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Monday, June 15, 2020

What If Obama Were President and KKK Terrorists Took Control of an American City?

First, let's start with the new name of downtown Seattle. The communist-anarchist terrorists call it "CHAZ" for Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone. I've changed the name to "CATZ" for Communist Anarchist Terrorist Zone.

I'm talking, of course, about the new "country" formerly known as Seattle. The domestic antifa terrorists clearly in charge have set up borders, roadblocks and armed guards. They are holding six blocks of an American city hostage as a "no-go zone." There is a wave of robberies, assaults and rapes going on inside that "zone," according to the Seattle police. It's all being run by a "warlord" -- a Soundcloud rapper. You can't make this stuff up.

This insanity is happening in America.

Then there are the liberal and obviously mentally ill politicians in charge. The Democratic governor claims he knows nothing about it. He's doing his best imitation of Sgt. Schultz from the old TV series "Hogan's Heroes" -- "I see nothing. I hear nothing. I know nothing." The governor pretends he doesn't know the biggest city in his state has been seized by communist-anarchist terrorists.

The Democratic mayor of Seattle calls the terrorists "patriotic." I kid you not.

The leading councilperson in Seattle -- also a Democrat -- gave the radical terrorists the keys to city hall.

Now she's demanding the police surrender to the terrorists, while introducing legislation to permanently hand six city blocks to domestic terrorists. The lunatics are running the asylum.



  1. They say BIDEN is leading in all polls. We might find out.

    1. They say the Republican is down in every election

  2. We warned forty years ago when inpatient mental health facilities were cut by 90% with inadequate outpatient facilities and regulation not there to accommodate the purging.

  3. Well it's not like islamic terrorists taking over because they are not islamc terrorists....

  4. Weird, it's almost like if a group of armed men took over a federal building in Montana...

  5. Since when do you care about liberal cities anyway?

  6. So...antifacists are to Trump what the KKK is to Obama. That means Trump is facist right?

    1. There is nothing antifascist about Antifa.

  7. Well under Obama the KKK didn't feel bold enough to pop their heads out but under Trump they have the pleasure of hating the same people the President does.

    1. 514, you wouldn't recognize hate if it looted your store and busted out the windows in your car.

    2. The KKK is a militant arm of the Democrat party which doesn’t exist anymore they’ve been replaced by ANTIFA and BLM

  8. His loyal officers would have murdered all of them. The military has been used before against civilians, including against veterans.

  9. ECT therapy is back I think orbital frontal lobotomies should be too.

  10. All I can say is that these leftist ANIMALS' characters STINK SO BAD it would overwhelm the stench of an overflowing garbage dumpster, behind a pork abbatoir, during a summer heat wave, when the garbage men are on strike. I'm alarmed at how LOW these proto-humanoids can get!

  11. It would have turned into another Waco.

  12. Come on people

    This is an intelligence Psyop
    Just like COVID-19 which isn’t over yet.
    These are live drills.
    We are under attack by the US GOVERNMENT.

    It is now communist.
    The enemy is inside the gates

    1. 8:53
      Right, but most here believe a single actor will save us. Not realizing he is 33rd Degree.

    2. Wrong thats part of the problem 11:30 Trump is a not manson.

  13. He wouldn't have any other choice but to call the military as most of the police force are standing members or related, a conflict of interest per say

  14. There are several aspects of this situation that kinda play into "true American" hands. If these idiots want to take over a city and kick out "America," it's war because they invaded our country - violently. Now this area is a warzone. Revoke their citizenship and bomb them. They have no laws, by their own admission. Nothing would be illegal. Fixed.


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