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Thursday, July 09, 2020

Omar Faces Ethics Outcry Over Payments To Husband After Decrying Those Who Profit From Our "System Of Oppression"

Rep. Ilhan Omar has been much in the news for her extreme positions on defunding police departments and yesterday calling for the dismantling of not just the American economy but the political system.

In declaring her support for sweeping legislation yesterday, Omar railed against the American economic and political systems as a “system of oppression” and insisted that we cannot allow people to “prioritize profit without considering who is profiting.”

That question however is now being raised in growing ethical concerns over Omar giving her husband’s company a massive amount of her campaign funds.

The two stories show once again that the only defining element in Washington greater than irony is hypocrisy in both of our political parties.

The ethical charges are being voiced by figures like George Bush’s ethic adviser Richard Painter who has been one of the most vocal critics of President Donald Trump. Indeed, Painter previously criticized Omar after she declared that she believes former Vice President Joe Biden is a rapist who is continuing to lie about raping a Senate staffer. However, she is still supporting and advising Biden in his presidential election. Painter objected that Omar would publicly admit that she believed Biden raped his staffer because it could undermine his election.

Painter is now focused on what is clearly a legitimate ethical concern. He is quoted as saying payments like those of Omar “should not be allowed... given the amount of money that goes into these campaigns from special interests.”

Omar has previously been criticized for paying fees to Tim Mynett’s consulting firm when they were rumored to be in a romantic relationship. Mynett and Omar would later divorce their respective spouses and marry. Omar has given Mynett a total of more than $878,000 since 2018. That includes $189,000 just weeks after the couple announced they were married, according to media reports citing data from the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

What should upset voters the most is that (so long as the payment reflect a very generous standard of market rates) this is all perfectly legal under the laws designed by politicians for themselves.



  1. I don't think that there is an acronym that best describes what I think of this person. So I will just be quiet. I hope she has a heart attack! Did I just go there? Oh well.

  2. She facea nothing. Nothing will happen to her because the Republicans are cowards.

    Here’s what’s gonna happen: Biden is going to win, the Democrats will get the Senate and the house, they will end the filibuster, add supreme court justices, make Washington DC a state, and utterly destroy this country

    Republicans will cowering in fear.

    Fast forward to years. Patriots will have had enough. There will be an out right Civil War. Blood on the streets. Assassinations. Law-enforcement will turn on the Democrats. Military will turn on the Democrats. parents will turn on their children. It will be a bloody mess.

    The patriots will win the Civil War. We will then have to go through a time of reconstruction.

    Then, everything will be corrected again.

    1. Drinking while taking prescription meds leads to incoherent posts. Take a warm shower, build a small fire in the pit next to your trailer and play Dixie on your banjo. And you will feel much better.

  3. Another freaking illegal Muslim!

  4. You mean her brother??


  5. Revoke her fraudulent citizenship. Repatriate her to her beloved Somalia.

  6. Anonymous said...
    She facea nothing. Nothing will happen to her because the Republicans are cowards.

    Here’s what’s gonna happen: Biden is going to win, the Democrats will get the Senate and the house, they will end the filibuster, add supreme court justices, make Washington DC a state, and utterly destroy this country

    Republicans will cowering in fear.

    Fast forward to years. Patriots will have had enough. There will be an out right Civil War. Blood on the streets. Assassinations. Law-enforcement will turn on the Democrats. Military will turn on the Democrats. parents will turn on their children. It will be a bloody mess.

    The patriots will win the Civil War. We will then have to go through a time of reconstruction.

    Then, everything will be corrected again.

    July 9, 2020 at 8:27 PM

    "Nothing will happen to her because the Republicans are cowards."

    Yep, White Cowards, every damn one of them.

    Notice how the Republicans had the majority of seats during most of Obama's occupying the White House and they gave him a free pass. They had several opportunities to nail him and he got away with it. No proof of citizenship, no birth certificate, sealed college transcripts and he got a free pass. The same lame White Cowards have let the Democrats try to ruin President Trump's life for the last 4 years and stood by and watched. And that includes you Andy Harris, MD.

    1. I wish you would get your facts straight before you bantering. The REPUBLICANS had control for Obama's first 2 years. But dope smoking bonehead gave him everything he wanted. Then came Ryan. Who also along with McConnell gave OBAMA everything he wanted. You are correct in one aspect. The REPUBLICANS are pussies. They continue to hide in the corner with their thumbs up each other's ASS. Supreme Court is corrupt. The DOJ is corrupt. Our judicial system is corrupt. Hell our entire Congressional members our corrupt. They keep saying that there will be war in the streets if President Trump is ELECTED. There will be war if he's not.

  7. I'll bet that creature has extremely corrosive acid for blood. Maybe it's approaching its egg-laying cycle.


  8. Omar is totally repugnant, morally and politically.

    But let's take a more nuanced view. Most guys are under pressure to shell out big $$ for a small, shiny piece of rock. She has brought her newest/current husband a dowry of about a million bucks rather than livestock. Just observing.

  9. Good......if anyone is stupid enough to give money to that campaign I think she should take her friends to a Red Lite District and blow (no pun) the funds. People like that should be serving their time in prison, not politics.


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