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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Campus Activists Demand Free Tuition and Reparations

Tulane's Black Student Union presses administration to compensate the descendents of slaves who worked on campus grounds

Tulane University activists are demanding that the school offer reparations to the descendants of slaves who worked on the plantation that became campus grounds nearly 200 years ago.

Before the school's establishment in 1834—created as a medical university in response to the cholera, yellow fever, and smallpox epidemics—the land was used as a plantation. The school's Black Student Union (BSU) asked administrators to identify the descendants of the enslaved people who once worked on the plantation and offer them full tuition and more, according to alist of demands posted online.

"We demand that Tulane allocates funding to track down the descendants of the enslaved people who labored at the Tulane plantation and offer them full tuition and room and board scholarships that include a living stipend each semester of attendance at Tulane," the post reads. "Tulane must first acknowledge the trauma it has inflicted on black community members. It is Tulane's responsibility to recognize their longstanding history of racism and take actionable steps to reconcile those practices."

The Black Student Union did not return a request for comment.



  1. When is all this stupidity going to end

  2. This CRAP has just gone way way too far and needs to stop.

  3. We can stick 20 billion for the Pentagon into a trillion dollar coronavirus relief bill but we can't give any relief to students preyed upon by predatory student loans.

    1. 9:24 - what? If you foolishly got in over your head it is your problem, not anyone else’s. The life lesson is to not buy something you can’t afford. Go get a job and pay it off like the rest of us.

    2. 9:24

      You meant to type: the US Government . . .

      You and Me can’t print currency from thin air.
      Stop identifying yourself with an evil government

    3. 1017... Exactly! Hey I've got some beach front property I'll sell you? So if I make poor stock investments, should the FTC refund my money? Hmmmm same thing?

    4. Student loans were not predatory. You signed up for that loan - no one twisted your arm. Virsus relief plan is for America not for just a few with school debt. Besides most of those students loans where used for vacations and weddings.

    5. 10:18. America is not an evil Government. America is very generous - that's why we can't keep other countries out. As for student loans - no one twisted their arms. In fact most student loan were used for vacations, cars and weddings.

    6. If you want to frame it about University’s robbing students I can easily get on board with that but when they want to exclude everyone but one race that’s anti American

  4. Honestly if they had the grades and required scores they would probably go for free anyways

  5. 9:02 AM - Will not until the democrat party does not exist any longer.

  6. You already get free tuition you idiots. Your face is a get out of jail free card. You even got your ass in the door because of your face. It Damn sure isn't your GPA.

    1. 9:46
      To whom are you writing?
      The readers of Joe’s blog?

    2. 10:19 your GPA isn't very high is it?? Poor thing. Maybe you can get something FREE?? Like a brain.

  7. I support everyone getting free stuff. Free college. Free clothes. Free food. Free housing. Free travel.

    Fortunately Uncle Sam has that covered.

    Military service.

    Problem solved.

  8. Tell those bastards to work for it like everyone else.

  9. Oh hell no. Keep whining snowflakes - no free lunch, no reparations.

    I have some stinky cheese for all this whining!

  10. If they want this so bad, let them get off their lazy asses and do their own genealogy research themselves. That is exactly what Alex Haley did. The author of Roots and Queen for those who don't know.
    Besides, everyone gets a free education anyway in K-12. It's a shame that some feel the need to devalue post secondary education by demanding for nothing what they didn't appreciate when they had it.

  11. Since I paid for my education, then I want my money paid back to me.

  12. 9:47....You are exactly right............Go into the military and all these things will be given to you,.....free........plus pay you a salary. Well, no........you couldn't lay up all day and smoke crack and make babies for US to support, but what do you want for nothing? Oh, that's right...........everything.

    1. The military is wide open for you all - it's not exclusive. Yes you get free education but you must repay by servicing additional years in the Service.
      Anyone ready to go overseas - leave family behind - eat MREs - etc. Feel lucky it is voluntary because it wasn't always like that - called Draft. Need to bring it back - now.

    2. Believe me. They are in the military. They act just like the thugs on the street. Walk around with their covers tilted hand on their crotch. EMBARRASSING. But you never see many of them on the Frontline. Wonder why??

  13. On point 947!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. Repatriation not reparation.
    Seriously. Ghana and Nigeria have offered.
    Many people would be much happier taking their third world personal social and cultural lives to a place
    where they are accepted among others that subscribe to the lifestyle.
    There is no indecency or disrespect intended. Just truth.

  15. Just look at UMES to see how well a degree helps "Them". The hire figures for graduates is thru the roof!

  16. If you want reparations, talk to the major slave holding states. Better yet, just talk to the hand. 🤚


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