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Wednesday, June 03, 2020


‘My momma can’t get her medicine’

A woman walking through a looted store on the southside of Chicago wept as she saw the destruction of the business she went into hoping to get food for her children and medicine for her grandmother.

“I’m walking through filth like I’m an animal. I feel like a God damn sewer rat. None of this is cool, my momma can’t get her medicine. What is she going to do without her medicine?” the sobbing woman asked.

Continuing, she added, “I got babies who need formula. Everything is gone and y’all out here stealing formula and selling it for double the price.”



  1. That’s ANTIFA for you they act like they are there to help but they are there to make it worse on blacks

  2. Northwest Woodsman: I’d be willing to bet that she is a democrat and if she voted she would vote for a democrat and the problems will continue. I’m share she does not recognize who is responsible for the rioting and looting and probably blames President Trump because she saw it on CNN.

  3. Two Shop Rite's in Philadelphia that the owner took a big leap of faith and built in urban " Food Deserts " and employed hundreds of locals looted to the bone. Two CVS's looted and set on fire and now people are crying. If it was that important to them why were they not out protecting those assets to their communities. Other neighborhoods did. Black and white neighbors came out together and kept the looters at bay. Many store owners spent the night in their shops unarmed and stood their ground too. These looters were not protesters they were just lazy cowardly punks. Anyone that showed any resistance was too much work for their impulsive spree. What people fear most now is that the punks will realize they could have been doing this all along they didn't need a riot or protest as an excuse and may just make it a habit. Which means some one else is going to get killed doing what they should not have been doing and this insanity is just going to spiral further.

    1. Why weren't they out protecting their assets?! Because if they did they would be shot with rubber bullets, taxes, maxed and beaten.

  4. She should have been there with a shotgun.

  5. Looks like Antifa is all whites destroying black and poor neighborhoods.

  6. It was her own people that did this...
    while the dumbocrats helped!

  7. 3:18 I don't care who she voted for, has nothing to do with what is going on. Really shut up.

  8. Suck it up Buttercup. Go and ask your brethren BLM to help you. start a gofundme for you. See what that gets you. You reap what you sow and you are getting a taste of it. Also get used to it. Black neighborhoods NEVER recover from riots and that is a fact. Parts of Baltimore city still to this day look the same as they did when the 1968 riots ended. That city for minorities has gone further down since. More crime more poverty no jobs less businesses especially black owned in black neighborhoods.
    Santa Monica SoHo in NYC and all the other affluent areas hit WILL recover and in no time there will be no evidence riots occurred there but again not in the black neighborhoods.

  9. Ma’am, That’s your people doing that to you.

    1. Obviously you haven't been seeing the countless videos of blacks trying to stop ANTIFA whites from destruction and looting. Guess you haven't seen the video of NYPD unloading bricks in an alley, or uniformed officers smashing windows, or watching a white girl graffiti a building while cops watched and even made suggestions on what to write. You are pathetic.

  10. She said the white people came from the north side down to there and did that.

    I'm calling B.S. on that !

    1. It's all on video and the videos are all over the internet. Guess you do just as much research for your "fact checking" as MSNBC.

  11. Hey northwest woodsman. Please provide the evidence and studies that support your claims about black people.

    1. He's not going to do that because he obviously didn't watch the video he's commenting on either.

  12. What's sad is how correct she is about everything said. Stop stereotyping people.
    She is better than most of the trash commenting here on this page.

  13. I can’t say it enough! This is 1968 repeating itself. Stop guessing what will happen next. Read history. What stopped this in 1968 will stop it again.SHOW OF FORCE,

  14. Russia needs to send 100,000 kick ass troops in and end this.


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