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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Tlaib, Omar face insurgent primary challengers: Can ‘Squad’ survive?

Two of the four members of 'The Squad' are facing serious Democratic primary challengers in the coming weeks

Two of the four members of the group known as "The Squad" – an influential group of progressive first-term minority congresswomen – are facing serious Democratic primary challengers in the coming weeks.

In Minnesota’s heavily Democratic 5th Congressional District – which covers much ofthe city of Minneapolis and was ground zero for the nationwide protests sparked by the death of George Floyd – freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar is facing multiple challengers on the Aug. 11 primary vote, including one challenger who has dramatically outraised her.

And in Michigan’s overwhelmingly Democratic 13th Congressional District, which includes parts of Detroit and the inner suburbs of Wayne County, the Aug. 4 primary is a rematch from two years ago, as first-term Rep. Rashida Tlaib is trying to fend off Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones.



  1. Fire the squad. Get them packing and out ( of the country).

  2. Both of those terrorists belong in jail - then executed for treason!

  3. 10:24 agree completely.

  4. From refugee. To CONGRESS. To TRAITOR. The thanks we get from FOREIGNERS. Hell even got OBAMA ELECTED. Another non citizen.

  5. We're all sufferers of Squad Fatigue, which doesn't go away until the creature is dug out of one's skin.
    Act this fall, because if they get and finish a second term we might have to pay them forever.

  6. buh bye!

    See ya, wouldn't want to be ya!

    Please do let the door hit cha where the sun don't shine!

  7. Anyone see the article about AOC getting "accosted" by another Congress Rep who supposedly called her a bitch?
    She is calling for him to be sanctioned now. I guess only the squad has the right to bad mouth others and get away with it.
    Apparently they can dish it out but they can't take it.
    "Oh! Boo hoo! They said mean things and hurt my feelings! Now let me go on Twitter and run my mouth like the spoiled brat that I am! My 1st amendment rights matter but nobody else's does if they disagree with me!"
    (Oh how I wish I could insert pic of the squad here with this as the caption.)

  8. Is the canary in a coal mine for November. If these women win their primary, it is over for Trump. If they lose, it is a clear indication that there’s a very large silent majority out there. When I saw that AOC received 70% of the vote in her primary that kind of scared me. It could be that the country truly is lost.


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