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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

State delivers disturbing news to Nashville man: He's COVID-19 positive. There's just one problem — he never took a test.

This sounds reliable

A Nashville, Tennessee, man says that the state called him several times last week to tell him that he had tested positive for the coronavirus.

The man, Brock Ballou, says that he never took a test for COVID-19.

Ballou told WSMV-TV that he received no less than three phone calls from contact tracers working on behalf of the state of Tennessee earlier in July.

Ballou said that the call came after one of his co-workers tested positive for COVID-19. Ballou, who said he neither showed symptoms of the virus, nor had he been tested, said that the caller insisted that he had tested positive for the coronavirus.

"She specifically said — I'm looking at it right here — you tested positive. This is a follow-up call to see how your symptoms are," he recalled.

Ballou said he was confused and asked the woman to clarify. He said that she repeated the news of the positive test several more times.



  1. Contact tracers is training program for mark of the beast

  2. Nothing to see here. Just move along.

    This whole whu flu scam is a dumbocrat hoax to take out Trump.

    The dumbocrats don't care if people die or businesses are ruined.

    Take out Trump by any means necessary.

    1. I’m not being smart. It’s a serious question. I hear people say it’s a hoax to take trump out. What makes it a hoax? There’s no need to call me a libtard or names please. I am a republican. I’m trying to have a conversation and understand. And I’m not speaking to you specifically. Just in general. I see statements like this throughout this blog and I’ve wondered how this is a conspiracy to take Trump out considering Covid is world wide. Is the whole world in on this? Is it the numbers in the USA that make it difficult to believe? I hope people can understand what I’m asking and people can answer in a way that’s not disrespectful.

    2. Anyone who believes this Psyop is about Trump is admitting he is not paying attention. This is the communist checkmate.

      It isn’t just virus:

      Removing cash transactions
      Debasing the US Dollar massively
      Providing basic income to citizens (no work)
      Destroying culture
      Destroying Language
      Destroying property
      Murdering people

      Time to wake up

  3. The corruption never stops. They continue to EMBARRASS themselves. More uneducated working in our Labs, hospitals, and clinics.

  4. Sounds like a Hogan / Cuomo trick with the help of the Socialist Democrats to scare people falsly

  5. I'd be most concerned if these callers from "the state" asked for personal ID info. Is this the newest in phone scams for identity theft?
    We've gotten all number of calls over the years: debt consolidation calls, insurance, auto warranty, IRS, etc. If they call and ask for personal info such as SS#, or bank info.... nope.
    What I find scary about these calls is now using the threat of disease to target people.

  6. The virus is not a hoax but the way the media and the Democrats are taking advantage of it is. Do you really think America - the world leader- is failing badly with this virus yet 3rd world countries are fairing well. Think about it - Dems never let a bad situation go to waste.

  7. It finally truly sunk in for me yesterday. The pandemic is fake. Covid19 will kill no doubt. But so does the annual flu and the numbers although heavily skewed and full of more errors than a demo poll are proving this epidemic is way over exaggerated

  8. 11:56: The virus in and of itself is not fake, but what is fake is all of the numbers they tell you with data about how many are sick, got sick, died or were sick but never got sick, yeah explain that!!!! They tell you on live TV how they count covid patients, on top of that, they keep flip flopping every week about all of the data they spew to you, so how can anything be real or truthful if they flip flop every week for 3 months??? it means and shows they don't know jack shit about what they speak or they are lying or that they are the most retard person on this planet!!!! How can you not be tested and get a positive test result? When have you ever had the flu and ever had a fever???? If there is a disease in your body, your body will do things to get it out, so this asymptomatic shows this is not a virus affecting people or if it is, then it is a bio weapon!!!

    11:56: You have to understand the level of evil out here doing evil, they will stop at nothing to win and this is how it involves trump and everything else:
    1)They being democrats are the only states where the governors keep trying to stay closed or re-open and then re-close (except for rhinos like Maryland, they are democrats painted red) and they are doing this to hurt the economy numbers so they can say trump isn't making jobs but losing them and that people are getting poorer and everything else, on top of that it is so the democrat run cities can do this so they get financially strapped and are trying to ask the feds to give them a bail out, you know to wipe out all of the wrong doing they did with all of the wastefully spending they did!!! Then on top of that, they are trying to keep things closed so they can do mail-in voting which will end up being voter fraud!!! They already found mail in ballots already sent out to people here in Maryland for other states elections!!!! This is just a small list of what they are doing, you need to understand this is multifaceted and they have several plans going at once!!! It is a lot, and that is why most people won't and don't believe it... they refuse to believe it!!! I don't know why, it is still reality and won't change if you keep your eyes closed lol


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