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Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Virginia governor REFUSED to send his National Guard to Washington DC

The governor of Virginia refused to send his National Guard troops across the Potomac River into Washington D.C., despite a request from the White House for the state to deploy its guardsmen to help disperse protesters.

'I am not going to send our men and women in uniform of a very proud National Guard to Washington for a photo-op,' Governor Ralph Northam, a Democrat, said at a press conference in Richmond on Tuesday.

White House officials also inquired about taking control of Washington D.C.'s police force as President Donald Trump sought to retake control of the situation after protests broke out over the country in the wake of the death of George Floyd.

Northam denied a request from the Pentagon for Virginia send between 3,000 and 5,000 members of its National Guard to the nation's capitol.




    1. All CAPS alert. All CAPS alert!


  2. One thing is clear. The state of Virginia and maryland is not your friend, and I live in maryland unfortunately until retirement, and then me and my money will leave for sure

  3. I didn’t know there was so many secret service. Had to be 80 plain cloths walking behind the President. Pretty cool.

  4. DC isn't his jurisdiction. I thought you were supposed to be pro-State's Rights.

  5. he could need somebody's guard sometime soon.
    we'll see.

  6. This Northam is a piece of scum.

  7. Delaware refused to send theirs also.

  8. Typical operation / mind control
    They let the idiot democrat do the right thing
    The population can’t decide if it is good or bad
    One commenter even pointed out the disconnect: I thought we favor State’s Rights?

    The American population is upside down and can no longer process what is happening. War is peace. Murdering babies is freedom. Debt is an asset. Printing currency from thin air is saving the economy. It goes on and on.


  9. He is saving them for tomorrow after folks wake up and see most of the Confederate Statues are removed by his executive order he just issued. Robert E. Lee is slated to be removed tonight and dumped in a shed to be stored till it is cut up for scrap.

  10. Anonymous said...
    DC isn't his jurisdiction. I thought you were supposed to be pro-State's Rights.

    June 3, 2020 at 4:19 PM

    Are you always a Liberal Ass!

  11. Carney did the same thing with Delaware!

    I say time to cut off Federal funds to those states.

  12. Anonymous said...
    He is saving them for tomorrow after folks wake up and see most of the Confederate Statues are removed by his executive order he just issued. Robert E. Lee is slated to be removed tonight and dumped in a shed to be stored till it is cut up for scrap.

    June 3, 2020 at 7:05 PM

    Link please.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    He is saving them for tomorrow after folks wake up and see most of the Confederate Statues are removed by his executive order he just issued. Robert E. Lee is slated to be removed tonight and dumped in a shed to be stored till it is cut up for scrap.

    June 3, 2020 at 7:05 PM

    Found it.

  14. He said that the mission was UNCLEAR.
    Just like North Carolina has said/requested

  15. Lock his ass up then for DisObeying Federal Orders !!!!

  16. 1115 do you clowns ever take time to consult actual facts or do you just enjoy making up these nonsense statements on your own?


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