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Sunday, July 05, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Jake Day, President Of Maryland Municipal League???

Jake Day was just elected President of the Maryland Municipal League's virtual Summer conference. Why would they do that knowing that Jake Day will be out of the country for nearly all of his term as MML President? And of course Jake has to retweet the outgoing President's tweet. Trying to pad he resume and name recognition for his run as Lt. Governor with Peter Franchot, I guess?


  1. Peter Franchot - Putz

    Not good for the future of MD.

  2. Another legend in his own mind and a few other low life's minds. One thing he can be sure of he will not ever be anything in life other then the crappy mayor of the crime ridden blighted city of Sby aka The Crotch of the Eastern Shore. If he dares try to run for any higher office he will get it rammed so far up his rank arse he won't know what hit him. Look at ireton when he too thought so highly of himself and thought he had a chance at congress. He lost to a perpetual candidate whose never campaigned a day in his life.

  3. Corruption breeds corruption.

  4. No one saw this coming?

  5. Boy has a lot of skeletons in his short career...

  6. Jake Day is a tool and going on some vacation of a deployment. He will be safe behind a computer screen playing on facebook Im sure while this new acting Mayor runs this City even further into the liberal ground.

  7. Funny that you think the racist backwards Eastern Shore's opinion of anyone really matters to the rest of the state. The Eastern Shore is the loud MINORITY of the state who voted for Donald Trump but wants to hold everyone else to a righteous standard. Imagine that!! lol

    1. Bwaahaha! 914, you guys are the ones filled with righteous rage,tearing down statues of people who died over 100 years ago because they don't live up to your contemporary standards of self-loathing and guilt for the crime of being born the race that they were.

  8. You are totally correct 9:14, Eastern Shore of Maryland = Trump backing, gun toting, loud, proud, and White. Come getcha some !!!!

  9. MMA Past Presidents

    President Term
    Rosalie Kuechler 1993-1994
    James Denforth 1994-1995
    Andy Hanko 1995-1996
    Jack Gullo 1997-1998
    Vivian Dodson 1998-1999
    Elizabeth Tolbert 1999-2000
    C. Eugene Butler 2000-2001
    Henry C. Heine 2001-2002
    Kathy Porter 2002-2003
    Jay A. Jacobs 2003-2004
    Larry Giammo 2004-2005
    Carol D. Johnson 2005-2006
    George D. Denny, Jr. 2006-2007
    Sam Pierce 2007-2008
    Malinda Miles 2008-2009
    Adam Ortiz 2009-2010
    Judith "J" Davis 2010-2011
    Bruce R. Williams 2011-2012
    Victoria Jackson-Stanley 2012-2013
    Randy McClement 2013-2014
    Michael E Bennett 2014-2015
    Peter Fosselman 2015-2016
    John Miller
    Bruce Morrison 2017-2018
    Sadara Barrow 2018-2019

  10. because libs are stupid

  11. No one else wanted the job----Did he run unopposed ??

  12. Anonymous said...
    Funny that you think the racist backwards Eastern Shore's opinion of anyone really matters to the rest of the state. The Eastern Shore is the loud MINORITY of the state who voted for Donald Trump but wants to hold everyone else to a righteous standard. Imagine that!! lol

    July 2, 2020 at 9:14 AM

    So you are saying the Eastern Shore is racist and *backward? Funny you are obsessed with this.

  13. Anonymous said...
    MMA Past Presidents

    President Term
    Rosalie Kuechler 1993-1994
    James Denforth 1994-1995
    Andy Hanko 1995-1996
    Jack Gullo 1997-1998
    Vivian Dodson 1998-1999
    Elizabeth Tolbert 1999-2000
    C. Eugene Butler 2000-2001
    Henry C. Heine 2001-2002
    Kathy Porter 2002-2003
    Jay A. Jacobs 2003-2004
    Larry Giammo 2004-2005
    Carol D. Johnson 2005-2006
    George D. Denny, Jr. 2006-2007
    Sam Pierce 2007-2008
    Malinda Miles 2008-2009
    Adam Ortiz 2009-2010
    Judith "J" Davis 2010-2011
    Bruce R. Williams 2011-2012
    Victoria Jackson-Stanley 2012-2013
    Randy McClement 2013-2014
    Michael E Bennett 2014-2015
    Peter Fosselman 2015-2016
    John Miller
    Bruce Morrison 2017-2018
    Sadara Barrow 2018-2019

    July 2, 2020 at 9:59 AM

    WTH is MMA?? The discussion is about the MML, the Maryland Municipal League.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Peter Franchot - Putz

    Not good for the future of MD.

