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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Baltimore Suspends INDOOR Dining At Restaurants & More


  1. I find it funny that this fake virus, is causing all of these nut jobs to close everything for the safety of public, but wait days to actually enact or enforce something like this, so if this is about health, and safety, which is bogus anyway, why would you wait days for your order to go into effect??? If it is about safety and health you would enact it right a way and enforce it immediately, not days later!!!! What are you slaves going to do or say once everyone has this fake virus based on fake test and they still keep you closed down and forced to wear masks and stand in a line with other people for hours to get into a store???? Still think it is real then???? What if the number of people with the fake virus surpasses the population number, then will you say its fake???

    1. Be quiet get off the beach and go to Walmart, stand shoulder to shoulder but SIX FEET ON CIRCLE from the human in front of you. DONT talk and DO NOT park crooked or you will be photographed and shamed . If you don’t wear a mask in Walmart or Sams club you will be photographed by citizens and put on all social media platforms for your FAMILY to be SHAMED and fired from career. Do not question save lives stay home and shop on Amazon.. also no worship but protesting is ok.

  2. Fake or not, mucho cheaper to fire up the grill (regardless that its hot) at home as well as drinking at home.

    Hell, invite folks you know too. Can stay as long as you want, eat what you want and service one another IF that is whats needed to make one "FEEL" good.

    Snowflakes have the need to FEEL good these days.

    Everyone happy, everyone doesn't have to split a ridiculously high bill (oh by the way, menu's everywhere are jacked up) and who knows what can happen later in the evening!!!

    1. Better be electric grill and better be solar powered grid. Your friends better be tested for COVID, wear a mask and 5 to 10 at the most 6 feet apart. However feel free to shop at any major grocery store to get the food while wearing a paper mask or fabric mask that have never been study in any clinical trials with covid 19. And never will. BTW 2 meats 2 paper products only or you will be reported. Also depending are jurisdiction of said barbecue (cow farts are killing us) your friends can not stay as long as they want to do covid rules.

    2. Have you been tested ? Are you shopping in a store for food? You miss the point of lock downs.

  3. I talked with my doctor at Johns Hopkins Tuesday...7-21-20. He told me they are reopening the pressurized areas for Covid patients as they've had a spike in cases, hospitalizations, and need the containment area again.. And are preparing for more. It had been shut down for over a month.
    It's not fake. It's not going away any time soon..

    1. some people believe everything on TVJuly 22, 2020 at 10:54 PM

      Oh for Pete's sake

      turn off your Chicken Little TV

  4. 11:29, Nope, they probably won't. It seems all critical thinking skills have vanished (not that one needs more than 3 brain cells firing to see through this sham even without knowing all the facts about the players and agendas [NWO]).
    11:56, Yep, inline with the agenda
    & 12:02, These things are not things to be flippant over. The BBQ's that you speak of will soon be a thing of the past unless ppl wake up, speak out, and stand up. Complacency in the face of tyranny is as good as laying down

  5. Anonymous said...
    I talked with my doctor at Johns Hopkins Tuesday...7-21-20. He told me they are reopening the pressurized areas for Covid patients as they've had a spike in cases, hospitalizations, and need the containment area again.. And are preparing for more. It had been shut down for over a month.
    It's not fake. It's not going away any time soon..

    July 22, 2020 at 12:55 PM

    "It's not fake. It's not going away any time soon.."

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! It's sheep like you libtards that they love controlling.

  6. Mare Jack Young is just as evil as Mare Jake Day. Both are Libtard criminals. Jack Young hasn't got anything to lose since he lost his Primary for election as Mare since he was appointed.


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