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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Antifa-led riots clash with 'Trump's feds' in Portland — here's why the media is STILL defending Antifa

'Don't let the media lie to you'

In Portland, Oregon, protests — many of which have devolved into violent riots — have raged on for more than 50 consecutive days. The escalating unrest has prompted President Donald Trump to deploy federal officers to the city in an effort to calm the chaos.

Critics in the mainstream media continue to defend Antifa, claiming the protests are peaceful and blaming "Trump's feds" for causing any increase in violence and vandalism.

On this week's episode of "Slightly Offens*ve," BlazeTV's Elijah Schaffer exposed the origin story of Antifa to understand why they exist and why the mainstream media is still defending them.

"Don't let the media lie to you," Elijah said. "Why are the media defending Antifa? Who are they [Antifa], and what benefit do [the media] get for defending them?"

Watch the video below for more details:



  1. Folks it’s just property that is insured. Who cares? I don’t shop in small business anyway I go to Walmart because it’s safer. Not any riots in Walmart’s, coscos or sams clubs. Most of their products are China’s top quality. Put on your mask social distance and purchase solor panels and when the workers show up and can’t speak English your a RACIST for not learning it. Thank you

  2. They need at least a 100 more officer's in Portland. Then concentrate on one part of the building each night. Beat the shit out of everyone in sight and lock them up. PHILLY STYLE.

  3. 10:25. What a statement. Put your head in the sand. If it doesn't affect you why care. Well it will affect you soon if you choose to ignore the situation. What makes you think Walmart is exempt from crime - how soon we forget the Walmart shootings. China's top value - oh my what has the world come too. China has been stealing American technology for years putting American workers out of jobs. Just sit back and collect that welfare check or social security check and not think of anyone else but your self. The way this country is catering to blacks you may not be eligible for either.

  4. Antifa. The anarchists were wearing masks before wearing masks was "cool." Why? They don't want to be identified. Might not look good on a resume when they grow up and want a job (if ever). And, they don't want anyone to find out where they live, etc. They can dish it out, but would not want doxing to happen to them. Here's a thought: Use public information acts or FOIA to obtain the names of persons arrested for riotous conduct and criminal activity. Public information? Once they realize that their identies will be exposed, perhaps they will realize this is not a video game.

  5. Antifa isn't real. Grow up.


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