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Saturday, July 04, 2020

It Was Only a Matter of Time… Angry DC Black Lives Matter Protesters March Down Street Chanting Blood Libel Against Jews

You just knew this was going to happen.
It always does with the far left.

On Wednesday Black Lives Matter mob marched down the streets of Washington DC chanting against Jews.

It was only a matter of time before the DC protests turned anti-Semitic.pic.twitter.com/YTbwwGuOYh

— Nic Rowan (@NicXTempore) July 1, 2020

They were chanting, “Jews kill children too.”

And this group is getting millions and full support from US corporations?



  1. Big giant middle finger.

    Until we AMERICANS get rid of hate....well, just stay away from those who do I suppose.

    Sad indeed.

    1. I 2nd the BIG middle finger! Its more than obvious what their agenda is....

    2. Middle Finger,
      I agree 100%

      They can bash Caucasians and Mexicans but the Jews are off-limits. They need to keep it clean. Keep the eyes on the target.

  2. Listening to the people (a lot of white people too) following the chants reminds me of the indoctrination of the SS. Anyone else think we are headed for another Holocaust?

  3. If it weren't for the Jews and their money. There wouldn't be a civil rights. It just shows Black's don't care. No loyalties or values. Just HATE, HATE, HATE.

  4. the founders are part of Nations of Islam and CAIR. They are all for Sharia law here in the US. All the sheep need to get woke up.

  5. The Jews were more oppressed than blacks remember mothers and children were put in ovens and gassed to death. BLM better come to some common sense.

  6. I sure all the Democrats will denounce this. Just kidding Democrats are racist to the core.

  7. Blatant white/black supremacy.

  8. Northwest Woodsman: Surrogate tribal warriors biting the hand that feeds and encourages them. You can’t make this stuff up!

  9. Excellent. Two enemies of Christianity and Islam fighting each other works out well.


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