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Saturday, July 04, 2020

Ocean City Maryland Dead On 4th Of July Weekend

OC Inlet parking lot and Boardwalk at 10 pm on Friday. Here's what's interesting. Caribbean Joe's had the best Friday we've ever had, (aside from Bike Week). Just watching the lack of traffic coming into OC all day and night on Friday told us it was not going to be good for Ocean City. We knew West OC would do well though because of three factors. 1, No fireworks. 2, COVID-19. 3, Crime in OC over the past few weeks. While rooms have been available in OC, there's been no vacancy in all of West OC over the past 3 weeks. 


  1. An expected result when community leaders and businesses value dollars over public health and safety.

    1. 9:52. How so? Actually our leaders have placed no value on private businesses. Private businesses should get a pass on how they operate so that they don’t go out of business.

    2. 9:52
      I think you are underestimating the negative impact of the violence on the boardwalk

      Families will not visit if safety is in question

  2. Well, aren’t you just all proud.

  3. Well, aren’t you just all proud.

  4. Just checked this morning for a July 4th / July 5th stay. Ocean City, stay at the Dunes manor oceanfront, $454 per night. Virginia Beach, Wyndham oceanfront, $279. And free hotel parking.

    You have a choice. Ocean City is not going to lower their rates. They will seek a MD tax payer bail out, and get it.

  5. Then it's all your fault.When they got to Caribbean Joe's they saw no need to go any farther.

  6. You have also followed everything that was asked of you and you are keeping your customers safe. That’s what this is about keeping each other safe and being respectful to everyone.

  7. The fleas are out where the dogs have been. B.L.M. has ruined Ocean City.

    1. 10:23 Please don't even bring dogs down to the level of that low life.

    2. 1059 Agreed. Dogs have a sense of loyalty and faithfulness that BLM and the libs can never have or understand.

  8. If that was the best friday night you've ever had, you better close that dive down. 30 people MAX. I was there you lying pig.

    1. Miserable life you must live John...always complaining. Not sad for you.

  9. Nothing will recover til this stupid mask shit goes away. It's mentally better to just stay the hell home.

    1. Most that live in my trailer park feel the same way. For entertainment we buy a case of Bud, lite a fire in the pit, drink and sing Dixie.

  10. West OC is where it is happening. Just stay on the west side of the Assowoman Bay.

  11. 1015 - Stop it with the same tired ol bitter antics. There are more nice people who provide services to all than cranky pants like you.

    Be thankful once in a while - it is less stressful longterm.

  12. Rickie, think you priced out the riff raff eh?

    Terrible mindset, that and chasing the money unicorn to make up for lost tax revenue. I rode down to the inlet for sh*ts and grins last nite - laughed at what I saw.

    Try to sleep well, your days are numbered bub.

  13. Senor Rickie Beerinhan - hahahahahahahahahaha.

  14. Glad your surviving without J1 visas. Good job

  15. It's ALL about SAFETY. People won't bring their families and spend money at a THUGFEST.

  16. Rickie...saw the line at Coconuts earlier. Should be interesting in a few weeks.

    Nothing safe when it's all about the Benjamin's.

  17. What happened to traffic backed up to 589 post yesterday? Seems facts change daily

    1. Easy mister. Your hate shows and isn't absorbed

  18. Anonymous said...
    An expected result when community leaders and businesses value dollars over public health and safety.

    July 4, 2020 at 9:52 AM

    Shut up Jared shitsbean

  19. My guess is the locals came to your place and OC is about tourist. People are not traveling right now. Covid is an issue. Money is an issue. Protesting is an issue. I know north OC is doing well. Very busy. Beaches are packed and the places my kids are working are having a very good year
    so far. In fact, my daughter was told last night the restaurant where she is working is making more then it did last year with less capacity. It isn't all gloom and doom.

    1. Blah blah blah .. our friend Joe has said ad nauseum he is about the locals YEAR ROUND.

      Bourbon is your friend as well as burgers and $2 natural lights

  20. This is what you should have expected for allowing the fights and riots on the boardwalk after hours did you think hatred would take a holiday and return to holding hands and being flower children for special occasions?

  21. That’s great to hear Joe. I am glad you had plenty of business. I still haven’t made it to Joes but I will this summer.

  22. It's still very slow in OC at this time. No fireworks seems to be keeping many at home.

  23. Slaves that is why, everyone has the GD virus or if not it is fake!!! I mean what they say about it is fake!!!! Why would you have to fluff the numbers if that were the case??? You clowns just don't get it, you all are slaves and for what?? Over here-say??? All they did the whole time was through mud on the walls and saw what stuck and there you have it!!!! You people deserve all of the crap you complain about happen!!! Your ignorance and noneducational mentality is your own fault and no on else, Explain to me the last time you ever had the flu and never had a fever???? I'll wait!!!! How are you going to tell me, that you have a disease that don't affect yuor body or show any signs of a disease but through a tainted test??? Do you morons even know the definition of what a disease is???? You people just toss commonsense right out the window all to be slaves!! But hey keep complaining, its worked so far right???

  24. I suggest OC businesses get ready for the worst year ever. Along with most resort towns and cities. The government attacked the population. This is the end of freedom.

    Enjoy what little is left.
    We are being enslaved.

  25. Yeah what I said the other day....it’s not a lack of help!!! The City taxes have priced businesses out of the market!! They will be back peddling on the H2Oi car thing.....they will want that cash regardless of the destruction!!

    1. Hey, locals are not talking into the money grab either....hey we never have. Bayside has no traffic.

  26. Rickie...we continue to laugh at u. Hey hey...714...I see empty spots in the inlet. Hahahahahahabaha

  27. Omar for PresidentJuly 4, 2020 at 7:54 PM

    We need to lock down again until after the elections

    mail every family a 5,000 a week check

  28. Give me a break manJuly 4, 2020 at 7:58 PM

    I know a pizza place down on the boards

    his Mortgage is 20 thousand a month

    his buisness is at 140 thousand dollar loss so far

    Maryland Democrats have destroyed buisnesses

    and all you cry babies watching TV scared of a Flu Virus

  29. After all the violence during the last month, who wants to take their family there?

  30. Yeah my kid was pissed came home with 10 dollars in tips.


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