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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel: Joe Biden Silent on Portland Unrest

Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel on Monday called the unrest in Democrat-run Portland “deeply frightening,” and said 2020 Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden has been “silent” on it.

“I think it’s a huge issue as a suburban mom, looking at the unrest happening in Portland, it is deeply frightening to see Democrats continue to fail their leadership duties, to continue to see Joe Biden silent on this issue,” she said in an interview on Fox & Friends.



  1. No one seems to care when white people with guns illegally occupy government buildings...

    1. Ok fat Jerry

    2. Not so. Do you actually think all Federal Officers are White. And if a federal Officer you are not illegally in a Government building. I consider you racist because you think all Feds are white.

  2. Just a hint of a Biden presidency America. With a woman of color as a running mate, America will lose it's democracy and the right of free speech, to bear arms, and religious freedom. Socialism will prevail and we won't possibly be able to afford the least of the planned initiatives. Health care....trillions, reparations....trillions, infrastructure....trillions, green new deal....trillions. Just a hint....

  3. Biden = the ruination of the USA. Vote Trump.

  4. Joe is napping - why else is he quiet!

  5. Biden / Oprah = Winning ticket

    1. Now that's funny - one fat taking head and one without a head.

    2. In 8:23's racist head.

  6. 8:33 when exactly does this happen?

  7. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No one seems to care when white people with guns illegally occupy government buildings...

    July 29, 2020 at 8:33 AM

    Do tell. We missed it

  8. 833am.....it appears that way to you because, most people {unlike yourself} realize that those citizens with guns are peacefully protesting in states that respect the constitution {2A}. They are not threatening nor harming anyone. They are not fire bombing buildings, looting, snatching innocent bystanders out of their cars beating and killing them, they are not destroying businesses and neighborhoods.

  9. CNN; Mr. Biden what about the unrest in Portland?
    Joe; well they need to rest, I need to rest, you know I like to nap
    CNN; Mr. Biden they are doing all kinds of damage.
    Joe; yes not getting enough sleep will give you damage and headaches.
    CNN; Mr. Biden they are rioting!
    Joe: I would too if I didn't get my daily naps and diaper change!

  10. BIDEN doesn't want to offend his "THUG VOTERS." I'D bet 90% of thugs in the USA favor BIDEN .


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