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Sunday, July 05, 2020



  1. I often ask myself "don't any of these losers have a job"? But now that I see their faces,my question is answered. What low-life scumbags.

    1. Scumbags...that was very generous of you. You are correct, and I'm confident the only physical labor these Scumbags do is stick their hands out fok Government freebies! They contribute nothing to productive society, except drag the productive citizens down!

  2. I can't wait to kick there ass.

  3. When I was younger I went to several different rally/protests on each side of the political spectrum. It was less as a participant and more to observe and talk to people and get a sense of what it was all about. I went to the Stewart/Colbert rally, I went to a Ron Paul rally (as a huge supporter), I went to see Occupy DC for an afternoon. These groups (Tea Party and Occupy) were NEVER what the media said they were. MSM was either interviewing plants or going out of their way to find some crazy person who's views would fit their narrative. There was a whole lot more in common even on opposite ends of the political spectrum. Then I went to one 4 or 5 years ago, I think it was the million mask March or something. I got there late but ran into some stragglers. They knew nothing about the causes they claimed to be there for, all they could do was rattle off statistics they probably heard from Bernie. I left and walked to the Washington monument to take some pictures before I came back home. While I was there the same group of kids showed up and started spray painting the Washington monument. This newest generation cares nothing about learning history, or intelligent debate. They want to point to one statistic or past event without any knowledge of historical context. I bet if you had sat down with these little dumb@$$es and gave them a history lesson they wouldn't be going to prison. Failure of our public education system.

    1. Tim Poole is a YouTuber who is starting to see the light. He work as a freelancer at occupy Wall Street. He was paid by Disney for 4 months 230k plus expenses. The event was paid for by billion dollar companies to create a event they in turn could do a movie, get traction on articles and books over. Another words fake. And 1000s showed up in protest of Wall Street. Worked perfectly

  4. They get stimulus money, welfare checks and one or two might be trust fund babies. Their attorneys are paid for by darker forces.

  5. If you see any of them, call the number on your screen.

  6. Useful idiots, one and all. Puppets, so dumb they don’t even know they’re puppets.

  7. If we could just send all of them plus lots more to marine boot camp for 6 weeks. Not to serve, but just to get the discipline they are truly lacking. Most are not smart enough to stay in the military and some may have their eyes open to what it means to serve. God bless the USA.

  8. With all the unrest and statue problems why did this happen , they knew it was coming where were the police or fed. officers? Oh that's right it's government officers , only work a few hours a week . Oh well good luck with that .

  9. My tax dollars are paying for this crap , I say shoot anyone trying to do this , shoot to kill .

  10. Wow, number 7 looks like a Salisbury lawyer that destroys evidence in jury trials!

    1. You mean the one to the right of Jerry Garcia?

  11. That is a “who’s who” of the public sector workforce right there!

  12. Now I’m just a Monday morning quarter backer here on Sunday. But in a laymen’s view wouldn’t it be more effective, productive, and less expensive to have had a police presence in the area nipping this in the bud before it occurred? Not counting the repair. Preventive maintenance is good with vehicles and other products, why not this? Especially in this climate with it going on daily. Heck, sometimes the dummies give warning they will be at a statue to maim and humiliate. Now look at the cost of manpower to track these turds down and prosecute. Like I say, that cost along will exceed the cost of placing uniforms around the site.

    1. Thank you 9:15!!! As the old saying goes "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure". Ya can fix the brakes NOW, while they still work, or fix them while the cars in the body shop getting the accident damage repaired, cuz it wouldn't stop!

  13. Round -up their damn asses !!! GO Get-Em !!!!! 10 years each !!!!

  14. When apprehended, the trials will be something to see.

  15. Civil War is coming it HAS TO.

  16. Government gave them 1200 dollars to riot with. Let that sink in.

  17. Where's James Yamakawa? That race baiter has to be somewhere in the 100s of pics.

  18. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

    Send in a substantial number of officers ahead of a "peaceful protest" and it's "Oh, it's police state Nazi chokehold killers come to trample our First Amendment rights and gas and beat us", with the Democrat machine and MSM shaking it like a puppy does a rag. This goes double if they're equipped with the tools they need to manage crowd control or even passively defend themselves against attackers using bricks, rocks, frozen water bottles and fireworks.

    Send in too few and they're at risk to not adequately do their jobs, risk personal injury, ignite the ire of law & order loving civilians, and be portrayed as emasculated fools by the MSM.

    The Leftists are ready to respond either way, with the lapdog MSM licking the hand that feeds it.

  19. they are getting paid by the likes of Soros, The Clintons and organizations that get funded by the DNC, and Bloomberg and don't leave out the Obamas and the leftest communists like Bill Ayres. BLM money to. 4% of the money donated to BLM going off the top to the Democrats. Go to the page and snoop a little bit. You have to click on the donate button and it goes to a page that is Democrat run. They get a cut off the top. a bunch of Terrorists from within.

  20. IF ANTIFA is a Terrorist org why isn't it OPEN SEASON ON THEM ?

  21. Still waiting for that check from Soros...

  22. Is that April Jackson #15? Sorry! My mistake! April cannot find her way off Lake Skreet.

  23. Better Have A Mask Cover Your Faces .. because FEDS coming After You ..and They Don't lose or quit

    1. 4:40
      The Feds paid them to do it.
      The US Government is run by professionals.
      Politicians are actors who keep the stupid public distracted.

  24. This matter of wearing masks sure makes it convenient for all the thugs. They will continue to wear them long after the virus is gone. These low life bottom feeders can go pretty much go unidentified now with no problem . How handy is that?

  25. One of these guys is from Salisbury.I'll contact the # provided & give details.

  26. Suspect 13 is Colin kappernick


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