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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Trump Predicts Mail-In Voting Will Lead To ‘Most Corrupt Election’ In US History

President Donald Trump said Tuesday that mail-in voting could jeopardize the accuracy of the 2020 election.

“Mail-In Voting, unless changed by the courts, will lead to the most CORRUPT ELECTION in our Nation’s History!#RIGGEDELECTION,” the president wrote on Twitter.

Republicans and Democrats have repeatedly clashed over funding for mail-in voting amid the coronavirus pandemic. The president has long expressed concern that an implementation of nationwide mail-in voting could lead to a surge in voter fraud ahead of November’s election.



  1. Biden repeatedly while in congress said we should suspend SS and now denies saying it. He is a pos and always will be

  2. THere hasn't a legit election according to either side since before 2000. Why would this year be any different.

    And we have to still vote with paper in the 21st Century.

    Is it Friday yet? Hell why wait eh?

  3. Duh! Of course it will it's what they had been planning. the Corvo virus is a perfect set up to election fraud and destruction of great our country. I keep going about luciferians but if you really are paying attention its really what it's coming down to isn't it? How else are they getting away with murder Corruption pedophilia deception and lies. They Will not stop and will not be happy until they slap that mark on you. Squeeze you into a corner. The democrats and most republicans are their cheerleaders!! Haven't you asked yourself why all past presidents, legislators, the media hate trump? It is because hes not playing ball with these people. I honestly believe he stands on the side of the rightous. The current mobs and rioters are too stupid to realize they are being used by the very enemies they claim they hate!! Along comes a president who actually does what he said and did not just give us lip service like every lying POS before him. It blows my mind how some are too dumb to see the honesty. Brash yes but honest.
    If he loses it will be a civil war because it will not have been a fair election.

  4. I agree. We can't have this.

  5. Bob Aswell ....RealistJuly 22, 2020 at 8:43 PM

    There is a simple solution to this idiocy. There's going to be a ballot delivered to you if you're registered. I intend to vote in person on election day and afterwards am going to go to the nearest Post office and then mail the one sent to me. If you think this is wrong, imagine how many times this is going to happen upon the urging of the DNC. If you don't then you're going to help the Dems steal an otherwise landslide election. If you say it won't work then read your envelope and you'll see when you sign your name and trust it to the PO Dept. a compilation of Dem and Rep roles gives them the tool to cancel your vote because they know who you are and thus figure your vote and deliver it to the round file. Don't give these rogues that chance.

    1. I always all to confirm my vote was received and counted. The ballot envelope explains how.
      I agree you are at he mercy of the Post Office. God help us.

  6. The Dems know they cannot win the election without acts of mass fraud on their part. They have no respect or honor for America.

  7. The Dems know they cannot win the election without acts of mass fraud on their part. They have no respect or honor for America.

  8. Trump is correct. This is exactly what the Democrats want to continue their reign of terror in voter fraud.

  9. More evidence that this COVID-19 crap is nothing but a HOAX perpetrated by the corrupt Democrats to take down President Trump. This is a coup attempt.

    I think this is TREASON and all Democrats, including Fat Larry Hogan need to be tried as Traitors!

  10. Anonymous said...
    Trump is correct. This is exactly what the Democrats want to continue their reign of terror in voter fraud.

    July 22, 2020 at 11:34 PM


  11. Abolish Democrats from America & everything is SOLVED !!! 2020

  12. Colorado, Hawaii, Oregon, Washington and Utah have been voting almost entirely by mail with no problems for years, and no one spinning up stories on rigged anything.

    This is Trump trying to explain away his loss that is coming up, or set the stage to contest it.

  13. 7:04 Absolutely, this is what will cause the 2nd civil war. We the people are not going to sit there and let a corrupt system end our constitutional republic for a globalist/Communist dictatorship where Patriots, conservatives, white people and Christians are the enemy.

  14. No doubt about it


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