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Monday, July 27, 2020

D.C. Exempts Lawmakers, Government Employees From New Mask Order

Washington, D.C., mayor Muriel Bowser (D.) issued a universal masking order for her city Wednesday but exempted lawmakers, judges, and federal employees.

The order mandates the wearing of masks in all indoor and outdoor settings where social distancing cannot be observed. No other designated profession is exempt from wearing a mask, except when a piece of work equipment would preclude mask use. Consequences for ignoring the order include fines of up to $1,000.

The mayor’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Masking mandates have prompted contentious public discussion in the United States about the limits of government and the authority of public health officials. While such officials have been unified about the safety of masks, governors and mayors have differed as to how to enact these measures.



  1. Just like everything else the swamp is exempt from the laws the peons must adhere to or face the wrath. This is why we elected Trump! Muriel Bowser is a low IQ individual that has no business being mayor other than the color of her skin and the fact that most blacks only vote for black candidates but of course that isn't racist unless whites do it .

  2. Do as I say, not as I do !!!!!!

  3. I keep telling you all love to be slaves, good slaves, some of the best slaves in history!!! Even real slaves would be upset at you!!!!

    1. Your at Sams clubs eating a nasty hot dog.

  4. And you slaves still think this is about some fake virus??? If there is a deadly virus then why are all these people exempt from them but you are not???? Huh slave, can you answer that??? The virus is so deadly they are wanting you to start wearing mask indoors, and in your own god damn house, but these people are exempt, think about that, maybe just maybe for all of these PEOPLE NOT WEARING A MASK, that the virus is fake?????? ORRRRR they have a vax or some protection we don't know about or will never get!!!! but you are the slaves so, keep on being good!!! it is all about your health remember????? Oh my bad, its all of the kids remember????

  5. There should be no exceptions - yet she cannot require the goose that has the golden eggs ($$$$ CONGRESS) to get upset or she will be zippy!

    Double standards and politics.

    Sad - indeed

  6. IF Everyone would just ignore the ignorant; there wouldn't be a da_n thing they could do about it. Stop being Sheeple...

  7. Has there ever been a black mayor that has not been corrupt? Asking for a friend

  8. Start hanging them from lampposts and overpasses.


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