    July 2, 2020 at 8:06 AM

    Peter Franchot, Len Foxwell and Jake Day are all peas in one little pod. Rabid losers!

  15. Anonymous said...
    Another legend in his own mind and a few other low life's minds. One thing he can be sure of he will not ever be anything in life other then the crappy mayor of the crime ridden blighted city of Sby aka The Crotch of the Eastern Shore. If he dares try to run for any higher office he will get it rammed so far up his rank arse he won't know what hit him. Look at ireton when he too thought so highly of himself and thought he had a chance at congress. He lost to a perpetual candidate whose never campaigned a day in his life.

    July 2, 2020 at 8:42 AM

    Sadly if Jake Day runs as Peter Franchot's running mate he gets to keep his Mayor's seat when they lose because they are not on the same cycle.

    1. Don’t count him out! Remember, he has a rock solid spouse!

  16. Anonymous said...
    No one saw this coming?

    July 2, 2020 at 8:51 AM

    Oh Intelligent One, please tell us more!

  17. Anonymous said...
    Corruption breeds corruption.

    July 2, 2020 at 8:48 AM

    You are correct. Corruption has followed Jake Day his entire short term in office. Same with Pete and Lenny Foxwell. Corrupt Democrats.

  18. Anonymous said...
    Bwaahaha! 914, you guys are the ones filled with righteous rage,tearing down statues of people who died over 100 years ago because they don't live up to your contemporary standards of self-loathing and guilt for the crime of being born the race that they were.

    July 2, 2020 at 9:36 AM

    Those Progressive Libtards are too much of cowards to sign their names. That's why they wear black hoodies and full face masks with goggles when they go out on the town to destroy. They are a bunch of cowards. Michele Gregory, Jared Schablein, Amber Green, James Yakahomo, Jake Burdett, Seamus Benn, Jamal Gould, Wannabe Rev. John Wright, Ron Pagano, Jake Day, Jordan Gilmore, Chuck Cook, Mike Hitch, Ivory Smith, Alex Scott. Social Justice Warriors, LMFAO!! All PU$$IES!

    1. Hmmm what about those that wear white hoodies??

  19. Anonymous said...
    Funny that you think the racist backwards Eastern Shore's opinion of anyone really matters to the rest of the state. The Eastern Shore is the loud MINORITY of the state who voted for Donald Trump but wants to hold everyone else to a righteous standard. Imagine that!! lol

    July 2, 2020 at 9:14 AM

    Mr. 9:14, you forgot to sign your name.

  20. Yeah, I think Jake Day is trying to pad his resume by being named Prez of the MML. Sadly no one will question what he did as Prez while he was deployed to Africa.

  21. I'm embarrassed to be a tax-paying property in the City of Salisbury and have to tell people that Jake Day is the Mare.

  22. "Anonymous said...
    Yeah, I think Jake Day is trying to pad his resume by being named Prez of the MML. Sadly no one will question what he did as Prez while he was deployed to Africa.

    July 2, 2020 at 10:57 AM"

    There is nothing to do as the MML president. It is an insignificant unimportant organization that no one's even heard of much less cares about. It has as much value on a resume as does what is someone's shoe size.

  23. Those idiots at the Lower Shore Progressive Caucus are drooling over this fake election. They are loving that their boi Jakey has another title to his name and that is all it is, a silly title.

  24. This right here is evidence that the MML, the Maryland Municipal League is run by the employees of the MML and not the elected Board Members. How in the Hell can Jake Day run the MML while he is deployed to Africa the entire time he will be the President of the MML??

    We as taxpayers are funding this wasteful organization and most people don't know it. We are paying annual dues to the MML so we are funding high paying jobs for people to sit around and play on their computers year round. What a damn waste!

  25. Gosh 1031 - totally forgot about that. Loser keeps their prior seat.


  26. Exactly what has the Maryland Municipal League done in the past? This is just a title position. Relax and vote against Peter and jake when the time comes.

    1. French or is not having Jake as his running because of the skeletons and his wife. Last I heard he was considering first district, congressman, he what's Andy's job. Not happening!

  27. Letter to the Editor:

    Think about this. Jake Day is in Africa for almost a year and he is not doing his job, right? So he wants to be Peter Franchot's running mate as Lt. Governor, right? It takes 2 good years to run for Governor and that means that Jake Day will not be doing the job that we are paying him to do, right?

