO REASON other than to
      Money.. its a mile from any school.. its just to make money from people getting on:off bypass

  17. Taxation without RepresentationJuly 24, 2020 at 7:52 PM

    The one speed camera on College Avenue by the high school

    brings in 10,000 dollars a year

  18. A Cop in Pittsville Maryland is not needed. Several speed cameras are paying for so called "Chief Harris" to afford 50 k trucks and expensive boats.What a waste of money.

  19. Hell NO > Greedy Govt is Never Satisfied !!!

  20. Tear those dam things up! It will not matter anyways, everybody else is tearing down statues with no repurcussions! So why not these cameras??


  21. Virtually everyone knows they're there. Virtually certain they'll keep them on.

  22. I honestly don’t understand why people are so disturbed by this. How about follow the speed limit and don’t get a ticket? I believe you can only get a ticket if you are going 10 over the limit. What’s the big deal?

  23. Nah 10.40! Chief Buford Pusser Harris and his wife can barely finance a gallon of milk according to M.J.C.S.
    But he gets to set his own budget in town when he cannot keep tabs of his own budget at home.Maybe Trent and Rusty can give him some pointers.

  24. Why are they on now? Someone was working on the Rt. 50 cameras Friday morning. They should be turned off.

  25. I have a question. Since the cameras are generating revenues based on the "School Zones" why aren't any of those revenues going to the Wicomico County Board of Education??

    Not one red cent goes to the Public Schools but half of each fine goes to the City of Salisbury and the Town of Fruitland!!

    Where is the outrage?? Why isn't Donna Hanlin, Don Fitzgerald and the rest of the BOE raising Hell with the Eastern Shore Delegation??

  26. Would it kill ya to keep the speed limit with or without a camera?

  27. For the "viewer:"

    Are you going to intentionally speed through those areas where cameras are installed if they turn them off? If not, then why do you ask? And if so, you are the reason they should leave them on. You only want to know for all the wrong reasons.

  28. July 24, 2020 at 2:24 PM:

    So blame the children (or their non-present parents) when a speeding driver hits them in a school zone! That's some ridiculous thinking. You have become too old to think clearly about school zone speed cameras and children's safety. Your "old school" thinking might have applied 50 years ago, but not in today's time. And back then, it was the only option available. Your solution today is no solution at all.

  29. Bob now is pulling people over speeding coming home from work headed north towards Delaware for 5 mph over the limit.

    3 speed cameras and a jerk! I guess that 96 k anticipated camera income is not going to cover "DA Chief" and all his silly toys.


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