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Monday, July 27, 2020

D.C. Exempts Lawmakers, Government Employees From New Mask Order

Washington, D.C., mayor Muriel Bowser (D.) issued a universal masking order for her city Wednesday but exempted lawmakers, judges, and federal employees.

The order mandates the wearing of masks in all indoor and outdoor settings where social distancing cannot be observed. No other designated profession is exempt from wearing a mask, except when a piece of work equipment would preclude mask use. Consequences for ignoring the order include fines of up to $1,000.

The mayor’s office did not respond to a request for comment.

Masking mandates have prompted contentious public discussion in the United States about the limits of government and the authority of public health officials. While such officials have been unified about the safety of masks, governors and mayors have differed as to how to enact these measures.

Last week, Georgia governor Brian Kemp (R.) sued Atlanta mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms (D.) after she issued a universal masking mandate in her city, heightening national political division over the issue. Bottoms suggested without evidence that President Donald Trump was behind Kemp's decision to sue her, although Trump has affirmed the usefulness of masks and said wearing one is "patriotic.



  1. Of course they are exempt.
    They don’t need to be “controlled” like the population.

    Government Employees do what they are told.
    Citizens still think they are free people.
    So they need to be taught a lesson.

  2. Excluded because she cannot legally order federal employees in the line of duty to do anything.

    As far as Lying Donald is concerned the die is cast. He handled the pandemic they way he did, people feel the way they do and they will vote based on their feelings.

    1. So how are people supposed to take it serious if federal employees don't have too.

      Exactly what advice would you give to liar Donald on how he was supposed to handle it better? Please do tell.

  3. Well, If it’s patriotic she/they should be proud to wear one.
    The exemption is unconstitutional.

  4. 11:51 - Federal employees do have mask mandates ordered by their agency/department heads through their reopening plans. All of the plans reference CDC guidelines. Further, regional offices build off of the national plans and add stricter protocols where needed.


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