    Well if WE, the Voters, were intelligent we would demand that Jake Day step down as the Mayor of Salisbury if he commits to running as Lt. Governor. He will be deployed for a year and the next year and a half he will be campaigning for the Governors seat for Peter Franchot for the next 2.5 years.

    We must DEMAND that Jake Day steps down and resigns his position as Mayor.

  28. FAKE NEWS! Jake was not elected president of the Maryland Municipal League; some guy named Perry was. Jake was elected to be president of the board of directors of the Maryland Municipal League. Big Difference.

    1. not really either way he isnt here

  29. He's destroying SALISBURY and wicomico county the way they told him too. He's going to be the next Larry Hogan.

  30. jake says he wants to shut down the bay bridge for a few months so rainbows can be painted all over it.

  31. July 2, 2020 at 10:39 AM
    Amber Green, lol
    Fun fact,
    Race baiter Jimmy Yamkawa had a video of this idiot at her "protest" on N rt 13, and I got it captured before little Jimmy took it down.

    She's a real tool.

    Marching around screaming orders at her sheep
    It is hysterical.

  32. 11:19 You should be... at this point, any one who stills owns and is living in Salisbury city limits deserves everything coming to them. Be sure to wear your bib when papa Day feeds you.

  33. Joe, here is evidence that Sarah Ash and WMDT 47 are stealing your news tips! I just looked up the date on Twitter and you knew about this on June 30th and you post it today, July 2nd and all of a sudden WMDT comes out with their story claiming that the MML announced on Thursday that Jake Day was elected to serve as President. That means that Sarah Ash called the MML to confirm what you already new 3 days ago. How convenient after Sarah Ash reads your website on a Thursday and comes up with a news story, bunch of lazy bums! WMDT needs to pay you for your news, Joe! WMDT and Sarah Ash are a bunch of LOSERS!!


    Mayor Jake Day elected President of Maryland Municipal League
    July 2, 2020 by Sarah Ash

    SALISBURY, Md. – The Maryland Municipal League announced on Thursday that Salisbury Mayor Jake Day has been elected to serve as president of the league for the 2021-2022 term.

    Presidents of the MML Board of Directors work together with staff to help determine the organization’s legislative priorities for the year. Municipalities are encouraged to submit up to three legislative action requests for consideration as MML initiatives before the Maryland General Assembly. In addition, the organization also offers extensive training and educational programs for municipal representative members.

    Presidents of the MML Board of Directors serve a 1-year term. Previous presidents from Salisbury include former Councilman Gary Comegys (2010-2011), and former Mayor Barrie Tilghman (2004-2005).

    Mayor Day’s term will last from July 2021 through July 2022.

    “I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to continue to serve my fellow municipal leaders,” said Mayor Day. “Over the next two years, I am eager to work with President Jones, Past President Spiegel and the rest of the MML leadership team to best fight for municipalities in Annapolis, and to share the great work they are doing.”

  34. Anonymous said...
    July 2, 2020 at 10:39 AM
    Amber Green, lol
    Fun fact,
    Race baiter Jimmy Yamkawa had a video of this idiot at her "protest" on N rt 13, and I got it captured before little Jimmy took it down.

    She's a real tool.

    Marching around screaming orders at her sheep
    It is hysterical.

    July 2, 2020 at 2:56 PM

    Is it the bald Amber Green?

  35. Anonymous said...
    11:19 You should be... at this point, any one who stills owns and is living in Salisbury city limits deserves everything coming to them. Be sure to wear your bib when papa Day feeds you.

    July 2, 2020 at 3:46 PM

    Well some of us are caught in a trap and can't sell our houses. Unlike you who paid mortgages to your slumlord.

  36. July 2, 2020 at 12:35 PM
    Wayne King brought it up in the debates and Jake out right lied and you all drank it up

    Suck it up morons.

    You were told and didn't listen.

    1. Jake Day is a ProgressiveJuly 5, 2020 at 7:22 PM

      Salisbury University voters
      is the reason Jake got the Mayor position

      Wayne King should challenge and request a review of eligible voters

      Bet ur ass....this process was fraudulent

  37. cant wait for him to tell everyone about all his accomplishment in this job!

  38. I see references constantly on here about his deployment like he has already left or is leaving ASAP. Does anyone out there in Jake's circle or Boy Jake himself have an ACTUAL DATE FOR "YOUR DEPLOYMENT" I bet the answer is no because their has been none or will there be any. Mom and Daddy just slip him away to a nice little vacation spot sheltered from questions he doesn't want to answer!!!!


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