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Thursday, July 09, 2020

53% Of Restaurants Closed During COVID-Lockdown Have Shuttered Permanently, Yelp Data Shows

New research from Yelp shows that as of June 15, there were nearly 140,000 total business closures on the website since March 1. When compared to similar research released in April, which showed more than 175,000 business closures, these latest numbers indicate that more than 20% of businesses closed in April have reopened.

In March, restaurants had the highest numbers of business closures listed on the app compared to other industries, and the rate of closure has remained high. Of the businesses that closed, 17% are restaurants, and 53% of those restaurant closures are indicated as permanent on Yelp. Retail, however, is the hardest hit overall.

During the peak of the pandemic, the number of diners seated across Yelp Reservations and Waitlist dropped essentially to zero. In early June, numbers of diners seated are down 57% of pre-pandemic levels.

Predictions about the restaurant industry’s fate in a post-pandemic world have been abundant throughout the crisis. The National Restaurant Association estimated that 15% of restaurants could close, while Barclay’s estimate is more optimistic, predicting approximately 10% of restaurants will shutter permanently.



  1. This is what Dems want COMMUNISM.

  2. The Democrats dream

    every one on Welfare

  3. The Democrats dream
    every one on Welfare

    where my EBT card ?

  4. 100 days or so of America becoming a socialist/communist country and probably renamed. All these dorks screaming in the streets and blocking highways you will no longer be useful. And if you think you have a voice under Biden and both houses better chance of going to China and blocking a road.

  5. Hmmmm does this whole "evil democrat plan" theory really make sense? It isnthe Trump admin that pushed for shutdown. Dem and Rep govenors alike shut things down and had major economic impacts in their state. Your theory just doesnt match the facts....or common sense

  6. Let’s hear from the stay at home and be safe crowd. Bet they have government jobs.

  7. Don’t mean no harm...wonder what percent of that number of closed eateries were in deep doo doo to start with?

  8. And Wicomico County Health Dept. is just itching to put more out of business, if they catch one person without a mask.


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