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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A Viewer Writes: I Have A Question...

Joe, I have a question..

It appears every day in all the media.
The city say the state does not have the authority,
the state says the city does not have the authority,
counties and the cities say each other do have the authority,
All the governors say the President and the federal government do not have the authority...

Who the hell is running this country...


  1. Big tech and msm. If Biden wins it will be one party for life and it will be communist. I was publicly shamed online for driving during a lock down by fellow conservatives and my Delaware tag being in Maryland shopping. I lost my side job and realized faceless losers online are in charge. But that’s alright in 4 months most small businesses will be shut and bankrupt. I will laugh.

    1. Publicly shamed online, isn't facebook great.

  2. Bob Aswell ....RealistJuly 22, 2020 at 8:31 PM

    I agree with the writer. However the situation crux is this is election year and the rule amongst the thieves and and rogues in any government now is,"Don't make any VOTE MAD". The best stage to watch this on is in any major city where the crooks don't want to rock the boat.
    If you don't believe me just wait until Nov. 4 when Covid-19 relocates for the Winter to a warmer climate.
    Unfortunate the average Joe Blow is the loser in the above. Remember that when you vote.
    Case in point, Have you heard anything at all from the so-called Eastern Shore Delegation, the wooden heads who begged you to vote for them yet have even stated a position on the madness perpetrated by Larry the loser Hoggan?

  3. Mike Lewis for President!

    1. Babe Wilson for Sheriff sounds just as stupid as your comment

  4. The STATE is granted authority (with the 4th Amendment) over everything not specifically granted to Federal government by the Constitution.

    Hence, why most of these Covid orders come from the Governor.

  5. Who is running this country right now? All the damn rioters and protestors and undesirables in this country, thats's who. Get out there and throw everything you can at the police, tear down statues, burn federal buildings and everything else in sight, loot, and any other act of violence you can think of and it all seems to be ok. City, County, State are all at fault for allowing this crap to continue to take place. I absolutely agree with President Trump for sending in Feds, Enough is enough already.

  6. but the governor has no authority to make a mandate 'stick' according to our Constitution/Bill of Rights; hence the crux of these issues...

  7. 11:27 I agree. I believe that this virus will go away when Trump wins office again in November. I say this because the Media will turn it's attention to the election results and the aftermath it causes. The virus will be put on the back burner. You won't hear much about it - you won't hear the day reporting. Pelosi will be filing more impeachments. Don't get me wrong - each State will still be fighting the virus - you just won't hear much about it. Police and first responders will be taken for granted again. Schools will reopen. Just saying the media controls what we see and hear.

  8. We the people.....

  9. It's time the State starts shooting rioters with LEAD bullets. Pile up the bodies and let that do the talking to the others.

  10. If you read our Constitution and Bill of rights it may answer your question .
    Having said that , most people fall for the crap that is given us by local government and state gov.. Remember this , The Constitution and Bill of rights are a simple read made to understand . One of the first sentences you learn in law is that "Law is Clear" . Now I've opening a flood gate I will close it , the democrats have their own interpretation of any law to suit their needs and wants . Just remember "Law is Clear" , example 2nd amendment gives you the right bear arms , that is very clear . So , the state or local gov. does not have the right to disarm you unless another law has been broken by you . In closing to answer your question "the people run the country" . The strong will survive with the law on their side.

  11. What a dumbass question.

  12. The Dems are running everything and have since the Trump Impeachment they will never give up and will ruin the whole country to make their stupid point. And Obama did nothing for this country in 8 years and they think he was God. He and Biden made a fortune in that 8 years dealing with the enemies of this country and lining their pockets the whole time.

  13. Aside from legaleeeze, we the people are in charge.

  14. 6:48 congratulations, you just advocated for the killing of your own citizens. I believe there is a word for that and it is terrorist.

  15. Answer to the question: the globalist deep state. Unless the people show up and start fighting back the globalist's "New World Order"will be here and then game over. We will just be one more Communist s_it hole where you do what you're told or go to the FEMA camp. Communist China's model is their wet dream.


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